I live in Europe and I study here, have done so for a few years. So recently I decided to take part in an experiment on campus, like I have done many times before, just like all psych departments seem to do, using their own students as test subjects. We're cheap I guess!
So I came to the test lab, and I went inside and saw this woman and thought wow, pretty and assumed her to be native to where I live. Eventually, when I heard her speak it was obvious she was not, she was American. Either way, I was definitely interested in her and it seemed to be mutual. No opportunity to speak to her though but I knew the next session would be later that week. but through that day and the next I knew I had to learn more about her, I kept thinking about her, someone I barely know! That was weird.
So I came back today and I don't want to assume too much here, but we were flirting a bit, or so it seemed to me. So I got the chance to speak to her afterwards and ended up talking to her for an hour and a half after the session. Talked about very deep personal things, spirituality and view of life et c. We had very much in common. It was one of those talks you don't want to end, neither of you, so you just grab new topics when the ones you are talking about are exhausted. Felt like I had a connection to this person I barely knew. We exchanged email addresses and I promised to write back on some of her academic writing and she said I was welcome to contact her for future stuff to work on together, I don't know if there was the hint of something else there, I'm not assuming it. We had to part eventually, I had other committments and she had to grab some dinner.
She is a very smart, educated, and sympathetic person who I would like to get to know more. It's the irony of life that she is from the other side of the Atlanic Ocean and leaves very soon!
I just wanted to share the story with you guys. It proves there are moments and people like these. You never know who you will meet next day and what difference they will make to your life! And then you swear about reality for being a b****!