Neo-Tech and Nouveau Tech Society

Reply Tue 4 Oct, 2005 01:42 pm
agoodgirl wrote:


No, I'm not 333, I'm the creator of this Thread. Are you saying that Kevin's Natural Cures is a Scam? Kevin's Natural Cures is a book that has nothing to do with the Nouveau Tech Society. Are you not refering to the books of the Nouveau Tech Society?
Reply Tue 4 Oct, 2005 09:33 pm
I was referring to the Nouveau Tech Society, OF COURSE!
0 Replies
Reply Mon 10 Oct, 2005 03:54 pm
Nouveau Tech Secret Society
I haven't seen anyone say anything about sending in the $139.95 so I'll go ahead and say it ... I did! Since then I received the 1,000 page manuscript. I thought I would be included to society meetings for the next year, at no charge, but alas, I must first receive two more BIG packages that have been prepared for me. The first one is ready to ship and guess what? It is going to cost me another $99.50 (supposedly this covers their costs.) At this point, I definitely figure ... rip-off. I've written the street address, and e-mail address requesting a refund of my original investment but don't think I'll ever see it. I should have done some research first, but, thought it looked like a unique opportunity. And heck, I've thrown that much money away before, who hasn't??? I'll definetly visit this site in the future before making any such decisions. Signed ... guilable in Florida, ha.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 10 Oct, 2005 09:11 pm
I tried to warn people that if you just contact your local attorney, you'll see that this is a rip off indeed! They go way back in doing this kind of thing, but if you think it sounds too good to be true.... THEN IT IS!
0 Replies
The jehovahs witnesses
Reply Mon 24 Oct, 2005 12:59 pm
About the nouveau tech society system
Satan the Devil will not overlook any type of persuasion that might sway us from our decision to serve god. (1 Peter 5:8)
Reply Tue 25 Oct, 2005 04:07 pm
Re: About the nouveau tech society system
The jehovah's witnesses wrote:
Satan the Devil will not overlook any type of persuasion that might sway us from our decision to serve god. (1 Peter 5:8)
And Satan is your God, and Jesus is my God.
Reply Sat 29 Oct, 2005 01:10 pm
The so-called-scam
As more things come up online about this "scam" it is easier to see the truth.
After receiving the letter, I decided to do some research on it.

From all the sites I have been on I have found that Kevin Trudeau is behind this.
If you have or will purchase(d) Natural Cures "they" don't want you to know about, and have given personal information the chances are high that have gotten a letter from Nouveau Tech Society claiming that you have extraordinary skills.

But Kevin Trudeau is selling..or as he would say "renting" our information to junk mailers.

It's a scam leading to a scam.
Do you really want junk mailers to have this opportunity to get as much money from you as they can?
And do you really want pigs like Kevin living off of your money, becoming richer and richer everytime someone falls into this?

It's got to be stopped.
People need to start talking about this OUTLOUD.
Warn your family and friends.

Be careful not to fall into this, and warn others Smile
0 Replies
Reply Fri 4 Nov, 2005 10:29 am
nouveau tech a butt blister
It seems here we have one of those perfect inbreeding wonders of the world, " Natural cures, what they dont want you to know about". Yes it is, Kevin Trudou Natural Cures, is behind this dumbass scam, what a dirt bag. As he know's well, there's a sucker born every day. Take his infomercial, Natural cures, this is not the only way he makes a living, its the part time 100 or so page book, which he leads you into believing the Neo Tech he promised in the letter was in this free book, does not even contain those so called secrets. But wait there's more, you get his new update for a low cost fee of $140.00, for the information he misrepresented in the letter, falsely advertizing and stating you get these secrets in the 100 or so page book, but now you need his update at a cost. Yes its the scam man himself. If has researched this letter his scams on the side help promote his book Natural cures.

I have a lot of friends in Chicago, who as he claims in the Natural Cures book, who says that no one will publish his because of the contraversy it has caused. You may have helped him in the past, aquire his own Publishing Company, but wait theres more, he list many other books, you can buy in Natural Cures as well, but as it seems they too are banned, but not by his company. He'll print whatever people might think is true. Then if the things he says is true, why as a claim was made in his updated book, Natural cures, did he not provide the case number of a statement he made, that a Dr. sued the FTC and FDA, because he had found a cure for cancer and the FDA admitted it was, and the Dr. won. Making false and misleading statements seem to be a pratice of Kevins.

