Neo-Tech and Nouveau Tech Society

Reply Fri 14 Apr, 2006 04:19 pm
"the books you have to order after the first one"
Alright I have my first 1000 page manual of inside secrets that I paid $140.00 for, a week after that the Nouveau tech society sent me more letters on initiating me into deeper knowledge, they of course say the second and third installments are free but state "however you must cover the shipping and overhead" and had to send in a form to attend there secret meetings, and I'll get an order form for my second book sometime within a couple weeks, does anyone know how much the second volume is? The letter claims it's worth $50,000 but I have a feeling I'll have to spend over 100.00 for their shipping, and the letter that came with my orientation booklet said as a member I'm not obligated to other installments, again with the inconsistency. Did anyone else buy the first package of inside secrets and got a form for the second manual that'll supposedly multiply the power of the first one?
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Reply Fri 14 Apr, 2006 05:01 pm
Nouveau Tech Society
Ship the book back to them and demand your money back...The only book you really need to improve your life is the Bible and a little faith. I don't personally own a Bible and I'm not a practicing Christian although I do believe in God. You can buy a Bible for a fraction of the price of that "book of powers"...I did a little research after I received the letter to see what this whole scam is about. You are never going to meet any of the "famous movie stars etc." The only people you'll meet at these "secret meetings" are the one's who are as hard up as you are and wondering where all the promised money and hot women/men are...Don't get me wrong. I don't mean to put anyone down for falling for this scam. I've fallen for a few in my lifetime also, but you have to learn to recognize them. If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is.
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Reply Fri 14 Apr, 2006 05:22 pm
Neo Tech Society
I need to reply to Neo_Tech_Student...Come on dude...give me a break...I know you're probably some Neo Tech scam artist that's sitting at home distributing these letters to people in an attempt to get money from them...Praising the book and how it changed your life so that you can sucker more people into believing that it's actually true. Oh sure the money keeps coming right in for you doesn't it? Because you have to protect the honor of this "secret society". Try to thwart every effort of anyone, that actually has a brain, trying to warn others that this is not a legitimate society after reading the letter for themselves. You signed up for this scam yourself...sent in for all the extra books and stuff until you finally learned the REAL secret. You have to distribute these chain letters to people across America to ultimately get them to send YOU the $140.00 for the other book. Or maybe it's a pyramid deal where you get a portion of the profit trickled down to you from whomever it is at the top. I don't know about everyone else, but I don't need a $140.00 book to tell me to get my lazy ass off the couch and excercise. Of course, it's going to make you feel better. You can learn that for free from watching tv. As for learning how to make the best out of a bad situation and staying away from people that are negative, go to Church or read a self-help book from the library. Those options don't really cost anything unless you donate a few bucks a week to the Church or forget to return your library book. Wake up and smell the coffee Neo...get a life and stop trying to preach the benefits of Neo Tech.
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Reply Tue 18 Apr, 2006 02:43 pm
Nouveau Tech via buying Trudeau's Natural Cure
I received one of those Nouveau Tech mystery invitations too. I'm glad I found this place to voice my opinion. As Trudeau himself says, "It's all about money". And the Nouveau Tech group seems to have a desire for loads of that, plus add power over most other people/women to that. Most noticable was the mention of power over women to get them to love a member. Sounds more like communism/sexism.

