Neo-Tech and Nouveau Tech Society

Reply Sun 1 Oct, 2006 10:26 am
DanielN: If you do object to people telling lies, then why do you keep claiming that Neo-Tech has been "demonized" because people are calling attention to Neo-Tech for their acts of lying?

Yes, Neo-Tech isn't some Great Satan that's going to rule the world with its dark power. But that doesn't change the fact that it's selling books under false pretences -- for one thing, claiming that it's a "secret" society when it's so secret that lots of Internet sites talk about it and people openly profess it. Why is it "demonizing" to point out that Neo-Tech keeps telling lies such as this? Or do these lies suddenly become truths because you claim you "found the material thoughtful"?

And why do you keep bringing up "things in the mainstream"? We're discussing Neo-Tech; "things in the mainstream" can have their own separate discussions.
Reply Sun 1 Oct, 2006 11:47 am
I have never recieved a letter so I have not seen any "lies". When they say things like "everything you touch will turn to gold, I can use my BRAIN and see what that probably means. When they say I will be contacted for a meeting in a few days... and I'm not then that is probably a lie or they have a huge backlog. I don't know. The point is not knowing and being a lie are completely different things. I have simply not seen these heaps of lies in their actual material that you speak of. I have seen none quite frankly. The only thing I have seen are a few view points which have been linked together which I don't think should be- within the material. I have not seen the heaps of maligning critics you speak of either. I HAVE seen some very thought provoking material from a person or group of people regarding the deceitfulness of society in general and how to distinguish REALITY from mysticism. I had thought about all these things myself past few years and it is nice to see someone lay it out much better and in greater detail than I could. What it is is a discipline to speak clearly. To listen. To be able to discern what you are hearing and catch items... such as your strawmen. That is the kind of control they are speaking of- not witchcraft (lol) which I saw someone say.

You ask why I bring in the mainstream, it is because NT is concerned with the mainstream in it's material. Plus I see someone actually using their brain at least at some point early in NT for things I enjoyed reading about.. and then being put on the spot for 20 plus years of drama etc, and being demonized while the entire western world falls into decline.

Also I was thinking had it been me and I was getting some of the threats I've seen ont hat website from religious people, I would have probably used several pen names and obfuscated my real identity and location as well. Finally, while I do pay taxes and obey the law, to whoever demonized him for not doing so- do not forget the founding fathers of the US rebelled against much smaller intrusions into their affairs.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 1 Oct, 2006 12:30 pm
Ah, the US Founding Fathers! OK, I'm convinced. I hereby bow before the wisdom of the US Founding Fathers, for their wisdom is absolute, unquestionable, and infallible. Or is it?

And I seem to remember that the slogan for the American revolution was "no taxation even with representation" -- or was it? Someone please help me out here.

And I'm sure all this talk has something to do with whether one should fork out cash to buy some book which is claimed to give one endless power, money, and sex.
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Reply Sun 1 Oct, 2006 01:14 pm
When an arguement becomes sarcasm it is generally an impasse. And I cannot stand sarcasm besides. It is truly the lowest form of wit.

See ya.
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In Utah But Not Mormon
Reply Mon 2 Oct, 2006 12:40 am
Then why does it exist?
Then why does the NT company continue to exist? The "secrets" are already on the internet. The 114 shortcuts were put on the Net years ago, and yet the company continues to sell the same book with the same "secrets" for $138 that anyone can get for free. So why buy the book? Where are the values? There are none. So why continue to exist?

Last weekend I went to Wal Mart to buy food. People must buy food. The company (or another like it) must exist. Or I die from starvation. There's no comparison between "most other businesses" and the NT company.

But since you didn't see his letter with all the lies (yes, they really are LIES), then I can see why you didn't understand why so many people like me think it's so ridiculous. There is just no credibility. Slick Wally telling people not to lie is like Clinton telling people not to cheat on their spouses.
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Reply Mon 2 Oct, 2006 12:56 am
Le Bi, sourire et le monde entier sourit avec vous.

Frown et le monde frowns avec vous. Sad

Goo Goo Joop Question

Le Reine
0 Replies
In Utah But Not Mormon
Reply Mon 2 Oct, 2006 02:05 am

O.K. DanielN, I pulled out a letter I received from the NT company last year. (postmarked August 5, 2005.) You said that you didn't see their letter. Well, here are just SOME of the lies that are contained in it. Get ready to laugh:

"Learn how to transfer all money, power, prestige from the uniformed to you . . . . instantly."

