Is freewill biblical or something we invented ?

Frank Apisa
Fri 20 Jan, 2023 01:08 pm
davidsheep88 wrote:

Frank you have promblem finally moving aside the John Deere -_- which is nothing to do with freewill as whole. Instead your blaming God it's your fault your promblems not God's now that were talking about tractors -_-. If God wanted tractors for ya he would made your legs like tractros or give your body meallic shape and like tractors, it isn't your fault okay stop blaming God.

Not sure where you got the idea that I am blaming some god for my "problems." I have very few problems...I am a very, very lucky guy...and there is no way I would ever blame any god...or anyone else for any problem I do have. They are mind; I own them.

So get off your bullshit.

Didn't you know, you knew God before he sent you here and part of his plan. You have to ask you if tractors are part of his plan or if not so, then fine you hae to find what was his plan for you. Probablt to know the meaning of life. ;D

Because you blindly guess there is a god...and further blindly guess that I knew that god at some point...does not make it so.

I have no problem with you or your blind guesses, but don't try to sell them here as fact.

So get off your bullshit.
Fri 20 Jan, 2023 07:53 pm
@Frank Apisa,
See that your in denail frank let go of that pain and just be happy. I don't have your years and wisdom no need to say those words. They prove your anger in life and you need to let go fo that anger please. Know that you have all the right o be angry at life and at me but not at God. You can hide your pain but please let go of it.
Fri 20 Jan, 2023 11:30 pm
Isaiah 7:15-16 is not talking about Jesus. It's talking about Isaiah's son Shear-jashub who is mentioned in Isaiah 7:3. Before Isaiah's son was old enough to choose between evil and good the land whose two kings that King Ahaz dreaded, that is, the land of Aram and the land of the Northern kingdom of Israel would be forsaken.

While the passage in Isaiah 7 is either a single prophesy with both a near term and a long term aspect to it, with the long term aspect being about the virgin birth of Jesus and the near term aspect being about King Ahaz's problem with the kings of Aram and Israel who intended to wage war with Jerusalem, or whether the passage is two separate prophecies, one about the virgin birth of Jesus and the other about the threat posed by the king of Aram and the king of Israel . . .either way it's regarded, verses 7 and 8 is a reference to the Norhern Kingdom of Israel and the kingdom of Aram being destroyed before Isaiah's son Shear-jashub is old enough to choose good over evil.

To make that clear to you, Jesus had not incarnated, had not been born yet. Jesus had not been born before the Northern kingdom of Israel and the land of Aram were destroyed.

Isaiah 7:15-16 refers to Isaiah's son Shear-jashub not yet being old enough to choose good over evil (with the implication being that he once he was old enough he could choose good over evil) before the threat to Jerusalem from the kings of Israel and Aram was eliminated.

A person can certainly come to God through Jesus in response to the gospel message. That's the purpose of the Gospel. In John 5:40, Jesus told the Pharisees that they were not willing to come to him for life. He didn't say that they couldn't come to him.
Fri 20 Jan, 2023 11:32 pm
The atheist, Christopher Hitchens, probably said it best. Even a dog or a monkey can make their limbs move when they want to. That isn't free will. Just because you can walk from one side of the room to the other doesn't mean you have free will.

Free will consists of doing something toward a purpose you understand, but which is not necessarily evident to the rest of the world. In fact, when all of the evidence says that you are doing the wrong thing, you will keep on going doing what you are doing because you know by free will that you are doing the right thing.

Free will is about choice. It isn't about making the right choice. It doesn't mean that you have all of the information you need to make that choice. It says nothing about ignorance. It only says something about having choice.

The best example of free will in the bible is the idea of the importance of love. It is possible to live life and interact with other human beings purely according to sets of laws that construct those interactions.

It is possible for a person who acts that way to do everything a person who chooses love does. But the person who chooses love will do it out of the conviction of their decisions, while the other person will have to learn every last behavior.

