State arrests Illegal Immigrant for Trespassing

Reply Sat 16 Jul, 2005 02:29 pm
We should be able to exchange our criminal mexicans for a good one.Well call it the good mexican bad mexican exchange program
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Reply Sat 16 Jul, 2005 03:59 pm
We will gladly send them back and you can keep the change. Please.
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Reply Sat 16 Jul, 2005 04:02 pm
whose gonna pick your fruit.You want to pay five bucks for an apple.Your higher ups would never let cheap mexican labour go.Our weakening economy won't allow it.you have no say in the matter your only a consumer like me
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Reply Sat 16 Jul, 2005 04:08 pm
ebrown_p wrote:
Some people just need to Lighten Up!

These police chiefs are back-woods buffoons... nothing more.

You will notice that all of the towns where this is happening are pearly white middle class towns. I grew up in Southern small town New Hampshire. These are the same towns where black drivers routinely get pulled over (and I have personal experience with this).

Imagine what would happen if this kind of "enforcement" happened a diverse community, let's say Manhatten. Do you think it is to the benefit of law enforcement to alienate a significant proportion of the people living in the community? Do you think making people fear and distrust police makes it easier to fight terrorism.

This is pure white upper-middle-class hypocritical idiocy.

We all are willing break laws in cases where we aren't breaking our own moral code-- especially in cases where we are helping our families (or defending the Iraq policy of our boss).

Why do you utterly ignore the other side of the equation? The person involved was guilty of illegal immigration and the federal authorities couldn't or wouldn't do anything about it. If it is wrong that the local authorities overstepped their bounds, is it not also wrong for a lawbreaker to be able to act with utter impunity?
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Reply Sat 16 Jul, 2005 04:10 pm
Amigo wrote:
I used to live a half hour from the tiajuana border in San diego(the busiest border crossing in the world). theres mile long stretches of nothing and I mean nothing.No border patrol, no fence,no kidding.Theres so many mexicans in california even the mexicans think theres to many mexicans.My own grandfather crossed the border alone as an orphan his brothers and sisters were starving.His dad died fighting the revelution then his mom died leaving him to do what he had to do,head for the U.S.. I don't think I would be alive today if it weren't for the U.S..I definitly wouldn't chatting on a forum drinking a hot cup of coffee. P.S. Don't tip toe around me ,were adults. I dont get insulted easily you could call me a beaner and tell me to go back to mexico and we could still talk.My family is from East L.A.

I sympathize with your grandfather's plight, and I'm glad you enjoy a decent standard of living today, but it hardly excuses current and future violators of the law or federal authorities who appear bored by their duties.
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Reply Sat 16 Jul, 2005 04:13 pm
Amigo wrote:
whose gonna pick your fruit.You want to pay five bucks for an apple.Your higher ups would never let cheap mexican labour go.Our weakening economy won't allow it.you have no say in the matter your only a consumer like me

No, but it's infinitely preferrable to having foreign nationals able to move here with no oversight, and federal authorities who can't or won't enforce the law.
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Reply Sat 16 Jul, 2005 04:16 pm
It does not take 11 million illegals to pick fruit.
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ebrown p
Reply Sat 16 Jul, 2005 04:21 pm
Brandon wrote:

Why do you utterly ignore the other side of the equation? The person involved was guilty of illegal immigration and the federal authorities couldn't or wouldn't do anything about it. If it is wrong that the local authorities overstepped their bounds, is it not also wrong for a lawbreaker to be able to act with utter impunity?

I don't ignore it. I kind of laugh at it.

I have broken the law many times. For immigrants to survive here many citizens break laws. I bet you have broken the law on occasion.

Look at our history. Early patriots dumped tea in Boston Harbor. People hid runaway slaves. Prohibition came, people drank and prohibition went. Homosexuals fell in love. Blacks rode at the front of the bus.

I am free. I live my life according to what I think is just. My family and friends come first. If this makes me an outlaw... so be it. I am just glad we live in a country where outlaws have rights.

I respect the laws I believe in, but immigration laws are not only hypocritical and unenforceable, the are often inhumane. If the choice is defy a law in a way that hurts nobody, or send a hardworking immigrant with a family back to certain poverty, I will choose to defy the law any time.

Call me a outlaw if you want. It makes me feel kind of rugged.
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Reply Sat 16 Jul, 2005 04:22 pm
Sounds like a bad joke doesn't it.We didn't cross the border the border crossed us Laughing
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Reply Sat 16 Jul, 2005 04:26 pm
ebrown_p wrote:
Brandon wrote:

I don't ignore it. I kind of laugh at it.