I would rather trust God to provide for me and my family needs, and if we have to put in some honest work using our God given talents to help meet those needs, so be it. Taking power away from the people, via cults, which maybe even policial cults, is happening way to fast in this Nation. Our forefathers are probably sick with grief for the USA and the misuse of our Constitution.
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Reply Fri 28 Apr, 2006 02:04 pm
the "seeeccrrrret" Nouveau Tech Society!!!
Yes, I was one of their famous, rare and exclusive picks! Sure, tell me another one. Give me a break, if someone promises you things like reading someones mind or knowing "secrets" that should put up a red flag to start Rolling Eyes . The only reality is the one God gave us through His Son. He is the BEST resource of our lives. He does not lie and neither does His Word. Deuteronomy 8:18-"And you shall remember the Lord your God, for it is He who gives you power to get wealth, that He may establish His covenant.."10:16,17 "Therefore circumcise the foreskin of your heart, and be stiff-necked no longer. For the Lord your God is God of gods and Lord of lords, the great God, mighty and awesome, who shows no partiality..."
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Reply Mon 15 May, 2006 12:52 pm
Nouveau Tech Society
I am new to this forum but I too have received the Orientation booklet from Nouveau. What I want to know is this. Has anyone received the Nouveau Tech Discovery manual? Does it really work? That is truly the question.
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cicerone imposter
Reply Mon 15 May, 2006 01:52 pm
Seems this thread has attracted many newbies to A2K. To all of you, I say "WELCOME!"
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Reply Tue 16 May, 2006 09:00 am
I also received this letter in the mail and quickly did my searching on the internet... i was intrigued by the message on this board... I have read most of them and i must say... YOU ARE ALL A BUNCH OF CRACKPOTS... the god that you speak of with the bible and such DOES NOT EXIST and you will feel like a fool later on in life and possibly in death with you discover the truth... The only god that you need to be concerned with is yourself! Only you can control your own future and destiny, not some imaginary figure that lives in the sky. Only you can make things happen for yourself, not some pallid incompetent schizo hanging on a tree. You all have wasted your life looking to a book of fables and putting your faith into imagination instead of putting your faith into a real god, yourself.

As far as this letter, i to received and read it, which is why i am here... will i send it back or buy the book, probably not... But i do think it may do some good for people... it can help give some people the confidence that they are lacking to be successful. Apparently the bible hasn't gotten you anywhere except to your cult you call church where you freely give them your money... so how is this scam any different than the scam of christianity?
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Reply Wed 17 May, 2006 05:43 pm
The nouveau tech society
For those of you who really wish to listen to my advise (please do and have a good life in every incarnation) (if you believe in it) otherwise all of you "gotta have" hard ass go ahead and do as you wish. This is more serious then you all may think. We are reaching a time where this very society (the one promotion this freebie) is facing shortage of "soul"

therefore using every channel and all it's tentacles to attrack those of you within their corrupt chamber. Indeed hollywood (a whole lot of them), wall street, the royalties, fealty rich business man lot's of politicians (plenty) etc ... they all have the taste of that phony and dark power that the nouveau tech society is refereing to; btw they also known under different name (name that start with S or F) all over the web.

I am warning the curious, this **** isn't funny yet worth my time to enlight you people with good heart to stay far far far away from this stupid letter and not to dare increasing their curiosity. One more time the VA (state) office (official US headquarter among other one's) is recruiting for the dark side

The main question you all should start asking is what happens to your freaking your soul after death... Try asking them that question.

ultimate love is the only answer (and wealth)
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Identity Random
Reply Thu 25 May, 2006 07:04 pm
Hi everybody. I just want you all to know that I work for a company that does outsourced data entry (it is in the US, though), and Neo-Tech is one of our clients. This week alone, I keyed in 500 pages from people who wanted to know more. Every page was exactly the same, with just the person's name replaced. In one case, the guy's company was listed (it was S "something", and they kept calling him S. I found it amusing).

The reason why I am here is because I wanted to know more about Neo-Tech. They seemed like a cult, or at the very worse a scam (I thought it was Scientology at first), and I have seen nothing to prove otherwise so far. To everybody who got a letter, you are not special. There is no Kirsten Hart, and she never gets your letters. I do. And then I key them into my computer and they get sent out to whatever warehouse they keep the books at, and then those get send out to the people gullible enough (or desperate enough) to buy them.

Obviously, I'm not going to say who I am, or what company I work for, or what other clients we have. And to be honest, I do not like keying Neo-Tech forms, because I know it is a scam/cult/whatever.

Anyway, I hope this helps some of you.
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Reply Sat 3 Jun, 2006 11:50 am
Nouveau Tech Secret Society
I too, have received this inviting letter in the mail and I ordered the free pamphlet and spent the $139.95 for this book. This is not a SCAM (look up the meaning in YOUR dictionary, they do produce). How many of you have ordered products from TV and they turned out to be junk? Did you write about that it was also a SCAM?