They will never be a fully independent being. It has to do with faith. It isn't just about how good love is, but the importance of the triumph of good!

How can you make that decision, though, if you haven't heard the word? What God does is stir up in you the kernel you need to even ask the questions. God helps you be honest with yourself in this way.

Honesty with yourself is different than whether you are guaranteed all of the information. I don't think free will is about getting into a state of lying to one's self, though it can be. There is a way that the worship of things like freedom can confuse people, and prevent them from listening any more deeply than to believe simply. Free will was never meant to stay simple, though. It is beholden to concepts such as intimacy. It is beholden to love.
Frank Apisa
Sat 21 Jan, 2023 06:09 am
davidsheep88 wrote:

See that your in denail frank let go of that pain and just be happy. I don't have your years and wisdom no need to say those words. They prove your anger in life and you need to let go fo that anger please. Know that you have all the right o be angry at life and at me but not at God. You can hide your pain but please let go of it.

I am not in denial, David. I am not an angry person.

I understand that you have made a blind guess that there is a god...and that you must worship that god. But to suppose everyone else must make that same blind guess is an absurdity.

Go in peace, David.
0 Replies
Frank Apisa
Sat 21 Jan, 2023 06:12 am
davidsheep88 wrote:

The atheist, Christopher Hitchens, probably said it best. Even a dog or a monkey can make their limbs move when they want to. That isn't free will. Just because you can walk from one side of the room to the other doesn't mean you have free will.

Free will consists of doing something toward a purpose you understand, but which is not necessarily evident to the rest of the world. In fact, when all of the evidence says that you are doing the wrong thing, you will keep on going doing what you are doing because you know by free will that you are doing the right thing.

Free will is about choice. It isn't about making the right choice. It doesn't mean that you have all of the information you need to make that choice. It says nothing about ignorance. It only says something about having choice.

The best example of free will in the bible is the idea of the importance of love. It is possible to live life and interact with other human beings purely according to sets of laws that construct those interactions.

It is possible for a person who acts that way to do everything a person who chooses love does. But the person who chooses love will do it out of the conviction of their decisions, while the other person will have to learn every last behavior.

They will never be a fully independent being. It has to do with faith. It isn't just about how good love is, but the importance of the triumph of good!

How can you make that decision, though, if you haven't heard the word? What God does is stir up in you the kernel you need to even ask the questions. God helps you be honest with yourself in this way.

Honesty with yourself is different than whether you are guaranteed all of the information. I don't think free will is about getting into a state of lying to one's self, though it can be. There is a way that the worship of things like freedom can confuse people, and prevent them from listening any more deeply than to believe simply. Free will was never meant to stay simple, though. It is beholden to concepts such as intimacy. It is beholden to love.

There is no way the person who wrote the post to which I responded just above...is also the person who wrote this post.

This one is way too intelligent and well written to be the product of the person who wrote that one.

Someone is cheating...and supposedly "cheating" is one of the things that offends your god, David.
Sat 21 Jan, 2023 09:27 am
@Frank Apisa,
Frank buddy your taking this a littel too far your promblem is the same so many I encountered just let go of the past. God put you in your place to know the meaning of life and you know and I know you have to be ahppy with what you have your making too much of a noise about one post. Okay no need to angry Frank let go of your anger please let us talk about freewill.

Your promblem is the same as everyone i met you have conflict with god's will inside of you, you just want fight argue with him. You say have peace with others be in peace with his will ;D. I'm not the enemy do not want to fight and say your but there your wrong just be inside in god's will and easy by having faith and love that is all. Please do that yourself and you will see you obtained that relationship with God ;D.
Frank Apisa
Sat 21 Jan, 2023 12:53 pm
davidsheep88 wrote:

Frank buddy your taking this a littel too far your promblem is the same so many I encountered just let go of the past. God put you in your place to know the meaning of life and you know and I know you have to be ahppy with what you have your making too much of a noise about one post. Okay no need to angry Frank let go of your anger please let us talk about freewill.

