sublime1 wrote:Bi-Polar Bear wrote:hallucinating is fabulous IMHO...
Unless you are in Amsterdam wandering around trying to figure out how to get back to your hotel at 3 in the morning and all the streets are big circles.
Actually in retrospect that was pretty cool.
Steve? Is that you?
Steve and I did the Amsterdam wander back in the day with a couple of space cakes in our pockets. Desperately hungry, out of cash, wondering, "If we eat these now, will the sugar make us smart enough to figure out where home is before they make us even more ridiculously high?"
And some American girls had painted my toenails silver while I was sleeping earlier in the day and rough-looking dudes kept shooting funny looks at my sandaled feet. Nicht gut.
NickFun wrote:I'll bet you got pretty wasted Littlek!
Who me? Nonono.... it was my friend.
This is beginning to turn into a dreamy trip into those foggy San Franscico days. John Lennon in Golden Gate Park. Ahhhhh....
How do you smoke hash? Hmmm... If it's good Manali (a hill station in Northern India) Hash - you buy a fresh, pure, round gumball-sized soft ball of Hash for about 25 cents - enough for two joints. Then you buy a pack of cigarettes and a book of matches and head into the hills with some beer and some sandwiches. And some cannolis. You find yourself a gentle, green, sun-dappled slope to spread your blanket and lay out your stuff. You crack open your cigarette pack - shaking a couple out. You hold one between the palms of your hand, and gently roll all the tobacco out onto a piece of paper. Save that cigarette 'shell.' You take out that ball of hash and divide it into two. Then you light two matchsticks, simultaneously, holding them like.....ummm...chopsticks?, place one half of the hash onto your other palm and lift the ball with the burning matchsticks. *Just* as it starts smoking - you blow it out. Then you crumble it gently in your palm, you add two pinches of the shaken out tobaccy into it - and slowly, lovingly ease the mixture back into the cigarette shell. Then, with a little tiny pair of scissors, you snip half of the filter off.
Now you're ready. Open your beer, lean against a 100-year old tree, light that joint - for a slow, smooth high.

Do you people live in caves?
... I was enjoying _heatwave's_ pastoral moment when this guy, with a wedge of cheese where his head should be, walked by ... I think, but no, I must be wrong, but it seems he was trying to sell some kitchen appliance ....
That's some good stuff.
Desperate times call for desperate measures.
Remove the insert from a biro or other disposable pen
Place the desired amount of hash on an unheated knife blade
Heat a pointy knife blade on the stove until red hot (gas or electric or camp fire)
Place the pen cylinder in your mouth positioned close to the hash.
Quickly press the hot knife blade onto the hash and inhale through the pen cylinder.
Tin foil makes a reasonable cone for an emergency bong. Only use the same cone two or three times. The tinfoil tends to burn and disintergrate.
carry an emergency supply of plasticine to seal around the pipe.
ah ha! bluetack!.. kids these days have it so easy.
Aha! Finally, the hot knife method.
Caution: Do not use paper for the cone, or you may need to explain why you have no eyebrows.
Tico wrote:Aha! Finally, the hot knife method
Where you been ... stoned? That came in pages ago, back
HERE - did you really miss it, or did you just forget?
I missed completly! Which is why I posted.
By the way we called it "spotting"
Timber, do you know about this volcano? I'm really feeling like an old fogey.
What a neat way to get high.
Diane wrote:Timber, do you know about this volcano? I'm really feeling like an old fogey.
What a neat way to get high.
I'm not much of a smoker myself, but I know some experts... and that's what they were using. When I searched for the pic for the thread, I learned that it earned the "Best New Product" in 2003 from High Times.

Apparently, it removes most of the nasties from the smoke and I'm sure you can imagine how much easier it is on your lunges. Enjoy!
dadpad wrote:Place the pen cylinder in your mouth positioned close to the hash.
Quickly press the hot knife blade onto the hash and inhale through the pen cylinder.
we never used any kind of inhaling device, just got right in there
after the first couple of hits you didn't even notice the lip burns
dadpad wrote:I missed completly! Which is why I posted.
By the way we called it "spotting"
All right, dadpad. An Aussie friend always used to say "You strappin'?" when he wanted someone to roll up a spliff. I figured he was just borrowing slang from junkies, but maybe he meant something else?
OBill, that's what appealed to me. I would like a joint or a brownie occasionally, between times certain friends visit, but don't like the idea of smoking. This thing looks great, especially for those who are using marijuana for medicinal purposes, along with the rest of us who would just like to get a little buzz once in awhile
...jeez, I forgot what I was gonna say, but I am sure it was important.
Diane wrote:OBill, that's what appealed to me. I would like a joint or a brownie occasionally, between times certain friends visit, but don't like the idea of smoking. This thing looks great, especially for those who are using marijuana for medicinal purposes, along with the rest of us who would just like to get a little buzz once in awhile
I couldn't testify to being able to get a
little buzz from it. :wink: It's as if you aren't even holding a hit... or so I've heard...
Whoever said the pot has gotten good enough has my vote.
I hid my pot a week ago.
...I can't find it.