Tue 15 Dec, 2020 04:46 am
I'm trying to find a more proper translation for "Abracadabra", this magic concept, whose commonly alleged origin I'm still not sure to be legit: "I create as I speak" or "What was said (by me) has come to pass". I'm looking into a phrase that expresses this aesthetics of creating something —to wit, "magically"— through saying/verbalizing/naming it. From my research, I have found several people attributing the presently hackneyed magi word, but all of them convey something like "Through my word, all takes place" or "As I say, so be it".
I have come up with "Ut loquor, esto" but I'm not sure if there's something missing to convey "So that, what I say, will be". Since these should be something enchantment-like, the shorter, the better (but it needs to be a clear order).
Does anyone have any suggestions/comments? I appreciate your time in advance! Gratias vobis ago!
Why should ethereal spirits be more interested in Latin as opposed to any other language?
If you want a magical language what about Sumerian? It’s the first Western language to come up with a written form. All other languages except Meso American ones learnt from Sumerian.
It’s also the language of the Necronomicon.
Failing that what about Enochian? That’s a magical language for you, the supposed language of the angels as revealed to Doctor John Dee.