Sat 30 Jan, 2021 03:44 pm
Hello guys! Im 14 years old and been lifting weights for about 6 months. I have watched a lot of youtube and read forums about different workout programs. I have decided that a 3 day full body split suits me best(since I train soccer twice a week, tuesdays and thursdays) but I was wondering if it is any good? My goal is primary to build muscle, but some strenght would be good too. Im currently in pretty good shape, but a bit skinny fat. My form is ok on the big lifts, but I would like to improve, especially my squat form. I dont have so much time so I always superset(not sure if thats the right word) my exercises, doing 2 at the same time. I also do abs outside of the gym, like when I wake up or go to sleep. I wonder, do I have enoght or too much compounds, is the exercises any good, does the different muscles get trained too much/too little, and finally, what is your personal opinion on the split? My program right now is:
sets x reps
Day 1, monday
Squats(3x5, with 2 additional warmup sets)
Bench press(3x6, with 1 additional warmup set) and face pulls(3x15)
Dumbell rows(3x10) and skullcrushers(3x10-12)
Dumbell flyes(3x12-15) and hammer curls(3x10)
Day 2, wednesday
Deadlifts(5 sets total, going starting at 8 reps and finally 3 reps heavy at the end) and bicep curls(3x10-12)
Incline dumbellpress(3x6-8) and seated leg curls(3x12-15)
Rope pushdown(3x10-12) and lat pulldowns(3x10-14)
Lateral raises(seated in a machine, 3x12-15) and hanging leg raises(3x max)
Day 3, friday
Squat (3x8, with 2 additional warmup sets)
Dips(3x8-10) and shrugs(3x10-15)
Pullups(3x8-10) and calf presses in leg press machine(3x10-12)
Preacher curls(3x12-15) and leg extensions(3x10-12)
Are exercises like face pulls and leg extensions good for buildning muscle, should I swap out my dips for more bench if I want a stronger bench press(afraid ill loose muscle tho) and is it even good to squat twice a week or should I swap it? I have many more questions but just say what you think of the program and Ill be very happy. Just ask if u are wondering anything. Thanks and have a great day!
(english is not my first language so sry if anything is wrong)
(I have problem growing my arms, but I don't know what to do)
wow! you are really doing good keep it up.
I also suggest online coach can help you more.