Re: What's the point of speaking of evolution as having purp
Ray wrote:So why speak of evolution as something purposeful?
Evolution has no purpose, and is not a purpose. It is an aspect of nature, nothing more.
Many people have a hard time imagining a universe without purpose, or even a world without thought. Try it for a moment... it gives a strange feeling if you can get it...
Imagine the primordial Earth, with only single celled creatures living in its seas. The sun rises and sets each day, the waves lap at the shores. Storms sweep the oceans and the land, but there is nothing there to see it, nothing watching, nothing thinking. The planet is like this for hundreds of millions of years as continents drift about on the surface like butter on a hot skillet. Life is growing in the seas, but there is nothing watching, nothing cares.
This may seem like a fantasy world to many, but it really happened. It's our history and it's very real. Just as the world existed before each of us was born, it also existed before the human race was born. And it existed before the first flickers of thought ever formed the the simplest of neural bundles in the crawlies of ancient seas.
The naked truth is that there is nothing watching us and nothing putting things in motion. There never has been. As far as we know, even today, we humans are the first and only thing which has ever perceived the processes of nature. Is it any surprise that most people see those processes as reflections of themselves, and ascribe to them, a purpose.