Quote:Anything involving more than a couple bucks in parts is just showing off.
Hypothetically speaking, a buddy recently laughed at the $3 piece I would have had for many years if I had such things. Of course, he hypothetically would use one of those $60 glass jobs that's inevitably going to get broken in your pocket when you bump into the corner of the pool table.
Quote:How do you smoke Hash?
In the company of good friends. with great stoner music and a ready supply of munchies
You need a hash pipe. You can get one at any good tobacconists.
I once did hash and shrooms together. Never again! From now on it's either one or the other for THIS guy!
The suggestion of a hash enema combined with your signature line kinda grosses me out, Amigo.
Pass the cannolis.
(What's wrong with hot knives? They free, available, don't add anything undesirable....)
Pass the cannolis.
Did I already say that?
Pass more cannolis.

yes, now that is nasty. I'm going to change it.
Smoke it? eeewwww, gross.
Who wants to inhale potato smoke? Or even worse, burnt roast beef smoke?
I prefer the old fashioned way--in an oven or a frying pan.
Maybe with a fried egg on top. Hard to fit the fried egg in a pipe.
How the hell did I miss this thread? I havent smoked any hash in a long time but only because I can't find any. I love hash. I'd do it any ole way that's been mentioned here except directly up the ass. For that, you do a well used bong water enema.
hash and acid.... man that's a great combo. and hash oil.... holy ****!!!!
Weed is so strong now adays why the hell do people even need hash.
How stoned do people want to get for christ sake??? permanently retarded!
I see Tico and I are the only ones to enjoy cannoli..
I've only smoked four or five joints since the 60's and those few joints were much stronger than in the old days. Why is it stronger? Has it been hybridized?
Some friends passed a joint around a couple of years ago and I was hallucinating. Not a lot, but I really had to concentrate to follow the conversation--there was also a little visual hallucination going on as well. I decided right there that I didn't have the capacity for the really good new stuff. It was good, but I didn't like hallucinating even though it was sort of pleasant.
To me, pot was wonderful for just sitting and listening to good music, jazz, rock, or classical. That stuff was like having a drink in the evening, but realizing that it is so strong that you wind up feeling drunk instead of relaxed.
Oh yeah, pass the cannolis--the new, edible form of pot.
hallucinating is fabulous IMHO...
Bi-Polar Bear wrote:hallucinating is fabulous IMHO...
Unless you are in Amsterdam wandering around trying to figure out how to get back to your hotel at 3 in the morning and all the streets are big circles.
Actually in retrospect that was pretty cool.
A word of advice - if ever you're walking along the beach and encounter an enormous silver-scaled, fire-breathing, lamp-eyed, winged serpent, don't offer to share your stash with it; you'll never see your stash or that damned critter again. Trust me on that.
that's why you always wear a garlic garland on those outings dude.....
Back in high school, I ..... er..... heard of someone smoking hash this way. They broke off a small clump (about a match head) and stuck it on the tip of a pin which had been stuck through a piece of cardboard. Having a glass handy, they lit the clump afire then blew it out. The glass was immediately placed over the smoking clump. When that person was ready to take a, I think she called it, 'HIT' of smoke, the glass was slide slightly over the edge of the cardboard and the smoke inhaled out of the open space between the edge of the cardboard and the rim of the glass.
I'll bet you got pretty wasted Littlek!