glitterbag wrote:
...ponder the idea that maybe old bosses, ex-wives and other people really do recognize how maladjusted you are. It's a thought...maybe, just maybe it's you.
It’s too much for him or any Trump tooter to acknowledge, GB. He CAN’T be the root cause of all his own difficulties. Just like Trump CAN’T be grossly negligent and incompetent and responsible for pandemic deaths and for selling our soldiers out to Putin.
They can’t even remotely consider it. It would open the door to having to admit they are wrong about EVERYTHING. All the racism, misogyny, homophobia, xenophobia, toxic masculinity, white nationalism, white privilege, white -splaining... ALL of it.
We have to take them as the delusional, lost mofos they are because they are sadly incapable of growth. Sucks for us, but not as bad as it sucks to be them.