Quote:Do I believe in God? Maybe. I like the idea of God. I am in no way certain that he exists.
Let's look at few examples which can logically prove existence of God.
Example 1: Can a building come into existence by itself?
The answer is definitely, No. Because we all know there is a long process of engineering design, followed by construction process to build a building. If we assume that the building came into existence randomly by itself, then this is against the law of identity. We can apply same logic to the creation of the universe. Just like a building can't come into existence without an engineering design and construction process, the universe can't come into existence with out its creator and that creator is God. I tried to show this in the process flow chart above so that we can follow this simple logic.
Example 2: Machine Elements?
Another very simple example is of different elements in a machine such as mechanical parts and gears etc. Can we assume that mechanical parts and gears come into existence and in order by themselves? The answer is obviously, No. Because we know there is a designer behind the design of any machine. We also see that in the universe, stars and galaxies are linked by gravity and relativity. Are relativity and gravity made by themselves? No, just like gear and mechanical parts needed a designer; there is a designer behind the gravity and relativity. Again I tried to show that in a flow chart, so that we can follow this logic more easily.
There are countless examples you can find around yourself and this is where you use your intellect to come to certain conclusions such as there is God. There should be no doubt about that. Unlike man, God creates things from nothing. Look at the creation of human being, animals, trees around us and you can find one unique feature in all of these creations. They are created from nothing which shows that God is behind these creations.
Quote:What is the purpose of life? Whatever we make it. I don't think there is one overriding goal to life. And the thought of just one such purpose has never been realistic to me. Rather, I would say I have many purposes, each that has meaning to me.
May be I should have asked what is purpose of our existence? I know there are many small goals in our life such as education, career, marriage life, raising kids etc. but those are not the purpose of our creation.
The answer to this question is very important because it connects with answer to other questions we all ask ourselves at different stages of life. I believe that the purpose of our existence is the test to see who will do the best of actions. Just like we are accountable for our actions in this world, we are also accountable for our actions in life hereafter. I know you don't believe in life hereafter but I will provide logical proof for existence of life after death in this post as well.
Why we don't see God
But before I provide logical proof for life after death, let me address another important question which is often asked by many non believers that why we don't see God.
As I mentioned previously that purpose of our life is test. Now let's look into a logical example. If a student is taking a particular course, would it be fair to give that student answers to test questions? If the student is given the answers to all the questions during the exam then what is the purpose of that exam? He/she is already given answer to all the questions. You see that in this case, the test is pointless and everyone taking that test shall pass without any problem. The whole point of test is to give answers to the questions after the test and judge students based on their own answers to test questions. Similarly, if God shows Himself to His creation then everyone would believe in God. Where is the test? Therefore it makes more sense to see God after death when our exam is over. As I explained earlier that anyone who uses his/her intellect and consciousness given by God should come to this conclusion that God exists and our purpose of life is the test.
Why we need Divine Guidance
You mentioned in your post that if God exists and there is day of Judgement then it makes sense for Him to have his own laws for His Kingdom. I could not agree more on that.
But there is also another purpose for the Divine guidance. It is to reveal knowledge of unseen things. No one has seen God and if we want to know anything about God, that knowledge has to be revealed to us by God. We can't comprehend this through our intellect alone as we have our limitations. We know that our bodies have limitations, our eyes can only see up to a certain distance or can't see across a solid wall, we know we can only hear certain things. So if everything in our bodies has limitations, why we think we have no limitations when it comes to our intellect?
We can use our consiousness and intellect to start believing in God for the logical reason I mentioned above but we can't understand who God is with our intellect. Large portion of Quran is dedicated to beautiful attributes of God so that we can understand who God is. You will also find many chapters in Quran specifically discussing the life after death, heaven and hell etc because the knowledge of that is unknown to us and is only revealed by God. Why we need to know all that? Because it helps to prepare us for our journey to life after death.
I think my post is getting longer, I will post separate post to address logical proofs for the existance of life hereafter. TBC......