Baldimo wrote:DontTreadOnMe wrote:Baldimo wrote:DontTreadOnMe wrote:thanks baldi. i forgot about;
george soros.
richard mellon scaife, the money bags republican = good
george soros, the money bags democrat = bad
i just keep forgetting that in this brave new republican world, the rest of us are supposed to shut up, lay down and die.
ain't gonna happen. but thanks for thinking of us.
How much does Scaife contribute compaired to Soros? If it wasn't for Soros then well over half of the 527's wouldn't exist. He is a major funder of the left.
scaife has tossed out millions over the years from what i remember reading. if i get time i'll try to find a number later.
so what if soros is a major funder of the left ? his money, i guess he can spend it however he wants.
why does it bother you so much ? don't you believe in free and open elections ?
I love the idea of free and open elections. I have a problem with people not being honest about those people involved with politics that write checks and receive no attention. The left is always talking about how the Conservatives are throwing mud at people but forget about those in their camps who have done the same thing. The left spends more money then the right. With the help of Soros he has tried to influence the election and has said he will pledge everything he has to defeat Bush. If someone on the right had said this there would have been a scream for the left so loud you would have thought someone had died. Accusations of buying votes to having politicians in people's pockets. The right mentions Soros and the left says "So what". If the shoe was on the other foot they would be screaming and pounding fists.
dude... you have got to be kidding. of course the left throws mud. that's politics. i wish it wasn't, but it ain't nothing new.
nobody gets into office without doing the other guy in one way or another. some guys, like the unfortunate tank jockey, michael dukakis, do it to themselves.
speaking of "so what", i've been getting that for years from my conservative friends (yes baldi, i have quite a few. and we get along quite well..) when i point out that mellon-scaife practically funded the arkansas project single handedly.
i am curious though, where you get the impression that the left spends so much more than the right.
that's a strange remark coming from a conservative considering how much we heard before and during the election how the bush campaign was pulling it in hand over fist and had a war chest nearly double that of john kerry.
where i have a real problem with the mud slinging is when it's totally made up stuff or just complete horse crap.
that would be the whole swift boat campaign against kerry. as would, if true (because i'd never heard it before), the dems were putting out fliers about how black churches would burn if bush got elected.