Your promblem is the same as everyone i met you have conflict with god's will inside of you, you just want fight argue with him. You say have peace with others be in peace with his will ;D. I'm not the enemy do not want to fight and say your but there your wrong just be inside in god's will and easy by having faith and love that is all. Please do that yourself and you will see you obtained that relationship with God ;D.

And the guy who wrote this abomination...is not the same person who wrote the one I referred to earlier.

I do appreciate the fact that you are doing so much blind guessing...about gods all that kind of thing. And I acknowledge that I get a bit of fun out of the efforts you put into attempting to make your blind guesses more than just blind guesses. I've been at these kinds of discussions for a long time, David. This is not the most intellectual I've ever engaged in. In fact, it does not even come close.

Do continue. I'll be here with you.
Sun 22 Jan, 2023 04:07 pm
@Frank Apisa,
We were talking about prayer moving mountains.

Of course you were. Games?
Sun 22 Jan, 2023 06:26 pm
@Frank Apisa,
Frank you take time for granted saying you've been in this discussion , why you need to take time everyday and enjoy it. Your oposition to God's will and saying. Now come on Frank your really here because you don't like that God controls you ! You don't like every human here your plan and your fate and every thought was planned by God and is part of his divine plan.

Some parts are and some aren't you have freedom to choose to be free in your mind or be a slave to your mind. Whatever you choose you do not have control but you still don't know if you put things in God's hands and let him decide for you can change all that and do something that people can't do and live happy under his will and that is having perfect freewill because he change it al for you.

Unless you let go of that anger and say that God is right and not me since i'm nobody you understand about freewill and be used like he wanted man like Adam and be like jesus who had perfect freewill.

You are just child, you never chose your path the world did that for you and God let you choose to let him help you or you do things like you always want.

Me,me,me,me and mine,mine,mine and it's what humans only want is that they they want they are never free from yourself. Your worst enemy Frank is not God or the mailman or your neightbor (could be him ;D) but your, your worst enemy and need to defeat yourself and let him control you from now on. Can you do that Frank ? Been old what do you have to lose ? Just try it and you see how life changes for ya .
Sun 22 Jan, 2023 06:39 pm
I believe God's love for us is beyond human understanding. I also believe because of this same love, He has given us free will. Free will to spend eternity in heaven with Him or not. He does NOT force Himself on anyone, EVER. When I read near death experiences I am always amazed at the interaction between God/Jesus and the person having the question of freewill. Time and time again, God only wants what we want. "Do you want to stay or go back?" God asks. What a loving God. He saved us and he lets us choose does not force.

However, I also believe this free will forces 'Scoundrels' to rather hide under a rock than face any all-powerful God/Light. But when anyone in this dark place (their own making) call out to God, He comes quickly. Learnt o love and understand freewill.
Frank Apisa
Mon 23 Jan, 2023 04:00 am
Leadfoot wrote:

We were talking about prayer moving mountains.

Of course you were. Games?

On your part...YES.

On my part...NO.
Mon 23 Jan, 2023 04:03 am
@Frank Apisa,
It depends where the dirt is, if say mine is on a moutain prone to avalanches and yours is in an area inaccessible to humans then you wouldn't have a prayer.

(I'm so sorry.)
0 Replies
Frank Apisa
Mon 23 Jan, 2023 04:12 am
davidsheep88 wrote:

Frank you take time for granted saying you've been in this discussion , why you need to take time everyday and enjoy it. Your oposition to God's will and saying. Now come on Frank your really here because you don't like that God controls you ! You don't like every human here your plan and your fate and every thought was planned by God and is part of his divine plan.

Some parts are and some aren't you have freedom to choose to be free in your mind or be a slave to your mind. Whatever you choose you do not have control but you still don't know if you put things in God's hands and let him decide for you can change all that and do something that people can't do and live happy under his will and that is having perfect freewill because he change it al for you.