You folks need not wonder about his book, he has provided little valueable information, in his war on the Federal Government in his new update version of natural Cures. I found some interesting reading in his book, but yet one has to wonder and I still do about the info he provides a true or false game he plays, he does bash the hell out of the FDA and FTC, but does not provide the court case, the State of New York vs. the Dr. who he claims has a cure for cance. all you get there is this Dr. No name, its just another link that leads to his bank account, please select a payment method.
Think before you pay. My friends tell me this guy is a real gem of a man. Hey if nothing else, you can donate to the food for oil scam, at least you would thought you knew where your money was going! Yeah thats right "greedy overstuffed pockets", oh one more thing, Karma has a way of catching up with some people, in the end, it will.

Thanks be back soon.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 8 Nov, 2005 01:19 pm
Neo Tech Nouveau Tech Society et al
I am going to post an honest post here from my own experience as both a recovering mystic and a budding rationalist. This is not a debate about whether God exists or not. It is not a persuasion designed to win others over to my view point. It is simply the truth as I have experienced it as related to the topic of Neo Tech.

Neo Tech is a philosophy and presents the case against mysticism, and offers an alternative that relies on fully integrated honesty and value production. It is also a method of thinking that fully rejects mysticism.

Much of the scam arguments I read here are just not valid based or based on reality and this is why.

Yes, Neo Tech uses mailing lists to target a potential market for their publications. So when they say your profile has been researched and selected to receive their offer this is entirely true. It is also true that their inner circle has many multi-millionaires.

Direct marketing is very scientific and based on results. When they say that they believe in you and your potential this is true. Why? Because your profile and data sheet indicates that you have inquired about or bought something related to what they offer. When they talk about you having hidden powers this is also true in terms of your unfulfilled potential, for if you had actualized that power within you and achieved prosperity, well-being, happiness and so forth you would not still be debating the merits of offers you are examining---you, as we all would be---would be fully aware of the value of your life and living it to the fullest.

If you are sincerely interested in becoming a millionaire, gaining control, being productive, creating value, starting a business, achieving freedom, integrating your thinking, and so on (not necessarily in this order)--then the philosophy will have an obvious appeal to you. And be honest, most of us DO want to be wealthy but lack the knowledge about how to truly become so. The get rich quick mentality prevails mightily on almost every forum yet the majority fail to become rich because they produce little or no value. I challenge you to study the value producers of business such as Henry Ford and really understand what it was they did that gave value and freedom to the rest of us. Bill Gates often gets slammed but he empowered millions of people worldwide through Windows and now knowledge and people are accessible at the touch of a keyboard through a GUI interface not the old dull DOS.

Somewhere a long the line based on your own decision you ended up on a mailing list. I & O is a direct marketing publisher founded by a former scientist at Du Pont. The writings are geared to help you discover the full value of your life and to make your own decisions that lead you to a happy, productive, guiltless, and prosperous life that includes love.

If you wanted to start a business and were willing to take action to do so, you could learn more in the first few pages of the inside secrets than many business schools teach. And before you dismiss that let me add that I am a double MBA---MBA in Marketing and MBA in Project Management. So I recognize the value in what is being offered. It is a tremendous value to those who can be open minded enough to examine the contents.

Ayn Rand was a philosopher I avoided because of her rationalist views because I was a mystic and altruistic UNTIL I discovered the reality of what those words and philosophies mean. I am not going to say anything to convince you that my view is right or wrong---just know that I was a Christian for many years---and before you damn me to a life of hell I ask only can you see the injustice of what was done to Jesus? Why should Jesus have to sacrifice his life for MY sins? Jesus was altruistic and so was Adolph Hitler, Mao, Stalin, Lenin and many others whose philosophies and actions resulted in the unjust deaths of millions of innocent people. I am not saying that I don't love Jesus. I am saying his death was a travesty that has resulted in millions of deaths through the years because of religious warfare. What is the value production in that?

