Neo-Tech and Nouveau Tech Society

In Utah But Not Mormon
Reply Mon 20 Nov, 2006 03:37 pm
The last summit? Whatever shall I do?
The LAST Neo-Tech summit and I missed it? I guess I won't be meeting Angelina Jolie and Warren Buffet after all.

I suppose Rosa Maria Wallace must have been the only "famous" person there. How exciting for all the 7 people attending this event. I mean . . . who cares about Angelina and Warren when you can meet the world-famous ROSA! And . . . . . what was it again that Rosa accomplished? I forgot.

Yeah, it's hilarious.

Here's something else hilarious. On the same page, it was revealed how Neo Tech would sweep away this anticivilization. "How? With Pax Neo Tech powered by the coming Chariots-of-Fire literature combined with shattering Neo-Tech Bullets and unifying Overlay Charts."

Did everybody get that? Nothing else has worked for them, but THIS will. Really!! Those unifying Overlay Charts are powerful enough to confuse and debilitate their worst enemies. Indeed.

Neo Tech Publishing Company better hope those bullets and charts will help THEM if the Federal Trade Commission decides to launch an investigation into their fraudulent business practices.
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Reply Thu 23 Nov, 2006 09:09 am
Neotech - is true if you know the meaning of words....
I have read many negative comments on Neotech - if you read it word for word the words are all true - everything people should desire to be in this life - has anyone ever heard of a book called the Laws of Success written in the 1920s-40s? Well, this is equally a study of the genius mind - without men and women using their minds we would would even be here communicating today - I think it's time to really think clearly what is real and what isn't especially when you look at how deceitful the average man is let alone his government....please I really would like to see some objective comments - thanks
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In Utah But Not Mormon
Reply Thu 23 Nov, 2006 11:30 am
The scam artist wants objective comments?
The words are all true? Do you enjoy lying to people?

Bubbler is not interested in reading objective comments.

Because Bubbler is a lying scam artist.
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Reply Thu 23 Nov, 2006 12:05 pm
Neo-Tech and Nouveau Tech Society
You are obviously right wing - probably working for the government - but you wouldn't even be honest about that would you? ah well, two different worlds for real....good luck mate
0 Replies
Reply Thu 23 Nov, 2006 12:59 pm
Can you say "Unsung Heroes of the Mud Wars"?

Is this what your supposed Neo-Tech powers are about? Ignoring facts, slinging random mud at people, and then pretending you're open-minded?

You know, this tactic of yours is getting old. Go away, lamer.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 23 Nov, 2006 07:17 pm
Re: Scam Letter
ConstitutionalGirl wrote:

BTW, I discovered a pedofile on a Harry Potter Forum, that lurred boys to his hotel in London. So, first I reported it to the Forum's Mods, and they banned me, then I reported it to the FBI and they said, "We don't have time time or resources to investigate every allegation of Online Sex Offender's."

You need to out and reverse sting people like this. Many of them are cops or government employees anyways.
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Reply Thu 23 Nov, 2006 07:21 pm
Re: The Nouveau Tech Society
ocelot wrote:
Just got a message regarding The Nouveau Tech Society letter that seems to be going around. I have NO idea how they got my name....I never ordered this book by Kevin Trudeau ... So I really don't know how this is getting around to people.

I did just recently purchase a mailing list of names though......perhaps there is a link ?

My letter uses Kirsten Hart as the signator, and the address was PO Box 5204 Clifton, NJ 07015-5204 with a fax # of 716-447-7488.

So....I did not respond after doing my "due diligence" search on the internet. Everything I found states this is a scam.......

Best of luck to all.

The thing to do with these kind of mailings is leave them somewhere for someone else. It throws of the profile/mailing list. Take it to a laundrymat and put it inside some magazine pages. Or go to the library and put it in some ayn rand book as a bookmark. At least that would be a more clever form of marketing or NT.
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Reply Thu 23 Nov, 2006 07:24 pm
Arella Mae wrote:
Laughing Laughing Laughing

Kind of like calling a psychic and they ask you what your birthday is? I always want to know if they are so danged psychic, why don't they know that?

