Lightwizard wrote: "I am now going to make the deficit dissapear but hope you have some time and brought lots of provisions because it's going to take five years!
I could predict snow in the Rocky Mountains
starting today and eventually it'll come true, just as the Cubs will--some day--win the World Series.
Predict anything long enough, it's bound to happen. I suppose this kind of word-parsing enables Bush (and all the other Republicans who condition their words thusly) to con themselves into thinking they're telling the truth when they're lying through their teeth.
(Sidebar: During his run for the Senate here in 2002, I e-mailed John Cornyn's office suggesting he return the campaign contributions Enron had made to him when he had run for Attorney General of Texas. One of his staffers had the audacity to e-mail back telling me "John Cornyn has accepted no monies from Enron for his Senate campaign.")
We're better served by leaders who don't strive so hard to twist the truth into a pretzel only they can swallow.