Since you are deriving the war's legality from the UN resolutions, let us compare those resolutions with national laws. The US has adopted various laws, laws confirmed, in the end, by Supreme Court verdicts. Now someone says that a person should be sentenced to death on the basis of those laws; the person himself disagrees, obviously. The case goes all the way up to the Supreme Court. The Supreme Court would be the equivalent of the Security Council, then - you can't go up higher for getting your legitimisation. (Both consist of political appointees, anyway

"you can't go up higher for getting your legitimization. (Both consist of political appointees, anyway

Oh, I disagree. You can always go to the people.
California, had a little problem, a few years back, with a State Supreme Court Justice, implementing her feelings on the "Death Penalty" Chief Justice Rose Bird, along with a couple of other liberal justices, were recalled. The first time in California history, for ever an event like that to occur.
The United Nations has become, irrelevant. Without the United States support (money and troops), where would this League of Nations be. The very idea, that these second and third rate countries, can attempt to foil any attempts by the United States, in it's right to self determination and self preservation, is laughable.
The United States, was the coalition (ooops, sorry about that Brits, but numbers are numbers), in the first Gulf War. It was our troops, planes, and ships, that waged war against Iraq, under the banner of the United Nations approval. It was United States representatives who accepted the surrender treaty signed by Iraq. And it was the United States, that supplied the main force in assuring that Iraq complied.
What happened? The United Nations "Oil for Food." was a joke. Why was Saddam allowed to rebuild his army? Why was he allowed to train thousands of paramilitary terrorists? Why was he allowed to throw the arms inspectors out of the country? How was he able to build such lavish palaces, when the money was suppose to be used for humanitarian needs of the Iraqi people?
Where was the United Nations???
Where is the United Nations, without the United States???
Again, the United Nations, is not the Supreme Court. Any comparisons between the two, is delusional.
PS: Asherman, if your reading this, I commend you, on a very well written and thoughtful reply... ferrous