I don't know about that. While the Israeli-ME situation seems a mess to me that I can't work out - the one thing I agree with is that no religious state should possess nuclear missiles, as, normally:
- people understand that others aren't truly evil, just different, even if they don't like the differences (ie. it's hard for people to truly believe the use of a nuclear bomb is justified); and
- people have a sense of self-preservation (which is what prevented a US / Russia conflicted - the likelihood of mutual distruction)
Neither of these reasons would necessarily hold with a religious fanatic. That is not to say that religious fanatics are in charge in Iran (I wouldn't truly know about that), but that at some time in the future of any religious state, it is likely that extremists will come to power. Hence why I say
any religious state.
And I don't mean a State with a State religion, but places where the religion is the State. Close behind those in concern, for me, are places with higher percentages of radicalised religious adherents, like Pakistan. In my view, North Korea isn't as big of a worry. Of course all of this is said with the admission that I am not an expert on this topic, and may be wrong about some things.