ebrown_p wrote:1. Yes, I am profiling police officers. It seems likely I am right, but technically you have a point. What of it?
Profiling them makes you just another bigot, albeit of a profession.
ebrown_p wrote:2. I haven't condemned violations of law in others in this thread-- and I am not sure if I ever have. Buffoonery has nothing to do with the law.
If your condemnation of the police in question is not based on them overstepping their legal authority, what is it based on?
ebrown_p wrote:3. Read the first sentence of the article.
I did. It says no such thing. There is no statement of cause and effect there.
ebrown_p wrote:4. Sure. But what do you expect from an outlaw.
Prejudice is prejudice. It's not bad in others but okay in you. Don't ever conndemn prejudice in others here again. You no longer possess that moral authority.