Let me just leave you with this (and no I am not a shill for Neo Tech, I have barely just begun reading the material with an OPEN mind---I am still free to make my own decision to accept or reject---but before you reject make sure you know what it is that you are rejecting):


You are the good, the innocent. Yet, throughout history, you have been defrauded of your earned prosperity and happiness. You have been victimized by the politicians, bureaucrats, theologians, pseudo intellectuals, and the white collar hoax. For they live off your efforts, repaying you only with falsehoods, unearned guilt, and demands for sacrifice. In your innocence, you have unnecessarily accepted their frauds, usurpations, and abuses. "

Now, in the case of feeling cheated by an offer that you have declined to accept---such as "having" to buy something more to gain access to a network of people who have already attained through their own efforts (with the help of like-minded people by way of producing values) what it is is that you are still seeking---which price is the one too high to pay? A minuscule amount of $ in relation to the knowledge and access you will receive---or a lifetime of doing the same thing you have always done that continually results in the same failures for you over and over again? Either way it is entirely YOUR choice and I respect that.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 8 Nov, 2005 05:35 pm
P.S. Full explanation of Neo Tech at www.wikipedia.org
To get an outside source explanation of Neo Tech that is informative and easy to follow, go to Wikipedia. The site also cites articles that criticize Neo Tech. Idea
0 Replies
Reply Wed 9 Nov, 2005 11:07 am
BBB report on Nouveau Tech
BBB Reliability Report

The Better Business Bureau
Serving Central Ohio
1335 Dublin Rd. Suite 30A
Columbus, OH 43215

The Nouveau Tech Society
3357 Southpark Place, Ste H
Grove City, OH 43123
Telephone: (702) 891-0302
Fax: (716) 447-7489

The BBB reports on members and non-members. If a company is a member of the BBB, it is stated in this report
BBB Definition:

report - A summary of activity reflected in a company's BBB file. Includes basic business background, BBB membership information, and Bureau complaint activity over the previous three years. Also reports may include any known government actions, advertising issues or other information that results from activity conducted by the BBB.


Original Business Start Date: May 1991 Email Address: [email protected]
Local Start Date: January 2005 Incorporated: May 1991
Principal: Mr Wallace H Ward , President & Secretary Employees: 1
Service Contact: Mr. Steve Rapella , General Manager File Open Date: January 2005
TOB Classification: Publishers-Book, Advertising-Direct Mail, Distributing Service-Circular, Sample, Fulfillment Services
BBB Membership: This company is not a member.

Additional DBA Names

Nouveau Society
Neo Tech Publishing Company
Nouveau Tech Society
Neo-Tech Research and Writing Center
Neo Tech

Customer Experience

Our local Better Business Bureau serving Central Ohio has processed complaints on this company since our file opened in January 2005 which were resolved
BBB Definition:

resolved - The company resolved
BBB Definition:

resolved - The company resolved the complaint issues.

the complaint issues.

. One complaint was previously closed in October, 2005, as unanswered in our local Bureau files, but the company has recently responded to the matter indicating an adjustment is being made, and so our Bureau has re-opened the case and is corresponding further with the consumer. We will update
BBB Definition:

update - A routine file maintenance on company reports to the public. Conducted to verify information contained in the report
BBB Definition:

report - A summary of activity reflected in a company's BBB file. Includes basic business background, BBB membership information, and Bureau complaint activity over the previous three years. Also reports may include any known government actions, advertising issues or other information that results from activity conducted by the BBB.

. Public reports in update
BBB Definition:

update - A routine file maintenance on company reports to the public. Conducted to verify information contained in the report. Public reports in update are usually unavailable to the public for 15 days during this maintenance period.

are usually unavailable to the public for 15 days during this maintenance period.

this portion of the report
BBB Definition:

report - A summary of activity reflected in a company's BBB file. Includes basic business background, BBB membership information, and Bureau complaint activity over the previous three years. Also reports may include any known government actions, advertising issues
BBB Definition:

advertising issues - Claims alleging print or electronic media advertised claims or practices misrepresent the service or product offer.

or other information that results from activity conducted by the BBB.

when this complaint is re-closed in our local Bureau files.

Some complaints concerning this company have also been processed by the Better Business Serving Las Vegas, Nevada, due to the headquarters of the company being located in Henderson, Nevada.

At this time, our local BBB serving Central Ohio is also corresponding further with the company and the Better Business Bureau in Las Vegas, Nevada, to clarify complaint processing and communication issues.

