I know the GM at Arby’s won’t ever come back around again. It’s been almost 4 years and she still wants NOTHING to do with me. Will the McDonald’s GM ever come back around? Is there ANY chance at all that he’ll care again just like he used to? All I’m asking is that he treats me like everyone else. He talks to my coworkers whenever he visits to borrow stuff from my store. I just need him to talk to me too. Then everything would be fair.
It’s hard to work with people I’m jealous of. Other people looked up to him too and they didn’t get the shitty consequences I got. They actually got positive results. But the biggest reason I became rude to them is because they started being rude first. The very day that GM blew me off for the first time, I cried in the restroom for half an hour, clocked on the whole time. I came out to find a few of my coworkers disgusted.
Then gradually more and more coworkers stopped associating with me at all. After that, I became rude and confrontational with almost everyone daily. Whenever they tell me they needed something done, I told them to go do it then. Once, I was playing candy crush right after lunch rush and a shift manager tried to remind me the company is paying me.
Me: yes I’m aware of that. That’s exactly why I’m standing around doing nothing.
She turned to my coworker and complained about my attitude. My attitude is really just defense mechanism after being walked out on by that GM and so many others before him. Now that I think about it, I’m dreading my return to work on Friday. How do I tell my current GM I want to transfer?