Wed 22 Jun, 2005 12:22 pm
I had sex yesterday and my boyfriend forgot to pull out and well I think I could be pregnat but I have a Dr. Apt. tomorrow to be put on The shot should I not go and wait to see I don't wana tell my mom im sexually active im only 15... Could the Birth Control kill it if I am pregnate this soon?
HELP ME.....
Scared and Confused
No - birth control will not "kill it." Why not talk with your doctor when you go in and see him/her?
2 problems..
1) A pregnancy test this early wont show you as pregnant yet. ( assuming that you are )
2) If you are pregnant , and you take that shot, the hormone balance it ' creates' in your body will cause serious problems.
Tell your doctor. What you tell them they can not tell your mom. Doctor patient bonus! What you say stays with your doctor no matter how you feel about it.
Taking the shot RIGHT NOW wont change the probability of you getting pregnant.
The hormones in the shot only work AFTER a few days of taking the shot. So no it wont kill it. It will just case you alot of problems if you get pregnant.
Honey, at 15 shouldn't be having sex. Why do you think you are pregnant? What if you are pregnant?
Yes, go see your doctor.
Tell your doctor what happened, A birth control shot will not help, but you can probably get a "morning after pill" which will end any pregancy.
The doctor can offer help, but only if you tell them what happened. As shewolf said, the doctor will almost certainly keep this private from your parents.
Good luck
Also, talk to your boyfriend. Relying on coitus interruptus for birth control is dangerous and "forgetting" to pull out shows dangerous insensitivity.
Getting more reliable birth control is a good idea if you feel you're old enough to be sexually active.