I have broken the law many times. For immigrants to survive here many citizens break laws. I bet you have broken the law on occasion.

Look at our history. Early patriots dumped tea in Boston Harbor. People hid runaway slaves. Prohibition came, people drank and prohibition went. Homosexuals fell in love. Blacks rode at the front of the bus.

I am free. I live my life according to what I think is just. My family and friends come first. If this makes me an outlaw... so be it. I am just glad we live in a country where outlaws have rights.

I respect the laws I believe in, but immigration laws are not only hypocritical and unenforceable, the are often inhumane. If the choice is defy a law in a way that hurts nobody, or send a hardworking immigrant with a family back to certain poverty, I will choose to defy the law any time.

Call me a criminal if you want. It makes me feel kind of rugged.

So you blame the local police for charging the illegal immigrant with trespassing when they found that the INS wouldn't act, but advocate general disobedience to the immigration laws?

You believe all laws attempting to regulate immigration into the US should be repealed and, if not repealed should be ignored?
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Reply Sat 16 Jul, 2005 04:30 pm
We have been through this before. I am aware that you believe in selective enforcement. In that you feel you have the right to select which laws to obey and which to ignore. Image if everyone felt as you do. Hell if you don't like a law than just ignore it. We would have one hell of a lawless society.
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ebrown p
Reply Sat 16 Jul, 2005 04:37 pm

We have been through this before. And I have shown before that our history is full of selective enforcement on many issues-- from prohibition to runaway slaves to homosexual relationships to integrated lunch counters.

Unreasonable laws have always been ignored by Americans until they are changed.

Our country seems to have survived.

This "law abiding society" argument is hypocricy. The real issue is that many of you feel that the US should be primarily an English-speaking European nation.

If this were not the case, there wouldn't be such opposition to our efforts to change our immigration laws to a way that is enforceable, meet the needs of business and above all humane.
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Reply Sat 16 Jul, 2005 04:41 pm
ebrown_p wrote:

We have been through this before. And I have shown before that our history is full of selective enforcement on many issues-- from prohibition to runaway slaves to homosexual relationships to integrated lunch counters.

Unreasonable laws have always been ignored by Americans until they are changed.

Our country seems to have survived.

This "law abiding society" argument is hypocricy. The real issue is that many of you feel that the US should be primarily an English-speaking European nation.

If this were not the case, there wouldn't be such opposition to our efforts to change our immigration laws to a way that is enforceable, meet the needs of business and above all humane.

1. So you do advocate that all laws attempting to regulate immigration should be repealed, and if not repealed, disobeyed, right?
2. Please show any post by anyone on this site which supports the idea that he is concerned with the ethnic composition of the US rather than the right of the government to oversee immigration and have its laws respected. Or have you now attained the status of someone who may post any irresponsible assertion without bothering with evidence?
3. That's "hypocrisy," not "hypocricy."
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ebrown p
Reply Sat 16 Jul, 2005 04:44 pm

So you blame the local police for charging the illegal immigrant with trespassing when they found that the INS wouldn't act, but advocate general disobedience to the immigration laws?

You believe all laws attempting to regulate immigration into the US should be repealed and, if not repealed should be ignored?

I didn't blame the local police for anything. I simply called them "back-woods" buffoons and pointed out the fact that all of these police officers happen to be protecting communities that are 99% white.

I am not saying that all laws attempting to regulate immigration should be repealed. I am saying the immigration laws as they are now are illogical and inhumane.

I am willing to defy such laws... as Americans before me always have.

Fix the law and it will have my support.

Ebrown the outlaw..... (hey I do kinda like that!)
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Reply Sat 16 Jul, 2005 04:51 pm
ebrown_p wrote:

So you blame the local police for charging the illegal immigrant with trespassing when they found that the INS wouldn't act, but advocate general disobedience to the immigration laws?

You believe all laws attempting to regulate immigration into the US should be repealed and, if not repealed should be ignored?

I didn't blame the local police for anything. I simply called the "back-woods" buffoons and pointed out the fact that all of these police officers happen to be protecting communities that are 99% white.

I am not saying that all laws attempting to regulate immigration should be repealed. I am saying the immigration laws as they are now are illogical and inhumane.

I am willing to defy such laws... as Americans before me always have.

Fix the law and it will have my support.

Ebrown the outlaw..... (hey I do kinda like that!)

You really know next to nothing about these particular police officers. All you know about them is that they tried to have the immigration laws enforced by INS, and upon finding that INS wouldn't do it, attempted, perhaps improperly, to find a statute in their municipal law that might apply. Yet you call them buffoons. Really, there isn't enough detail about them in this article to determine whether they're buffoons. I suspect that your labelling of these officers as buffoons pertains to pre-existing ideas you have about the police.