According to information supplied by the company,
Integrated Management Associates is a Nevada-based corporation doing business as Neo-Tech Publishing Company and The Nouveau Tech Society, with corporate offices in Henderson, Nevada. The publishing company sells business and self-improvement literature to consumers through the mail. The company's direct mail campaigns, order processing and product fulfillment solutions are handled by Client Logic's offices. Client Logic's Clifton, New Jersey, location, handles all order processing, so anyone receiving the company's solicitations would reply to a Clifton, NJ address. Client Logic's Grove City, Ohio plant handles mailing of all direct mail literature and all products, so when a customer receives a product, the return address on the product is Grove City, Ohio. Client Logic's West Virginia office handles in-bound customer service calls, and would direct customers calling about how to return products to return the products to Grove City, Ohio, where returns are also handled.

We will further update
BBB Definition:

update - A routine file maintenance on company reports to the public. Conducted to verify information contained in the report
BBB Definition:

report - A summary of activity reflected in a company's BBB file. Includes basic business background, BBB membership information, and Bureau complaint activity over the previous three years. Also reports may include any known government actions, advertising issues or other information that results from activity conducted by the BBB.

. Public reports in update
BBB Definition:

update - A routine file maintenance on company reports to the public. Conducted to verify information contained in the report. Public reports in update are usually unavailable to the public for 15 days during this maintenance period.

are usually unavailable to the public for 15 days during this maintenance period.

this portion of the report
BBB Definition:

report - A summary of activity reflected in a company's BBB file. Includes basic business background, BBB membership information, and Bureau complaint activity over the previous three years. Also reports may include any known government actions, advertising issues
BBB Definition:

advertising issues - Claims alleging print or electronic media advertised claims or practices misrepresent the service or product offer.

or other information that results from activity conducted by the BBB.

, as clarification regarding complaint processing and communication issues are complete.

When considering complaint information, please take into account the company's size and volume of transactions, and understand that the nature of complaints and a firm's responses to them are often more important than the number of complaints.

The Bureau processed a total of 5 complaints about this company in the last 36 months, our standard reporting period. Of the total of 5 complaints closed in 36 months, 5 were closed in the last year.

These complaints concerned:

1 Advertising Issues
BBB Definition:

Advertising Issues - Claims alleging print or electronic media advertised claims or practices misrepresent the service or product offer.

1 Sales Practice Issues
BBB Definition:

Sales Practice Issues - Claims of alleged sales presentations made in person or by telephone that contain misrepresentations of the product or service, high pressure sales practices, failure to disclose key conditions of the offer, and verbal representations not consistent with written contractual terms or agreements.

1 Delivery Issues
BBB Definition:

Delivery Issues - Claims alleging delayed delivery of ordered merchandise.

2 Refund or Exchange Issues
BBB Definition:

Refund or Exchange Issues - Claim of alleged failure to honor company policy or verbal commitment to provide refunds, exchanges, or credit for products or services.

They were closed as:

5 Resolved
BBB Definition:

Resolved - The company resolved the complaint issues.

(click on Resolved to see more details)

3 Company resolved the complaint issues. The consumer acknowledged acceptance to the BBB.
2 Company resolved the complaint issues. The consumer failed to acknowledge acceptance to the BBB.

Company Management

Additional company management personnel include:

Ms Cheryl Thomas - Customer Service Manager
Mr Gary Twichell - Assistant To President
Ms Kirsten Hart - Invitation Processing
Ms Margot Scott - Customer Service Center

Additional File Information

Our local Better Business Bureau serving Central Ohio maintains a separate local file and report
BBB Definition:

report - A summary of activity reflected in a company's BBB file. Includes basic business background, BBB membership information, and Bureau complaint activity over the previous three years. Also reports may include any known government actions, advertising issues
BBB Definition:

advertising issues - Claims alleging print or electronic media advertised claims or practices misrepresent the service or product offer.

or other information that results from activity conducted by the BBB.

on Client Logic, Grove City, Ohio which may be accessed online from our local Bureau website at www.centralohiobbb.org or is available upon request.

