i believe the biggest problem is that people equate marriage and love. while i firmly believe you must be in love to get married, i don't believe that is the only thing you must have. You must have trust, honesty, communication, the ability to compromise, and a commitment to the institution of marriage itself.
before we got married, i told him specifically, if you ever feel as though you might stray from me, tell me first before the marriage is unsaveable-there is obviously something wrong and so we should try to fix it before the affair.
marriage has it up days and down days and i think bella said it best that when the down days happen, people just assume there is someone else out there that they wont have down days with and their life will be much easier. you have to work it just like everything else.
at the end of the day, i asked myself, in 50 years is this man gonna bend over and pick up my dentures after i accidentally spit them out? yes? ok let's get married.