JGoldman10 wrote:
Well saying I have "warped logic" isn't exactly flattering.
It wasn’t meant to be.
It also isn’t flattering to you that you do nothing to be Christ like, and that you are in general not a good person.
What would Jesus say to you if he saw that you said an extremely thoughtless, cruel, and unnecessary thing to someone who was deeply grieving.
Jesus would NEVER have walked up to a person who just lost the person they loved most in the world, and asked them if they were saved. That with the implication if he wasn’t he would be suffering.
No. Jesus would have been kind, seeking to comfort another, offered any help they had to give, even if it was just listening.
Any moral human being would do that, and if they couldn’t, at least keep their mouth shut.
It doesn’t matter how many times you say it Goldman. You are not a Christian. Jesus would tell you to your face you are not, and you do nothing to be Christ like.
You do absolutely nothing to reach out to others, never offer help, or think of anyone else’s need or desires.
All you do is take, take, take here.
You’re a parasite sucking everyone else for information on your mostly ridiculous questions.
You go ask your preacher if asking someone whose beloved husband had just died if he was saved if that was a Christ like thing to do.
You are very very mixed up in what it means to be a Christian.
All you do is say crap from a book and so nothing to go among people and be kind and helpful.
Why is it everyone is supposed to be kind and helpful to you, but you can’t even act in a moral, ethical or helpful way to your fellow man.
I know this is whistling in the wind. You’re incapable of understanding basic human nature as you do indeed consistently act in such a horrible way to others.