They need that to tune into the person. Same reason you dont know where you moon or sun is in astrology. But the imprint of the position of the planets is imprinted on a part of your being somewhere. It just helps to have a tool to print out a chart for you so you dont have to master your mind and body to know all things just by saying "tell me". Some people dont know their birthplace or birthday, they might be read with various levels of difficulty. I've called psychics and oddly enough got winning lotto numbers, which they never really do anyways. They won but I didnt play them. Go figure.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 23 Nov, 2006 07:52 pm
Re: Neo-Tech and Nouveau Tech Society
Paul468 wrote:
ConstitutionalGirl wrote:
I got letter in the mail from the Nouveau Tech Society, saying that I have special powers and that's why they picked me, that I can use them with their free answers to a better life. Should I believe them and mail the letter back? Is it a scam?
Yes it is a scam I have a friend who was air headed enough to try it and lost close to $500.

Tsk tsk next time check www.abebooks.com or ebay. Save some $ then you can always boomerang the book back out there so people can at least read it and make an informed decision. You think there is any truth that its banned in all those countrys?
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Reply Thu 23 Nov, 2006 07:54 pm
afournie1 wrote:




90 days is about as long as it takes for them to ship the book.
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Reply Thu 23 Nov, 2006 08:05 pm
Re: an appeal to the curious self
ConsciousYoungerBrother wrote:

If you go to answers.com you will see an association between Julian Jaynes' book: The origin of Consciousness in the Breakdown of the Bicameral Mind and the people of which you have refered.

I suggest going to your local library. Flip through this book. (I say this because it is close to 500 pages.)

Jaynes was wrong. The term "I" has been used in older texts. TAT TVAN ASSI for example can translate to: thou art that but more accurately "I am that". This reflects a passage in panjali's writings about "being one with your object of contemplation". The dharana of shadow gazing, gazing at jyotir lingam or even mirror gazing puts you in connection with aspects of the shadow self, psyche or unconscious, respectivly. The book kind of loses some credibility ignoring not only the vedic texts but what is written in them, esp. about consciousness, manas, bodhi, atman... more egghead western pride and arrogance. Boring.

I found this posted on the net and I thought it was interesting:

The Vedas, sacred Canon of the Hindus. Found in the doctrines of the neo-platonists, all middle age secret societys, including the Knights templar, pythagorianism, The Iiliad of homer, The Semitic doctrines in the bible and the Talmud and in the mysticism of the Gnostics" --Encyclopedia of Freemasonry

Looks like mr. zon needs to do some reading outside of tech journals and junk physics books.
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Reply Thu 23 Nov, 2006 08:15 pm
ConstitutionalGirl wrote:
agoodgirl wrote:
I'm not sure how much medication your Dr. is prescribing you, "The Undyinglight333".... BUT you are NOT with reality when you say, THIS BOOK IS NOT A SCAM! I think maybe your judgement is clouded BECAUSE:


333 meant Kevin's Natural Cures is not a Scam, I have that book, and no it's not a Scam. The only Scam he did, was give out our information to the Navue Tech or whatever. "Please reread, before you comment, agoodgirl!"

Kevin probably bought the lead from the same lead house. They can get your address from ANI from 1-800 numbers or 888 or other toll free. If you call a number for a order line or whatever its logged with your name and address. They say "this person orders stuff from mail order". Buy the nose clippers from a online catalog and notice how much crap junk mail you get. Get the pheremone stuff for $10. Check the private investigator trash magazines classifeds, soilder of fortune and mlm magaizines. Call every 1-800 or toll free number you see. Just call and let it connect and hang up. It costs them $ each time you call too. Which is why they sell your information to mailing list houses. Order every free catalog from anywhere and notice what junk mail you get. It cost them $ every time you call their toll free number and order a catalog.
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Reply Thu 23 Nov, 2006 08:20 pm
Re: nouveau tech a butt blister
1archangel wrote:
Think before you pay. My friends tell me this guy is a real gem of a man. Hey if nothing else, you can donate to the food for oil scam, at least you would thought you knew where your money was going! Yeah thats right "greedy overstuffed pockets", oh one more thing, Karma has a way of catching up with some people, in the end, it will.

Thanks be back soon.

I think trudeau was in high school when wallace was publishing "mans choice" and his original pre-neo tech now out-of-print-books. This is the USA and he was told by court that he cant make money selling anything ever. Kinda harsh for someone selling useless "junk". What next? No 1st amendment? You people ever hear of librarys or book stores?
0 Replies
Reply Thu 23 Nov, 2006 09:08 pm
Re: Frank Wallace
In Utah But Not Mormon wrote:
The book has nothing to do with satanism. Frank Wallace did not believe in God or Satan. But he did believe in things like dishonesty, fraud, and tax evasion.

