Oh, now I remember!
It was...
...ah, shyt...gone again.
I hqven't kept dope in the house for a long time because of my kids... but I make no bones about the fact that when I retire I intend to revisit certain treats
and I'll probably try some x, although everything I hear tells me it's just watered down MDA... which I probably still have somewhere in my system left over from the mid 70's
no speed though...any kind anywhere. that **** is baaaaaad for you.
I think the drug of the future is a mixture of hallucinogens and viagara for old guys.... you can hit it long and hard and pretend your old lady is nineteen again :wink:
Lash wrote:Whoever said the pot has gotten good enough has my vote.
I hid my pot a week ago.
...I can't find it.

I lived with a chick who did that to herself constantly. Years later I was still finding little packages where you'd least expect it.
Quote:I think the drug of the future is a mixture of hallucinogens and viagara for old guys.... you can hit it long and hard and pretend your old lady is nineteen again
If you want to pretend she's nineteen, don't you just want to mix boner pills and booze?
Come on Framk, you can do it, I know you can.
I thought it was so funny in NYC with you guys when you were on your way to the hospital and the cop asked what had happened. He was told that you had had a few drinks and maybe a little pot. He nodded and went back to his discussion with Dys about retiring in New Mexico.
I love New York.
OCCOM BILL wrote:Lash wrote:Whoever said the pot has gotten good enough has my vote.
I hid my pot a week ago.
...I can't find it.

I lived with a chick who did that to herself constantly. Years later I was still finding little packages where you'd least expect it.

Nice little surprizes!
I'm just a little freaked out that my daughter will borrow a jacket and find it in a pocket.....
I quit everything for twenty years while the kids were at home. Respect to you for the ...sacrifice. Like the Alan Arkin character on Little Miss Sunshine..."If you do that **** when you're young, you're crazy. If you DON'T do it when your old, you're crazy."
Of course, he was snorting heroin.
The shyt always made me stupid(er). I only got about 1 1/2 functioning braincells now, and two of those are borrowed.
It sort of has the Dr. Johnny Fever effect on me. I watch a movie and am inundated with all the details I overlooked....
I'm sharp as a tack!
(But, then I have to take a nap.)
(And it is a GOOD nap.)
Diane wrote:Come on Framk, you can do it, I know you can.
I thought it was so funny in NYC with you guys when you were on your way to the hospital and the cop asked what had happened. He was told that you had had a few drinks and maybe a little pot. He nodded and went back to his discussion with Dys about retiring in New Mexico.
I love New York.
Last thing the duty nurse at the hospital emergency room mentioned before throwing me out the door the next morning was...
..."and you really shouldn't be smokin' that stuff."
We exchanged smiles...and I headed to the train station...a better man for my ordeal. I stayed off the stuff for the entire next day.
Quote:Like the Alan Arkin character on Little Miss Sunshine..."If you do that **** when you're young, you're crazy. If you DON'T do it when your old, you're crazy."
"Not one woman. A LOT of women."
patiodog wrote:Quote:Like the Alan Arkin character on Little Miss Sunshine..."If you do that **** when you're young, you're crazy. If you DON'T do it when your old, you're crazy."
"Not one woman. A LOT of women."
See? He's FULL of good advice.
I used to heat it up and mix it with tobacco, then smoke it through a water pipe. That was years ago now.
As I understand, a common method of partaking involves cutting or chipping roughly match-head-sized chunks off the purchase-unit mass, then placing one of the smaller bits into a small, screened, metal smoking bowl, applying direct flame to the bit while inhaling strongly. I understand common practice is to prepare several suitable-for-consumption bits in advance of partaking, particularly when two or more participants are expected to be involved. I understand a flat, smooth surface, such as that provided by a typical hand-held grooming mirror, serves well to aid portioning out the consumption units.
A fellow well known to me once was camping with several freinds, and allegedly had some fair quantity hash, which purportedly he had prepared in such manner, setting the mirror with its cargo atop a cooler on the ground conveniently out-of-the-way, safe from disturbance, under the campsite's picnic table pending intended near-future group participation in the above-descibed ritual.
Arriving back at the campsite from a dip in the nearby lake, this fellow's partner took up the mirror to primp and arrange her hair or some such, and, on noticing the bits on the mirror's surface, scowled, exclaimed "Damn! There's grit and dirt everywhere", then irritatedly brushed the offending bits onto the sand & gravel, leaf and pine-needle strewn ground below.
I understand considerable shock and dismay ensued directly consequent to the lady's fastidious behavior.
Has anybody tried that new weed " Instant Retard"?
It's good $hit.
Hey Amigo, thanks for opening the thread. It is fun to see Timber's always trenchant posts.
So what is this stuff? Remember what Snood said about his experience smoking? Maybe he should stay away from this renewed thread or he will lose those remaining brain cells.
did anyone ever heat up two knives and then slap the hash between them and inhale the smoke? that worked well....
How to ingest hash? First, learn how to make brownies.