Quote:...monthly income of $50,000...
Why yes, that would be a rather large monthly income.
Go back read Linkat's post. it did not say monthly. I (and most) would figure it to mean an annual income. The income bracketing information should have clued you in.
Of course, truth be told, the average first generation immigrants, aren't often earning that amount in a year. They often work off the books, they often take the low wage jobs which the born on he usa person of European only, heritage refuses. The home health aides, the dishwashers, the floor cleaners in public venues, the hotel and motel housekeepers, the busboys, the waitresses and waiters in the affordable restaurants and cafes, the nurses aides in hospitals and nursing homes, the grocery store stockers, etc. e tc.
With the lower end income, they end up in smaller homes, many times with more than one family and more than one generation. This means far less distancing. If there are 8 persons in a 2 or even 3 bedroom home, it's not a great health environment.
Others who fall into the deathtrap (for lack of better or friendlier description), second generation immigrants. Higher education (college) was in no way feasible. Maybe a local community college, but even that runs up in cost with tuition, books, other supplies (a good computer is necessary). Scholarships are shown to be harder to find and receive for the already disadvantaged.
Why would it be more difficult? Among other things, the students attend schools with less e sources. Less guidance towards furthering education. Usually, less mentoring is done in these schools as well.
So, after college, the students who have attended private sector schools usually have better resources for job seeoing.
And it's not only the immigrants who go through this. All minorities suffer and even many of the pasty white folks who grew up on the wrong side of the tracks.