Sun 28 Jun, 2020 06:11 am
What does "complained of the fact" mean?
There were two other occasions when, with the red lamp, he was
morally certain, but in the vast majority of cases it was possible, if one
allowed one's imagination to work, to read anything into the vague
moulds which rose before one. It is likely that this occurred in the Eddy
circle—indeed, C. C. Massey, a very competent judge, sitting with the
Eddys in 1875, complained of the fact. The real miracle consisted not in
the recognition but in the presence of the figure at all.
The author presented "in the vast majority of cases it was possible, if one
allowed one's imagination to work, to read anything into the vague
moulds which rose before one" as a fact and then wrote that the judge complained about it.