He might like you, not in the same way you like him. He may be in a defensive way, he perhaps feels smth for you but hate the idea to be into guys or having a crush on someone of the same sex. He's popular as you said and he couldn't go over that idea he could be with a guy, and that's why that demeanour, do not worry about it. With the time going on he will do a step forward and you need to be heedful and to notice if he did that on purpose to humble you or probably he really likes you but he had a fear to prove it. My advice will be: invite him somewhere, in a private place and ask him " Why do you behave like it, I feel smth for you, I don't even know what's going with me, but if you feel nothing for me just please stop behaving like you wanna make me suffer from love cause nothing you'll get from that, please stop. You feel nothing, ok I'll feel nothing for you, I'll never be talking to you, if that is what you want but please stop be like it. I learned to be copying with your way of behaving and I wouldn't feel smth bad if you tell me " i don't like you " "
I mean what would be the logic to make a step on you either in a funny way, humble way or even in a serious way if he feels nothing for you, just to bully, to irk you for no reason... That's so far from nothing!!!!
Please go with what I told you in your mind and when the real time comes to you, pleae feel free and brave to spit it out and to make him believe that any answer you'll get, it won't gonna make you suffer!!!!
Good luck!