Tue 6 Oct, 2020 03:19 pm
Trump is a spiritual universalist who will not condemn White Racism without a just cause.
Innocent till proven guilty. The First rule of law.
I am not sure if Trump is an idiot savant or not, due to his inability to articulate issues in a non-personal way. He has a small mind; that or his handlers have. Or a good one who knows how to defect.
As a universalist, I could not condemn any racism because it is natural to be racist of those not of our color or race, should we think of ourselves as other than one human race.
Most mitigate their universalism racism and tribalism better than Trump.
Trump cannot condemn the existence of any racist group any more than he can all other militia, which to him would include all fighting forces. Trump would have to condemn every group.
Trump is thinking like a Gnostic Christian would, in this case. The correct way.
Universalist thinking unites a country. Note that the mainstream religions do not, do what all in the country want. They misuse God and divide us.
Trump, to me, sounds like an illiterate fool at times. This time he may be a Gnostic Christian savant who cannot express his thinking well on this particular issue.
We cannot help but be racist. Let’s work on mitigating the negative parts, while embracing the tribalism it produces. Without racism and tribalism, we would not be here. Ironically, not be here to be working on destroying our planet. This aside.
Is universalist thinking a part of your ideology?
It is in mine and I think it a much better system as it tries to recognize the worth of all of us.
I think we should scrap LGBTQ and make it LGBTQN. N being the norm.
I am a Norm.
Is Trump an idiot savant, an idiot, a savant?
To date, I have been leaning towards idiot, but his racism position is savant grade.
Racism holds more positives than negatives. Tribalism and our existence is the proof of concept of this truth.
Won't condemn racism without a "just cause". Like Homer T. Smith said once about something else: "That's about some rank **** right there."
I really don't feel like digging up a link, but I'm pretty sure that I've heard Mr. Trump condemn racism unequivocally.
Would that be from the Proud Boys "Stand back, but stand by speech", The "they're coming to take your suburbs" speech or the "nice people on both sides" speech?
I can recall some more speeches for you if you'd like.
@bobsal u1553115,
Those were all excellent speeches, but none of them dealt with the subject of racism.
Here is a speech from 2017 where the President condemned racism:
Here is a speech from 2019 where the President condemned racism:
The 2017 speech was the one that I was remembering. But the 2019 one works too.
@bobsal u1553115,
bobsal u1553115 wrote:
Won't condemn racism without a "just cause". Like Homer T. Smith said once about something else: "That's about some rank **** right there."
You would prefer condemnation without a just cause?
We are all racist/tribal. Without tribalism, we would go extinct as our families are all in some group, tribe or religion.
oralloy wrote:
I really don't feel like digging up a link, but I'm pretty sure that I've heard Mr. Trump condemn racism unequivocally.
I could do the same search for the opposite and would find more for my view than you for yours.
@Greatest I am,
Family, tribe and religion are not racist institutions.
Trump is never a racist when he is reading from a teleprompter. (Now if only someone could control his bad Twitter habits).
Mr. Trump is not a racist under any circumstances.
It's progressives who are the racists. Progressives support the BLM goons.
@Greatest I am,
Quote: Without tribalism, we would go extinct as our families are all in some group, tribe or religion.
This makes absolutely no sense. My father was fifth generation Australian who married a german refugee. His youngest brother's eldest son married a Syrian. Maybe I should cut you some slack and say "you're a third right" because our families
are all in some group: humanity.
InfraBlue wrote:
Family, tribe and religion are not racist institutions.
In evolution and tribal/racist thinking.
Me against my brother.
Me and my brother against my cousin.
Me and my brother and cousin against the stranger.
We are all tribal/racist.
If you have not read the Ch'ran, and not noted the racism/tribalist talk against the Jews, -------
hingehead wrote:
Quote: Without tribalism, we would go extinct as our families are all in some group, tribe or religion.
This makes absolutely no sense. My father was fifth generation Australian who married a german refugee. His youngest brother's eldest son married a Syrian. Maybe I should cut you some slack and say "you're a third right" because our families
are all in some group: humanity.
Read what I put above. It might help you.
Your family is your first tribe. Right?
Then your religion becomes your extended tribe. Right?
If not, refute.