A separate BBB report
BBB Definition:

report - A summary of activity reflected in a company's BBB file. Includes basic business background, BBB membership information, and Bureau complaint activity over the previous three years. Also reports may include any known government actions, advertising issues
BBB Definition:

advertising issues - Claims alleging print or electronic media advertised claims or practices misrepresent the service or product offer.

or other information that results from activity conducted by the BBB.

on the corporate headquarters of Neo Tech Publishing Company located in Henderson, Nevada, is also developed and maintained by the Better Business Bureau of Southern Nevada wich is available by contacting:
BBB of Southern Nevada, Inc.
2301 Palomino Lane
Las Vegas, NV 89107 -4503
Phone: (702)320-4500
Fax: (702)320-4560

If you do not have access to a computer and the internet and would like one of our local BBB staff members to provide the information to you over the phone or through the mail we would be happy to assist you. Please call our office at (614)486-6336 or (800)759-2400 between 8 a.m. and noon or between 1 p.m. and 4:30 p.m. Monday through Friday.

Additional DBAs, Addresses and Telephone Numbers

Additional DBA Names
Integrated Management Associates, Inc.

Additional Addresses
P. O. Box 5204
Clifton, NJ 07015-5204

850 S. Boulder Hwy.
Henderson, NV 89015

Additional Phone Numbers
(716) 447-7488
(716) 871-2844
(702) 891-0300

Report as of November 9, 2005
Copyright© 2005 Better Business Bureau®, Inc.

BBB reports may not be reproduced for sales or promotional purposes.

The information in this report has either been provided by the company or has been compiled by the Bureau from other reliable sources.

As a matter of policy, the Better Business Bureau does not endorse any product, service or company. BBB reports generally cover a three-year reporting period, and are provided solely to assist you in exercising your own best judgment. Information contained in this report is believed reliable but not guaranteed as to accuracy. Reports are subject to change at any time.


Btw, Kevin Trudeau did not make $ selling your name to Nouveau Tech....a mailing list broker rented the mailing list to Neo Tech.

Now, this isn't a something for nothing world. If you can't be bothered to read the material objectively, spend money on materials that prepare and educate you in Neo Tech so that when you do meet their wealthy members you won't be wasting their time (and yours), then why in the world would you order in the first place? Because it sounded intriguing? Well that it is, but more than that there are some amazing business building tools included and if you happen to need a job you are invited to apply with the publishing company where you will be trained in how to successfully run a direct mail company and that training can be applied to any business you want to run in the future. So let's see, for $139 you get an opportunity to learn a philosophy that is freeing, to learn business management tools not taught in the top grad schools but taught to you by a multi-millionaire, and the opportunity to earn an INCOME while you are applying the business knowledge practically in the real world. In return you are asked to invest in materials that prepare you for life-changing contacts with people who have already DONE and SUCCEEDED at what you are still trying to start. Razz Sure sounds like a "scam" to me! :wink:
0 Replies
Reply Thu 10 Nov, 2005 12:24 pm
Thank you to all who have contributed to this column.I just made my 1st $140.00 ,from your advice ,not the 1000 pg. manual .I did not order Trudeau's book. However I did purchase it at a Walmart and paid with my debit card. In 3 weeks from my purchase I recieved my "letter".The address on the envelope contained a specific part of my address that is only found on correspondence I recieve from my bank that issued my debit card.Yes , there is definitely a connection between Kevin Trudeau and this "secret society".
0 Replies
Reply Thu 10 Nov, 2005 12:26 pm
Thank you to all who have contributed to this column.I just made my 1st $140.00 ,from your advice ,not the 1000 pg. manual .I did not order Trudeau's book. However I did purchase it at a Walmart and paid with my debit card. In 3 weeks from my purchase I recieved my "letter".The address on the envelope contained a specific part of my address that is only found on correspondence I recieve from my bank that issued my debit card.Yes , there is definitely a connection between Kevin Trudeau and this "secret society".
0 Replies
Reply Thu 10 Nov, 2005 12:29 pm
Thank you to all who have contributed to this column.I just made my 1st $140.00 ,from your advice ,not the 1000 pg. manual .I did not order Trudeau's book. However I did purchase it at a Walmart and paid with my debit card. In 3 weeks from my purchase I recieved my "letter".The address on the envelope contained a specific part of my address that is only found on correspondence I recieve from my bank that issued my debit card.Yes , there is definitely a connection between Kevin Trudeau and this "secret society".
0 Replies
Reply Thu 10 Nov, 2005 03:46 pm
I could have saved you the price of the book at Wal Mart's. Very Happy

Agree with the philosophy or not, the marketing approach or not, or approve or disapprove of Trudeau and Wallace's friendship...what is offered is one man's philosophy----and some great business building insights and tools.