To find out more about Dr. Frank R. Wallace, you can go to wikipedia (dot org).

Zon = ZOG
Xenu = Menu

Space aliens, natural forces of heat fire and light.... do the math.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 23 Nov, 2006 09:16 pm
Re: So many names . . . too many lies
In Utah But Not Mormon wrote:

The death of Wallace Ward (Frank Wallace) this year probably means the "Nouveau Tech" company lost about two-thirds of it's work force.

So why did he use so many names? You said he might have done that because he was an atheist. Well . . . . I can think of a couple of other reasons:

1.) To make his company appear larger than it really was,


2.) To scam the government by using different names to evade taxes,


3.) Both

Obviously his attempts to illegally avoid paying taxes failed, since he was sent to prison. Maybe clever Wally thought he could fool everybody. It didn't work. The man was dishonest up until the day he died. Pathetic.

But here's the bottom line: The "Nouveau Tech" company survives by lying to people to get their money. And it's the only reason it continues to exist.

Ah so mr. zon is dead.

Something I always didnt like.

Years ago I got the advanced concepts of poker through interlibrary loan. Took less time to get than the neo tech manual which my mom bought. She hated it, lol. It had in the back listed other books by wallace. Eric flame and Man's choice with a short synopsis. Eric flame was one of his non de plumes, a fictional book or something about a poker god that took advantage of other players weaknesses. The other book caught my eye. Man's choice. Its about the 4 types of people wallace discovered exist in the game of poker and this is probably where a brunt of his metaphorical juices came from. Along with the neocheating manual which he OMITTED from the neo-tech manual because it "disturbed people". Well back then it wasnt available. Now its online and you can get some out of print copys for not so great price. Its actually worth if you want to learn how to cheat at cards. I think the true reason he omitted the neocheating manual and never reprinted his earlyer books (before neotech) is because he was in fact playing poker with his market sector. He knew what would suck people in and it worked. And he figured out how to take those 89% dreamers and get them to send him money, then more money, the more money and those dumb lummocks even might learn something (he could have spend .25 and printed out on a sheet of paper a complete list of SECONDARY and PRIMARY philisophical references and publishing houses and then offered to sell his reviews of each and every book he integrated from that list). But who's the real genius here? Me or him. What do they call this in the real world? Oh yeah curriculum vitae. Later on they did try selling copys of several philisophical books. Not all though. We need to get a fund together or something and get "man's choice" and scan it so we can find out exactly what he learned sitting on his butt all day playing poker. It might provide some insight
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Reply Thu 23 Nov, 2006 09:27 pm
DanielN wrote:
So does the government and most other business in some form or another... let's face it, our entire society is nothing but a big scam 80 - 90 percent of the time. That's what happens when you have a monetary system based on twenty different types of interest and inflation etc etc etc...
I just think it's kind of funny when people want to demonize someone for possibly doing the same thing as everyone else is doing, for being not quite as adept at it, and still at the same time and even from posts in this thread you can see that SOME people think ti has been worth the money. Maybe it IS a waste of money, but how much money do you spend on going to the movies or paying for television per year watching people PRETEND to be other people doing all kinds of amoral stuff, hmm?

Lol people are so f'd up... I'm going asa a master neo-cheater this halloween... that does it.. I

My friend that is BULL. Wallace obviously never INTEGRATED game theory. In games the rules are agreed upon, often unconsciously. When you play a game you give up a percentage of your voltion. A percentage of your free will. A percentage of your income, which is your time and labor (adam smith). But games have a finite end and beginning. Poker isnt one continuous game, its multiple hands, multiple decks, multiple "innings" in a concurrent string. All games have boundarys, end, beginning, out of bounds, off sides. There are rules for games. The only game without rules is real life (love and war as the saying goes). Hobbes said "force and fraud in war are the cardinal virtues". "There is no god and truth is what comes out of my mouth". This is textbook example of a moneyhungry ahole. Just another rich money hungry miser right? Wrong.