Well....now I will input my rebuttals.....all companies use an attention getter, all companies send you a little something for nothing to get you hooked and that's what you get, however, if you want the good stuff you do have to pay for it. Come on, every intelligent person knows you have to pay for what you get!!! Are there that many STUPID people in this world???

This 1000 page book was the best book I have ever read. It teaches you how to do better in current positions, how to achieve better positions and how to prepare yourself for your own business with the TOOLS.

This book went through steps to achieve. The CONTROL they spoke about, is within YOU. With a little work to re-train your brain, get all the garbage out and to do better. Hardly an occult factor!

Every chapter, chills went up my spine. The facts were there, we have been lied to our whole life and trust me, I am a hands on, seeing is believing, show me type person. All of my suspicions I was seeing in black and white.

I can go on and on but what is the sense of trying to defend an excellent book to morons, but do yourself a favor, if you own a dictionary, which 90% of you probably don't because your spelling is atrocious, and look up the word SCAM!!!
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true bossism
Reply Fri 16 Jun, 2006 02:33 pm
NT Secret Society
I just recieved my letter and it has my undivided attention
jeans51 respond to me
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Reply Tue 27 Jun, 2006 08:03 am
No response required
NT is like anything else in the world something to learn and apply in your life. I too was sent a letter and this group of whom ever may be on to something that is needed...purpose to life and success in a world lost. Being a man of God has taught me long ago that choice is required for any success and the use of the word. Doors are placed in front of you and its your choice to open them. Nothing is free and nothing comes without sacrifice and hard work.... period. Its all about choice and each of us has great potential to do more for those around us in the world.....its that simple. When we talk about scams....please tell me what is not a scam in this world.... we live in? If you have lived and have seen the world around you operate.... then no more is needed to be said about the subject. God has made each of us special and only a few of us will ever reach our potential. This is a fact....but what is our true potential? That is the real question now isn't it. It is not God's desire that you hide behind his words but that you live with him today in all that you do. A true believer understands that all is judged as it occurs and his wisdom is your wisdom. God is all and all is God. So once again where is the scam if it makes you wake up and see the light that you have chosen to hide. Anything that makes your life worth living in his light is good for you. Will I open this door and take a peak inside? Well I guess this is my personal choice .........now isn't it? Have you chosen wisely and opened your doors?
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Reply Sat 1 Jul, 2006 02:39 am
If you don't need responses, then don't ask
Um... selling "absolutely free" secrets for US$140, you mean that's not a scam?

Speaking of opening doors, here are a few doors which I invite everyone to open. First, a look at Neo-Tech's Profound Secrets being exposed for what they are. Next, a look at Neo-Tech's tactics of "fully-integrated honesty". And last but not least, check out my Edit [Moderator]: Link removed -- which contain the true secrets to prosperity, romance, and success!
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In Utah But Not Mormon
Reply Sun 2 Jul, 2006 06:29 am
Let's take a look at fraud

I'm afraid you would be VERY disappointed with the Nouveau Tech literature.

For one thing, the book they sell is anti-religious. According to Dr. Frank Wallace (the creator of Nouveau Tech) there is no such thing as God and he encourages everybody to eliminate religion from their lives. And it appears that you wouldn't like that too much.

Of course, we all have the right to express our opinions, whether one is an athiest or not. But in order to sell his book, his marketing techniques are downright fraudulent. A fraud happens when money is exchanged for goods or services and one party lies in order to make the transaction. This is exactly what happens when you purchase the Nouveau Tech material.

For example, Wallace claims in his advertisement that you can lose all the weight you want easily and effortlessly almost overnight. All you have to do is send him your money and he'll send you the secret. When you purchase the material, you find out the "secret" is to go on the Dr. Atkins diet and do aerobic exercise. Isn't that wonderful? That sounds like hard work to me.

And does Wallace ever apologize for lying to you? Certainly not. He just acts like it never happened.

