What drives me crazy is how stupid people are about what will happen if we give these clowns a big corporate bailout. It will end up in the pockets of the corporate board, upper level management and the share holders. People are whining about Boeing, and ignoring the billions they used to buy their own stock, lining the pockets of the corporate board and shareholders.
The notion that such a bailout will significantly benefit employees is boneheaded bullsh*t. This is trickle-down economic writ large. To paraphrase Everett Dirksen, a trillion here, a trillion there--pretty soon you're talking about real money. For less than two trillion dollars, everyone for whom 941 deposits were made in this fiscal year could get a check for $2000 every month for the next six months. That would pay the rent and feed their families, rather than giving the bloated corporate crooks more cash.