Luke Setzer, a NASA engineer and MENSA member gives his take on it and informs about the Wallace-Trudeau connection...something I didn't know about until after I had posted here. It doesn't matter though..it's called mail order, mailing lists, and marketing.

Wallace makes some good points about the 2,500 year old matrix we are all presently living in and some of the destructive forces within it and how we can benefit by becoming value producers instead of destroyers.

When all is said and done it is still worth the price of the materials because I am free to accept or reject any part of it I rationally choose.



Happy sailing all...
0 Replies
Reply Fri 11 Nov, 2005 02:01 pm
If you really want to let the Trudeau / Nouveau / etc. folks know what you think of their marketing ideas, just print out all of the pages of this discussion thread, or any other on the topic, fold the pages up neatly, tuck them into the pre-addressed envelope you received with your bar-coded "personal letter just to you..." from Kirsten Hart and the Nouveau Tech Society, seal, do NOT affix your return mailing address, do NOT affix postage, and drop it in the mail to them. Very Happy

They'll have to pay full postage plus a fee in order to receive your thoughts. :wink:
0 Replies
Reply Fri 18 Nov, 2005 08:55 pm
I guess The nouveau tech society thought that since we believed in herbs we would believe any thing. Funny how there are so many of us who received this letter and there is supposed to be just a hand full of people selected every year. I think their "secret" is out.
0 Replies
cajun justice
Reply Sat 17 Dec, 2005 02:06 am
I received a letter from Nouveau Tech saying I had special qualities they were looking for. Being of an open mind I sent for the book. When I received the book what was inside shocked me. Basically all he talked about was that there is no God. "You are your own authority." As shocked as I was I read on. A couple of days later I received another letter from them. This time it was to join their summit meetings, but in order to be a part of the meetings I had to order the 1000 page pamplet. Confused" I had to be prepared." They said it wouldn't cost me anything but shipping and handling. That would be another $99. Fool me once(your fault) fool me twice, well you get the picture. But wait thats not all, after you recieve that one you have to get another book at no cost to you but shipping and handling witch would be another $99. Where is this stuff shipping from; Mars? If this isn't a scam, why didn't I recieve the 1000 page pamplet they promised me on my first order?
0 Replies
Reply Sat 17 Dec, 2005 08:15 pm
About Nouveau Tech Secret Society
I got a letter in the mail from Nouveau Tech Society and so i ordered their booklet it is well worth every penny I paid for it...
I am sure that they have sent this same letter to many people and the reason they are asking so much for it is so that who ever orders it will read it...
If you are willing to pay $139.95 then you are going to read it! Think about it! Anyone receiving this letter needs to respond to it and order their information because your life depends on it....Lets put it this way-
I would like to tell you what is in the 500 plus page booklet but I can't because you really need to check it out for yourself..I will tell you this that you have been deceived your whole life and you don't even know it! The deception has been sooooo suddle and masked that you would be surprised and may not accept it at first BUT as you read on through the book it will convince you and start you to thinking for yourself... I have not finished the book as yet but what I have read so far has convinced me enough to start thinking for myself.
The information in the book exposes a lot of very important things that you take for granted everyday, yet these very things are detroying your life, thinking, and moral consepts about yourself and life itself!!! Nouveau Tech Society is basically a wake up call to everyone not just you....
You will hear alot of descreptionies about Nouveau Tech Society on line here, but take it from me they have their proof outlined in the booklet they send you... The only thing that they do is guide you to start thinking for yourself and open up minds that you have been deceived in your whole life about.... And they teach you how to think about life in a whole different way than you ever have been capable of thinking in the past...

0 Replies
Reply Tue 20 Dec, 2005 08:23 am
Just a quick note to tell you all that in the heat of the moment I got so carried away that I just friggin almost lost it (you know "hitting dog thing") Well now all I can say is that by reading the manual you become "awakened" to your OWN powers and abilities that you ALREADY have right now but have yet to be awakened!
On another note if you TRULY BELIEVE in the stuff that the FIRST installment tells you then it will work for you just as it did for me!
All it takes is for you believe with perfect faith, belief, imagination, certainty, clairity, detachment and gratitude then it WILL WORK FOR YOU!
So gotta go now and you all will be "seeing" me on TV for if you all are like me then you will use this knowledge to skyrocket yourselves to SUCCESS and I mean MAJOR SUCCESS!
See you all later!
Happy Trails!
0 Replies

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