Unless you let go of that anger and say that God is right and not me since i'm nobody you understand about freewill and be used like he wanted man like Adam and be like jesus who had perfect freewill.

You are just child, you never chose your path the world did that for you and God let you choose to let him help you or you do things like you always want.

Me,me,me,me and mine,mine,mine and it's what humans only want is that they they want they are never free from yourself. Your worst enemy Frank is not God or the mailman or your neightbor (could be him ;D) but your, your worst enemy and need to defeat yourself and let him control you from now on. Can you do that Frank ? Been old what do you have to lose ? Just try it and you see how life changes for ya .

David, you have this thing so wrong...it is almost an insult to the word "wrong" to use it in this case.

You seem to think you are correct in your amateurish psychological diagnosis of me, my motives, and my intentions. I assure you...you are not correct. And if your ability to put your ideas into written form is any indication of your intellectual prowess, you should not even be attempting this kind of thing.

I have no problem with you making blind guesses about the ultimate REALITY of existence, but you really should not be suggesting that everyone else must make those same blind guesses in order to be satisfied in this life.

I am here participating in this discussion because I have been part of this community since the late 1990's...when it started in Abuzz. During that time, I have almost always participated in such discussions. If you have a problem with that...tough!
0 Replies
Frank Apisa
Mon 23 Jan, 2023 04:13 am
davidsheep88 wrote:

I believe God's love for us is beyond human understanding. I also believe because of this same love, He has given us free will. Free will to spend eternity in heaven with Him or not. He does NOT force Himself on anyone, EVER. When I read near death experiences I am always amazed at the interaction between God/Jesus and the person having the question of freewill. Time and time again, God only wants what we want. "Do you want to stay or go back?" God asks. What a loving God. He saved us and he lets us choose does not force.

However, I also believe this free will forces 'Scoundrels' to rather hide under a rock than face any all-powerful God/Light. But when anyone in this dark place (their own making) call out to God, He comes quickly. Learnt o love and understand freewill.

Interesting blind guesses, David. I get a kick out of them.
0 Replies
Mon 23 Jan, 2023 07:47 pm
Frank would have us believe that he takes the question of 'God' seriously, but I have seen no evidence of that. Unless it is to cast doubt on it that is. He wants you to know he is very serious about that, and I believe him.
Frank Apisa
Tue 24 Jan, 2023 05:02 am
Leadfoot wrote:

Frank would have us believe that he takes the question of 'God' seriously, but I have seen no evidence of that. Unless it is to cast doubt on it that is. He wants you to know he is very serious about that, and I believe him.

I do not cast doubt on the question of whether any gods exist.

I simply do not know if any exist.

You see no evidence of that because you do not want to...or because you are very stupid. I am not sure of which it is.
Tue 24 Jan, 2023 02:24 pm
@Frank Apisa,
Lack of 'Want' is not my problem Frank. And I don’t believe you think I’m stupid.
Frank Apisa
Tue 24 Jan, 2023 02:52 pm
Leadfoot wrote:

Lack of 'Want' is not my problem Frank. And I don’t believe you think I’m stupid.

I have no idea if you are stupid or not. But if you are not...then you are being dishonest.

I have explained my position on the questions being addressed in the threads where you participate. You seem unable or unwilling to understand that position. So if you are not stupid...then it does involve "want."
Tue 24 Jan, 2023 06:08 pm
@Frank Apisa,
The scientist goes to into A forum in famous museum hosting if God exist or not ? In paris and shows to the world that God does not exist and he neither good or evil ,Church minister ask a scientist if an apple is sweet or sour that he is eating and the scientist said " it is impossible to know that" and the minister said " just like you can't prove God exist but you know an apple exist, you do knot the know the truth ? " it shows that Frank you can't tell God exist but still you know an apple exists and someone created that apple.

Our God gave us to choose and make our won future and you can change your future if you put God first in life.

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