Fri 10 Jun, 2005 08:24 pm
This evening as i sat at the 'puter, a bolt of lightening struck just outside, in the field next to my apartment--not a hundred yards away. I was exhilerated ! ! !
When i was a child, and thunderstorm would approach, i would run out into the fields west of the house, shouting, singing, laughing, dancing . . . my grandmother would stand at the back door, shouting for me to come in, ringing an old schoolmarm's hand bell she had for calling us to meals. I paid her no heed--a thunderstorm was coming ! ! ! I was transported and i danced and celebrated like the savage little heathen that i was.
Do you enjoy, or do you fear thunderstorms?
OOOOooooooooooooo . . .
Another savage heathen . . . let's dance and shout ! ! !
Love 'em!
All that flashing light, noise & drama!
earsplittingloundenboomers make my nights full of bliss.
We should paint vivid stripes on our faces and brandish wooden spears as we dance around . . .
Hooray, more heathens ! ! !
looking for face paint and thunderheads!!!!
You heathens!
hamburger and I used to go stand out on the porch when beating rain storms came in, and the houses across the street disappeared. mrs hamburger hovered.
now that I have a dog who is afraid of thunder and lightning, I have a slightly less positive view on thunderboomers.
Absolutely love 'em.
That one in NW Arizona.
The one that took down the tree a quarter of a mile from the tent just below Guitar Lake on the climb to Mt. Whitney.
The freakish one over Monterey Bay when I was living in a beach campground off-season. That was the best, really -- lightning hitting the bay as the sun went down and the wine sunk low in the bottle.
I don't like them, period.
Luckily we rarely have them here....
<back with bright yellow-white-blue lightning bolts on both cheeks>
We had some good lightning and thunder last night. Nothing hugely spectacular, but good..... yeah.
Pretty much every other day in WI this time of year. Flash! Crash! Bang! rrrummmble...
And a short break from the frigging humidity, which then comes back with a vengeance as the puddles start to dry up.
Oddly, we didn't seem to get much of them in GA. Santa Fe had them and we've got them here in New England. Maybe it's the change in temperatures that causes them....?
I remember pink lightning, or so I saw it, on a drive with my parents on a highway near Oshkosh (sp) Wisconsin... I don't remember being frightened. I didn't get even slightly frightened until as an adult I read some damn thing about a guy in a field wearing wire glasses...
Mostly I enjoy thunderstorms, though they were fairly far between in LA (totally great from our bungalow porch though when they did happen), and slightly less rare up here in north north.
I had a little thunderstorm episode when I was housesitting in Albuquerque recently. Ahem... where to pull over on Central just east and then just west of the river... I suppose I will learn how to think twice with darkening sky, re some driving. I still enjoyed the storm, but I don't want to lurch into another auto, especially when driving another person's car. The street pulsed with pelted rain moving horizontally fast... and that happens here too. Perks up one's senses...
I've seen pink lightning!
I love them. When I was growing up we lived on a hill and the fields below us were cleared.As a result we had a 180 degree horizon facing west that was the next ridgeline about 7 miles away. On summer evenings we would stand on the porch and watch the storms come over the horizon, the deep black clouds spiting jagged bolts of fire. It was one of the most spectacular events of my childhood.
The little doggie girl would have peed all over this evening had she been here, CRASH-BOOM-BANG simultaneously with the blinding flash . . . it was so cool ! ! !
I see we have a likely heathen band, we should be able to get up quite a savage celebration . . . hmmm, we'll need some kinda tent fly to keep the rain out of the cook-out fire . . .
Well I only just saw this thread but now this post looks like a big fat plagiary:
I prolly saw the lightning that hit right near Setanta! Cool!
As long as no actual harm is done, I absolutely adore storms.
S'ok, can't get toomuch of that good stuff.