Drink a can of beer.
Smash in can a bit in the middle. Poke seven or eight holes with a needle/push pin in the indentation. Crumble said hash on top of the holes in the indentation. Light hash, suck.
Thank me later.
I think it depends on how oily the hash
dry hash-load in bowl straight
semi dry-load on bowl of weed
oily-smoke like opium(Thats what iv'e been smoking)
i usually, break off a good sized chunk, wrap it in some foil, heat it up with a lighter, this makes it soft and easy to crumble, mix with some tobacco, grab some papers and roll another number for the road
djjd62,Knows what hes talking about
Lash wrote:Nah.
Drink a can of beer.
Smash in can a bit in the middle. Poke seven or eight holes with a needle/push pin in the indentation. Crumble said hash on top of the holes in the indentation. Light hash, suck.
Thank me later.
tastes like burned beer and burned beer can, but you are a constant source of amazement...
I with senor nation i'm to old to smoke out of a damn beercan,come to think of it i,m to old to be smoking hash
I saw it on McGuyver... <smiles wryly>
Anyway. I thought you wanted to smoke it NOW, using average household items...
Guess you're not in a hurry.
Now I want some hash thanx.damn stoners
dlowan wrote:Or shave it or crumble it and smoke it in a joint. Or even a damn cigarette. Or eat it.
Put it in won't taste anything but chocolately goodness.
Amigo wrote:I with senor nation i'm to old to smoke out of a damn beercan,come to think of it i,m to old to be smoking hash

You are never too old to smoke hash! In fact, I think it gets better with age.... :wink:
This thread is great. I love you people.
Steve (as 41oo) wrote:there is a technique of combining hash intake with colonic irrigation, but its only for yogic masters. And I'm not one.
I,m just gonna stick it in my ass.I,m like a mexican yogic master.I'm gonna need alot
Can someone go get some nachos?
A colonic?
People will always eventually put everything up their ass.
<shakes head...eats Cheeto>
If it will get me high ill put it in my ass
dlowan wrote:Or shave it or crumble it and smoke it in a joint. Or even a damn cigarette. Or eat it.
come to think about it I better
get an ounce of hash eat half,put half in my ass and when the doctor ask why i did it i,ll tell them the people on A2K told me to.You people are nuts
Bob Snider
Now if all this ash
used to be hash
what the heck time is it now?
Last thing I remember
I was looking at my stash
Just before the late late show.
Then we threw a couple of movies in the VCR
and I remember driving buddy home in the car.
Well I got no gas so we couldn't have gone far.
What the heck time is it now?
Oh my weary and aching head.
Come on, I've got to get some thinking done.
I can't remember where I put the bed.
Well I ain't moved it since '71.
I got a real sneaky feeling I'm about to fall down.
I hope I can find my way to the ground.
I'd hate to spend the whole night afloatin' around
in the condition I'm in.
You know what I think I better do?
First thing in the morning
I'm giving myself a break.
You kind of get a warning
when your fingernails and eyelids ache.
Well it might be closer to the afternoon
but the big point is I'm gonna do it soon.
There ain't nothing underneath this moon
will ever make me toke another take
Y'know I'm feeling better just thinking
about how much better I'm gonna feel.
Hey, what's that on the table?
Why it looks like a little chunk.
I bet old Petey dropped that there;
he always was a drunk.
Well it looks so good just sitting there.
I believe what I need is a bite of the hair.
Doggone stuff is like a breath of fresh air.
I think I'm gonna sell the farm - buy more.
I think I'm gonna sell the farm - I'll find the door
and then I think I'm gonna sell the farm.