"Learn how to use this new scientific knowledge to begin generating huge sums of money within hours . . . automatically . . . without even trying."

"Learn how to lose all the weight you want or eliminate any addictions; easily and effortlessly virtually overnight!"

"Learn to control anyone, man or woman, anywhere."

"Learn how to easily beat any opponent in your life . . . in any situation."

"Learn how to make your new powers render all others helpless."

I like this one . . . "I swear on the Bible this is all true!"

And John Finn says, "Dr. Wallace and his Nouveau Tech Society agreed to make this powerful system available to a very few selected people".

There are many more lies in there, but those are the funniest.

Just a thought . . . . . have you ever heard Wal Mart say those things in their advertisments?

By the way, does anyone know what Goo Goo Joop means?

And Bi . . . . I thought it was taxation without representation. Or am I confused?

Au revoir!
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Reply Mon 2 Oct, 2006 10:42 am
LeReine, In Utah But Not Mormon:

C'est vrai; rire et la vache rit avec vous. Surprised

Re "goo goo goo joob": I just took it as a nonsense phrase actually... until I found out later that, well, it is indeed a nonsense phrase.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 2 Oct, 2006 03:00 pm
Pour le non-sens, je préfère le "goo joop".

Le Français est la langue de l'amour. Vous faites l'effort d'apprendre.

J'adore l'humeur et l'esprit américains.

the cow laughs well :wink:

À votre santé,

Le Reine
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Reply Mon 2 Oct, 2006 11:32 pm
LeReine: En fait, je ne suis pas americain; je suis en Asie.

Though "In Utah But Not Mormon", I presume, is in Utah. Smile
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Reply Tue 3 Oct, 2006 06:28 pm
Looks like you guys were right. I found an old usenet FAQ list and it basically spells out a ton of stuff... it is or was a cult at some point under the premise of employment... I really don't know what to say about it other than I am a bit disappointed I suppose. There is some good reading although I don't see how he could not see the holes in some of his theories honestly...
Also, Dr Wallace (yeah he really is a dr in inorganic chemistry and worked for dupont at some point) was a huge gambler and wrote books about poker (advanced poker concepts) prior to NT. It kind of lends somewhat credence to his claim that he came upon NT while playing cards.. I really don't know. I think wallace may have been insane or at least bipolar. I am pretty sure he meant well in a lot of his theories at some point...
I dunno, check out the FAQ if you like:

But you know, I wasn't there.. I guess if you are intersted in objectivism get the material online or stick to some more historically credible sources. I will disagree with the FAQ on a couple of points... FTL communication is somewhat plausable with some theory... the ether isn't quite 19th century anymore.. and I just heard on a mainstream science show (nova or something) the other night about escaping the universal collapse (big crunch) by dimensional hopping at the last minute... so I mean even with a critique.. critique the critique...

bi, I guess I should tell you that previously I was not suggesting that the founders were infallable. If you will look you will see that I was saying that they had rebelled against lesser restrictions (much less) than the gov't now practices... so for someone to get sick of the current gov't is not that big of a deal heh..

bleh... oh well.. c'est la vie!
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In Utah But Not Mormon
Reply Wed 4 Oct, 2006 06:19 pm
And I drink caffeine.
Yes Bi,

I really do live in Utah. (but born in California). And I'm really not mormon. So yeah, I do watch R-rated films every now and then.
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Reply Wed 11 Oct, 2006 04:04 am
Believe it or NOT!!!
Honestly!!! You need to look at the information in front of you! Are you prepared to spend $140 in order to restructure your entire life!

I know that I will get attacked for saying this but!

I used to believe in a far out-reachable being who most people name god! I DON'T ANYMORE!

I have read the book!

And the second and third!

You'd call me a fool for spending that kind of money.

In my opinion it was well and truly worth it! I have more in my life now that what I had ever expected to have. Most would refer to it as the doing of GOD, I don't.

"IF IT's going to be! It's UP TO ME"!
0 Replies
Reply Sun 15 Oct, 2006 01:51 am
Ha! Ha! Ha!
"Are you prepared to spend $140 in order to restructure your entire life!"

"I have read the book! And the second and third!"

Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing Maybe make that "are you prepared to spend $140 on the 1st book which tells you to buy a 2nd book, and then are you prepared to spend $100+ more on the 2nd book which tells you to buy a 3rd book, and then are you prepared to spend $100+ more on the 3rd book which in turn tells you to ..."?

Or how about "Are you prepared to believe the `testimony' of a `customer' who sounds like a salesman? Because if he walks like a quack and ducks like a quack, then he must be... a real customer!"

Begone, sock puppet.
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forum skeptic
Reply Sat 21 Oct, 2006 01:23 pm
Neo tech nouveau tech connection to landmark forum
Anyone get the letter after taking the landmark forum or the advanced course? I think that Landmark education sold my name and info to neo tech.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 23 Oct, 2006 04:22 pm
Re: "the books you have to order after the first one&qu
ok philidor since you already have the book why dont you do me a favor be borrowing me it?
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In Utah But Not Mormon
Reply Tue 24 Oct, 2006 01:39 pm
magical secrets for free
If you want to know all the magical secrets, just go to google and type in "neo-tech 114 shortcuts"

I just saved everybody $140.00.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 26 Oct, 2006 10:08 pm
Nouveau Tech Society - I just received my letter ....
I just finished reading my letter dated 10/21/06 and was suggested to fax on or B4 10/27/06 - I only received it in today's mail. As I laid the letter down and thought about it a little I decided to turn on my computer & IMMEDIATELY DO SOME RESEARCH. How impressive - in seconds flat I had the name typed in my search box & there it was ...... I discovered this site and to my surprise LOTS OF OTHER PEOPLE HAD RECEIVED THE SAME LETTER ..... "please keep what I tell you secret, because this information is confidential. These words are meant for you only."
I have been enlightened and loved reading everyone's comments.
.Needless to say I saved myself a trip to fax my reply page in the a.m.
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In Utah But Not Mormon
Reply Sat 28 Oct, 2006 08:47 am
Barbie Diamond, what a liar
It's good that after reading these posts that many people (like horsegirl) aren't sending their hard-earned money to this small group of scam artists known as the Nouveau Tech Society.

I just looked at the file on this company at the Better Business Bureau. (they operate under the name Neo Tech Publishing Company). And. . . . lo and behold, look at all the consumer complaints. So many complaints that the company's membership at the BBB was suspended earlier this year.

Barbie Diamond claims that the company came out with it's "first major publication in 1968" and that anybody "can query the BBB about our 35-year record of satisfactorily resolving every delivery and refund problem brought to our attention."

What a liar. First of all, the company has no 35-year history with the Better Business Bureau. According to the BBB, the company has been a member since May 1992. That's not 35 years.

Neo Tech Publishing Company also has no "satisfactory" rating with the BBB. The Bureau states that "The Bureau's report on this company is being updated and no customer relations report is available at this time. "

Could this be due to the fact the company's membership was suspended earlier this year at the BBB? The Bureau says the "company's membership was suspended for failure to eliminate the underlying cause(s) of consumer dissatisfaction in the marketplace. The suspension and possible revocation of membership will go before the Bureau's Board of Directors at the next regularly scheduled Board meeting."

As it turns out, the directors upheld the appeal and reinstated the company's membership status over 3 months later. This despite the fact there are 62 consumer complaints about the company, such as delivery issues, billing and collection issues and advertising issues.

Also, on the BBB website, it stated the company's "original business start date" as May 1990. Why is not listed as 1968? That's the year that Barbie claims their first publication came out.

As for Barbie Diamond, he/she has claimed to have been the customer service manager since 1981, but on the Neo-Tech website, Barbie claims to have been the customer service manager since 1985. Which date is correct and which one is a lie? Or are they both lies? Who knows. Barbie Diamond lies so much she can't even get her own "facts" straight.

I encourage everybody reading this to go to the Better Business Bureau of Southern Nevada and check out the facts.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 28 Oct, 2006 01:24 pm
Wow, don't these people ever get tired of lying?
In Utah But Not Mormon:

Man, this is surreal. Their record with the Bad Business Bureau is already a lot worse than with the Better Business Bureau which you mention. And you're saying that their record with the Better BB is also quite bad? Wow. Just wow.

I didn't notice that their Better BB membership started only from 1992. Now that you pointed it out, I'm going to update the Wikipedia page on "Integrated Management Associates" to mention this.
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