@Dr Sliptinschit,
Dr Sliptinschit wrote:
Candice is really a special person. I'm happy she's emerged as an honest voice that reminds us of the truth. That honesty is louder than all the bunk that spews forth daily from the racist democrats.
What do you think is special about her. She seems to be simply repeating the same talking points that every other conservative says... almost word for word. I listened to most of this video with an open mind, there was nothing here that surprised me given that she is a conservative ideologue.
It is the same argument that every conservative made with the same points... the Democrats are upset that Clinton lost and they are inappropriately using the impeachment to undo the election. I could have stood there and made that argument. The conservatives jumped up and clapped for joy. The liberals weren't impressed. No one's mind was changed. It is just the same old tired routine.
What exactly do you find special about her?