It means he or you or both of you are most likely married/LTR ... But he would definitely like the world to revolve around him .... You are supposed to do exactly what he wants, his wife/partner no doubt the same, along with everyone else.
Obviously he plays about on the internet, maybe you do as well. In his case I doubt you are the only one and of course, it all massages his his tiny little ego.
Myself I am not an emotional person and do not require the validation of others. My wife and I have 30 years ongoing together and are still closer every day. Personally I would never think of 'chatting' to some other female, anywhere, to the extent she had 'feelings' ..... it is plainly being unfaithful.
The problem with the internet is that there are almost infinite levels of 'realism' .... What may seem perfectly real to yourself, is quite possibly a million kilometres from 'real' for the other party.
By 'talk' do you mean this, typing? Because that is what most people mean .... Ergo, what you 'fell for' was an idea which you had, which you fitted this disembodied voice into.
In general terms people who need to socialise, but for whatever reason fail to do so in physical life become easily ensnared in the trap of thinking the people they find on the internet are 'real' ... But very few are in fact.
Always remember the warning from internet history that was and is .....