OK, here's my attempt to reproduce the missing post:
You said:
Quote:But in Physics all mathematical models that match the same experimental results make the same predictions and are equally valid.
My response was along these lines:
For centuries, an geocentric solar system (universe) was presupposed. And, Lo and behold, ptolemaic astronomers concocted complex mathematical (and even physical) models which made extremely accurate predictions. They could, for example, predict, to the day and hour, a solar eclipse 500 years in advance.
In Galileo's day, the heliocentric model was incapable of making any novel predictions that were not matched by the ptolemaic geocentric model.
And yet the ptolemaid model has now been abandoned. Go figure, eh?
My next, follow-up post is still there, but this preceded it.
One point to be made, here again, it that math is not physics. Two model which make equivalent predictions cannot BOTH be true if their basic premises contradict each other, as the geocentric premise is contradicted by the heliocentric premise. They are not, and cannot be, "equally valid" as a matter of physical (not mathematical) explanation.