if you mean Atkinsonn's computer notes on Benghzi. YES, it was investigted and reported. How much actul truth was in Ms Atkinsonn;s report.????
Heres a president whose alrady cost the lives of thousands of kurds and has , on TV (along with Rudy) basically admitted to a coverup . The Mueller report has left us with an entire position that "he cant do anything to an immune president" and he therefore did NOT exhonerate rump.
I like it when you guys back pedal on the "Me me me" tendencies of Mr Trump v Obama's hndling of OBL.
Obama showed real class, why didnt Trump?? Maybe you like a boor for a president, I sure dont. Hes a total asshole braggard who will go down in history as probably the worst president. (That'l get Lancaster off the hook).
BTW, The FBI did a thorough investigation of the IRS "targeting" of the Te Party and found most all of the complaints baseless. It was closed in 2015 and Trump could have easily reopened it but his Justice Department clearly stated that they saw NO MERIT in rehashing it.
Most of the BS coms drom th Conservative Radio douche bags