If you deride these officers as buffoons because they overstepped their authority and tried to enforce immigration law themselves when the feds wouldn't, yet advocate disobeying laws you don't like and happily label yourself an outlaw, then it's you who are a hypocrite.
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ebrown p
Reply Sat 16 Jul, 2005 04:51 pm

1. So you do advocate that all laws attempting to regulate immigration should be repealed, and if not repealed, disobeyed, right?
2. Please show any post by anyone on this site which supports the idea that he is concerned with the ethnic composition of the US rather than the right of the government to oversee immigration and have its laws respected. Or have you now attained the status of someone who may post any irresponsible assertion without bothering with evidence?
3. That's "hypocrisy," not "hypocricy."

1. "All laws"? - No. Illogical and Inhumane laws- Yes.

2. I apologize for and retract this statement. Please change the pronoun "you" to "those in the anti-immigrant side".

3. I agree 100%
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ebrown p
Reply Sat 16 Jul, 2005 05:12 pm

In my opinion "buffoon" is a perfect word for these officers.

I went to high school in Peterborough NH (which is right next to Jaffery and a short drive to New Ipswich or Hudson). I know the area quite well. A black woman I am close to will tell you stories of being repeatedly pulled over for making a "rolling stop" on stop signs in these towns (I have never been given such a warning).

This article says that in Hudson (the little Hudson I am familiar with) there have been 10 such arrests of Mexicans for trespassing. That number is simply remarkable. I have never once been questioned about my citizenship and if I weren't a citizen, I would be able to slip in and out unnoticed. But, it seems easy to protect little Hudson from brown skinned illegals invading the town when the rest of the populace is so white. It seems like this is the effort that they are making.

And the guy featured in the article-- he was questioned by police for using a cell phone. Good God!

It seems lthat these officers are targeting brown-skinned people in a crusade to defend their towns. But who would blame them for that? I certainly wouldn't.

What is happening is they are putting their towns in the center of a national political maelstrom. There political campaign can't be good for the towns they are supposed to be serving.

The slap from the INS is an appropriate response to buffoonery.
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Reply Sat 16 Jul, 2005 05:24 pm
ebrown_p wrote:

In my opinion "buffoon" is a perfect word for these officers.

I went to high school in Peterborough NH (which is right next to Jaffery and a short drive to New Ipswich or Hudson). I know the area quite well. A black woman I am close to will tell you stories of being repeatedly pulled over for making a "rolling stop" on stop signs in these towns (I have never been given such a warning).

This article says that in Hudson (the little Hudson I am familiar with) there have been 10 such arrests of Mexicans for trespassing. That number is simply remarkable. I have never once been questioned about my citizenship and if I weren't a citizen, I would be able to slip in and out unnoticed. But, it seems easy to protect little Hudson from brown skinned illegals invading the town when the rest of the populace is so white. It seems like this is the effort that they are making.

And the guy featured in the article-- he was questioned by police for using a cell phone. Good God!

It seems lthat these officers are targeting brown-skinned people in a crusade to defend their towns. But who would blame them for that? I certainly wouldn't.

What is happening is they are putting their towns in the center of a national political maelstrom. There political campaign can't be good for the towns they are supposed to be serving.

The slap from the INS is an appropriate response to buffoonery.

You're profiling the police officers. You simply don't know anything about these particular individuals, only about their category.

Furthermore, one who condemns violations of law in others, but advocates disobaying laws he doesn't like and proudly calls himself an outlaw is a hypocrite pretty much by definition.

By the way, where does it say he was initially approached for being on a cell phone?

Also, I have been pulled over for making a rolling stop, and I know someone, a white person, who was given a traffic ticket for it. Your prejudice against the police is showing.
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ebrown p
Reply Sat 16 Jul, 2005 05:32 pm
1. Yes, I am profiling police officers. It seems likely I am right, but technically you have a point. What of it?

2. I haven't condemned violations of law in others in this thread-- and I am not sure if I ever have. Buffoonery has nothing to do with the law.

3. Read the first sentence of the article.

4. Sure. But what do you expect from an outlaw.
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Reply Sat 16 Jul, 2005 05:41 pm
Brown wrote
I am saying the immigration laws as they are now are illogical and inhumane.

In what way are the immigration laws illogical and inhumane. Why is it inhuman to regulate and control immigration? Why is it illogical and inhuman to be aware and have control over who enters this nation? As for being enforceable there is no doubt that if the Government had the will they would have the way to stop the flow of illegals into this nation.
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