And don't expect to transfer money, power, and prestige from others to yourself. It won't happen. It appears the only way Wallace knows how to transfer money from others to himself is by lying in order to sell his book. I wonder if he has a conscience?
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Reply Fri 21 Jul, 2006 04:17 pm
Woe is me! Although I, too, am special my future will be forfeit and I will turn into a pumpkin either at midnight tonight or at 5:00 when the post office closes.
I am sending powerful thoughts to Dr. Wallace so when he gets them he can come visit some of the great new casinos we have in Oklahoma. Meet you there doc.
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Reply Wed 26 Jul, 2006 09:33 am
I just got "The Letter". That is how I found this forum by researching the society. The controlling people is the alert to all of this. The defenders of this society may be correct in defining 'scam', but that does not mean this is legitimate. This thread started last year in July. I get my letter in July. I would question why they have special info on us in July, maybe July is the month for "phase 2", or whatever that was called.

You are correct in being inquisitive of how addresses are attained. It is rare that my address is listed as such, for the post office or whatever mailing service is used, will correct it after I state it. I don't use the mail for personal usage, so all is strictly business. This godless advice is definitely associated with the business sector.
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cicerone imposter
Reply Wed 26 Jul, 2006 10:03 am
ALL get rich quick and lose weight quick schemes are frauds. Just say goodbye to your $$$$ when you buy these worthless books.

The best way to "get rich quick" is to work hard, save your money for retirement in mutual funds and bonds. To lose weight, do a life change on eating less and excercise more. This is free advise.
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Reply Sat 29 Jul, 2006 10:12 am
My husband just received this letter in the mail the other day. I am a person that believes in the Lord Jesus Christ. I do not practice any set religion but more have a "relationship" with the Lord. I have been through many things in my life and have turned to Him which makes me believe that He is the truth. When my husband told me about what the letter was telling him, it immediately gave me the creeps. He only gave me a vague description but asked that I allow him to believe in what he thinks is good. He also won't allow me to read any of the letters that was sent to him. He said that only he can read it. What kind of junk is that?! Confused When man and women marry, they are one. There isn't to be any secrets between them. I understand simple things like not divulging every detail of a problem that a family member confided to you, but even still I would let me husband know the gist what was said to me.

No one on this earth can promise you anything. You are the only one that can do any good/bad for yourself. If you want wealth, pray and work hard. Get an education so that you may have the knowledge to earn a good income. If you wish for power over others than you are simply greedy and nothing good will come out of that. God has set a plan for our lives. But we also must remember that we have free will and this is the "devil's playground". If the devil tempts us and we choose things of sin our lives will fall off the path that God has laid for us. We can not blame him or anyone else for our misfortunes when we are the ones who made the mistake.

Someone made a comment about God and how he could flick this planet out of existence and then someone replied about how what that person said was bad because we shouldn't pray to a God we fear but one of Love. I don't think the first person was trying to imply that he is an angry God, simply that He is the one that created the earth and us. He loves each of us and wants nothing more than for us to follow in His words so that when the time is right we will reunite with him.

Please remember these things when reading these scams. My husband asked for my bank card to pay for a chiropractic visit which was $140. When I went to balance my checkbook I saw that it was a withdrawal and asked him about it. He then said that he put the money to something and just to trust him that it wasn't anything bad. He made comments about things which made me believe that it went towards my engagement ring (no, I don't have one yet). Anything that could make a person lie about such things is not good.

If you want a certain life, educate yourself, work hard and pray. Don't fall for get rich quick or power that you aren't supposed to have.
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Reply Mon 31 Jul, 2006 01:37 am
just a quick note
I know that I am going back a bit far, but I am new to the site. I just have to say to openyourmind, almost a year ago, you were suggesting that we keep an open mind, because GOD is loving and mankind is the carrier of evil. Absolutely, 100% correct. GOD, from the beginning gave us everything we needed to be happy, and he has tried again numerous times. Mankind is the carrier, but not the cause of evil, the cause is Satan's. But, we are still our own worst enemies. Having said all that, you suggested keeping an open mind, if it were GOD we were keeping the open mind about, there would be no problem. But, I believe the discussion was about the Nouveau Tech Society, which in turn is mankind. There's is our problem. Trusting others. Someone asked me not too long ago,"What is your main concern about society today?". I replied,"The rate at which the lack of concern for others is growing". Again, please accept my appology, for going back so far.
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