Mon 27 Jun, 2005 09:52 am
A roundup of the past two weeks' good news from Iraq.
Lots of good stuff here folks. Take your time and read it.
Why didn't you respond to this article on the Irac thread, McG?
Walter Hinteler wrote:Yes, it was really all good stuff what happened in the last two weeks - quite cynical, to ignore especially last weekend.
Read the title Walter. Seeing the good is not ignoring the bad. but constantly harping on the negative is useless and infantile.
Okay, and sorry it took so long until my edited response came up.
(McG was responding to my original response.)
Outstanding. Can we send our troops home now?
You do not believe this could have been posted in any of the hundreds of other threads discussing the tragedies of the war? You had to pollute this one?
Uh-oh. The good news was "polluted" with contrary evidence. Now where have I read that before?
goodfielder wrote:Uh-oh. The good news was "polluted" with contrary evidence. Now where have I read that before?
That's not the point goodfielder. This isn't a contest to see who can outdo the other with news about Iraq, it's about seeing both sides.
McGentrix wrote:goodfielder wrote:Uh-oh. The good news was "polluted" with contrary evidence. Now where have I read that before?
That's not the point goodfielder. This isn't a contest to see who can outdo the other with news about Iraq, it's about seeing both sides.
But then why isn't Walter's post just part of the balance? I'm not being hard to get on with - I can do that elsewhere - but if Walter can't post a contrary view with evidence then what is this?
It is the not both sides now thread!!!!
Because you can find the contrary view on other threads. It's not as though there is a drought of negative information regarding the US and Iraq on A2K...
McGentrix wrote:Because you can find the contrary view on other threads. It's not as though there is a drought of negative information regarding the US and Iraq on A2K...
Fair enough. If you made the point that it was only to be limited to "good news only" then I'm sure it would be observed.
What do you suppose the title of this thread is for?
Walters post is largely useless information designed only to bash the efforts of our troops.
For example:
"Average daily attacks by insurgents
Pre-war March 2003: 0
Handover June 2004: 45
Now: 70
Figures should be viewed with caution because US military often does not record attacks if there are no American casualties. "
Really now. NO INSURGENTS ATTACHED PRIOR TO March 2003??? NO SH!T!!! The insurgents were IN POWER!!!
"Total number of coalition troops killed
Pre-war March 2003: 0
Handover June 2004: 982
Now: 1,930
Really? No Americans were killed BEFORE the War???
Pre-war March 2003: n/a
Handover June 2004: 40%
Now: 40%
More than a third of young people are unemployed, a cause for social unrest. Many security men stay home, except on payday. "
What does this mean ?? How many young Americans are no employed??? How young is young??
"Primary school access
Pre-war March 2003: 3.6m
Handover June 2004: 4.3m
Now: n/a
83 per cent of boys and 79 per cent of girls in primary schools. But figures mask declining literacy and failure rate"
That sounds pretty good until the unverifyable comment about literacy.
"Happy days are here again........."
If you wanted a thread where everyone could celebrate the "good news" about the monumentally stupid decision to invade Iraq in spite of the evidence then why not say so? I'm happy not to "pollute" such a thread. Go for it. Delude yourselves. But for crying out loud tell people that it's a neo-con fantasy thread and reality is not approved.
"Bash the troops" woiyo. That is disgusting. In years to come people will look back at this with at the very least disdain. No-one is bashing the troops. That is a vile suggestion. Those poor bastards are dying for nothing. Remember the comments about "blood and treasure"? Ask yourself, if you're capable, who made the decision to put people in danger, so that they would be killed. Ask who is making the decision to keep them there for - how long? Years? According to Rumsfeld it could be years? Ask yourself why? Why are they there? If you were asked to justify the death of just one military person then what justification would you give? I mean a real justification, not the crap you're being fed.
Feel free to create your own thread showing all the bad things in the world.
goodfielder wrote:"Happy days are here again........."
If you wanted a thread where everyone could celebrate the "good news" about the monumentally stupid decision to invade Iraq in spite of the evidence then why not say so? I'm happy not to "pollute" such a thread. Go for it. Delude yourselves. But for crying out loud tell people that it's a neo-con fantasy thread and reality is not approved.
Apparently the liberal mind-set down under is no different then here in the States.
Just because there is some positive work being done in Iraq does not mean it is a "neo-con" fantasy. Regardless of your opinion of the war, one has to admit that OUR coalition forces are doing a very good job given their restrictions from the coalitions politicians.
Everything in the first post of this thread is true and verified. I doubt Goodfielder even bothered to read it.
Lol! McGentrix - I suspect Goodfielder, not being American, and possibly being young, neither has, nor ought to be expected to have, the foggiest notion of what your nattering nabobs title refers to - and hence had no idea that you did not want any news you consider negative about Iraq on this thread.
I would suggest that a number of Americans will also have no idea.
Before you get into insulting Goodfielder farther, and he gets more peed off with you, it may be worth explaining that the egregiously awful Nixon Vice President, Spiro Agnew, who was much given to having such gems written for him, condemned anyone to the left of him and Nixon who said anything - especially in the media or the much shat upon halls of learning - as "nattering nabobs of negativity".
Thus, the thread title indicates to those who know this fact, that any dissenting voices are to stay away.