You see, when you take "the game" and poker is an example, perhaps the supreme example of the worst game to take outside the conventions of the poker table. Then its just bad acting and bad lying. As you can seeming well tell for yourself. The justification that 'Its just a game' and that the other players agree to be screwed over and as long as you dont directly cheat, then your tactics are open to anyone as an advantage if they 'study' and 'integrate'. Which is kind of hard when you actually work for a living.

Wallace was able to step outside of a moral and ethical bubble to enter another bubble, a neocheaters bubble, a cheater outside the convention of gaming. Poker tactics outside poker are 1) bad tactics 2) immoral 3) unethical 4) for people to weak and lazy to actually use physical violence or overt forms of manipulation. The latter being a violation of NT ethics, leaving what? Clever social engineering? The medium of words? Classic.

Let me sit here and pretend I have an answer to every question, 4 aces and i-know-that-you-know-that-i-know-that-you-dont-have-4-aces body posture and 3000 year old played out poker dogface stilted body language so you better lay it down and walk away from the table...

Problem is folks you have to have something to bluff with. And you have to show your hand eventually. When someone calls your bluff and your shown to be a scared little man hiding behind aformentioned "tactics" (more like defense mechanisms) that my friend is plain dumb.
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Reply Thu 23 Nov, 2006 09:33 pm
bi wrote:
DanielN: If you do object to people telling lies, then why do you keep claiming that Neo-Tech has been "demonized" because people are calling attention to Neo-Tech for their acts of lying?

Yes, Neo-Tech isn't some Great Satan that's going to rule the world with its dark power. But that doesn't change the fact that it's selling books under false pretences -- for one thing, claiming that it's a "secret" society when it's so secret that lots of Internet sites talk about it and people openly profess it. Why is it "demonizing" to point out that Neo-Tech keeps telling lies such as this? Or do these lies suddenly become truths because you claim you "found the material thoughtful"?

And why do you keep bringing up "things in the mainstream"? We're discussing Neo-Tech; "things in the mainstream" can have their own separate discussions.

OTO is a secret society.
COSatan is a secret society.
Freemasonry is a secret society.
Royal society is a secret society.
ZOG is a secret society.
Study the symbols on the dollar bill.
Illuminati is a secret society (hello david icke a bit off the rails but....)
ect, ect.

If you didnt get the "secret message" then reread until you get it.

In those orgs your taught at the top that there is no god and that basically all the stuff you wasted your time and money on was a figment of the leader founders imagination. Its a secret because your not supposed to tell what you know to the underlings they have to be ready for it or they will burst into flames sponaneously.

Get the video from John ankerberg on the freemasons revealed. Not bad for a guy like ankerberg.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 23 Nov, 2006 09:44 pm
DanielN wrote:
I have never recieved a letter so I have not seen any "lies". When they say things like "everything you touch will turn to gold, I can use my BRAIN and see what that probably means. When they say I will be contacted for a meeting in a few days... and I'm not then that is probably a lie or they have a huge backlog. I don't know.

There is something I should share that I havent said yet before. Back when I first read the manual I had a "dream". In this dream was wallace and some round table people in a room. I was "summoned" to this room and asked about what my future carrer plans were. I said "politics" which was a undersimplification. I'm not a politician but politics is simply to be above the commoners, or be connected to power in some way, not nessessarily in the USA. After that I was "kicked out" of the round table room. This may be a strange dream but I wonder if others had such experience. There is a martial arts cult called "green dragon". They use silva mind control methods to recruit people. And who knows what else. Silva mind control consists of going to alpha state and visualizing various things. You enter "level" which is a subjective state where anything is possible but no negative emotion can impede (to use those qualifys as black magic) your connection with another person or persons. If you want to get good results you have to enter level during REM state when your target is at REM state so you can enter their mind easyer. Look for the silva mind control method for managers. It literally jumps off the shelf at you. Kinda weird. Silva said thats how he programmed things to be.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 23 Nov, 2006 11:37 pm
Secret society? Secret society of socks, maybe
Tengri: I say again, this thread is about Neo-Tech. Not about the CoS, the Freemasons, Skull and Bones, or whatever. The question is whether Neo-Tech is a secret society. The answer is no. Lots of people talk about it, and several people even openly say they are Neo-Techers. Neo-Tech is what a secret society is not.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 24 Nov, 2006 01:33 am
My supposed.....who are you kidding...like I said have fun mate
0 Replies

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