Ticomaya: I think your "yo mama" joke site was much better than the one I found. Some of those were pretty good. I tip my hat to you.
I'm not complaining. It just seems to me that Hillary is on dangerous territory when she starts making jokes about ones physical appearence. face it, there is a reason Bubba was "wonking" the intern. Hillary is really one "fugly" looking women and a gigantic girth which we have addressed.
What needs to be understood is that the girl is REALLY UGLY too. How Ugly...
- her nickname is hairy pooter
- she uses a line of makeup called "Why Bother"
- she went to the bathroom and scared the sh!t out of the toilet.
- that when she went to rob a bank she didnt have to wear a mask, she just walked up and said "Put the money in the bag"
- she shaves her pits with a lawn mower
woiyo wrote:What needs to be understood is that the girl is REALLY UGLY too.
To which girl are you referring?
Yea...Hillary cetainly get around her new adopted Town.
On the Listening Tour, Hillary was pleased and proud that the local sandwich shop in a town had named a sandwich after her. She was somewhat less pleased after she found out what was in it. "Mostly baloney," said the proprietor.