Sat 23 May, 2020 07:38 am
I cut myself at the base of the penis with an electric razor (the kind you shave your head with). There was only a little blood and a small cut, I was able to stop the bleeding by lightly compressing some toilet paper on the cut for a couple minutes. it' s a scary place to cut yourself, is there a chance I could have cut a vein or a cut into the internal tissue? Or is the fact that there was only a little bleeding indicative of it just being a cut that is skin deep? Thanks!
There is nothing special about a penis, it is just a body part. Treat it like a cut anywhere else.
The bleeding stopped. You are almost certainly OK. Forget about it.
Thanks for the reply! I had heard that the penis can bleed more than other areas but it didn't so that is a good sign. It has healed now with no noticeable scar so that probably means it didn't go deeper than the skin right?
This sounds bad.
Real bad.
You weren't thinking of having children, were you?
you just need to be reminded once in a while.
All men do.
Were you cutting the hair? What style? Or did you just Bobbitt?
(Sorry folks, couldn't resist...)
That was shocking episode Makjakson.
Glad to hear you are on the mend.