Are we allowed to start threads and/or make posts about video game emulation and torrenting?

Fri 27 Sep, 2019 06:27 am
You obviously missed my post:

Are YOU a Christian? If not, it's not your place to try to tell Christians what to do.
0 Replies
Fri 27 Sep, 2019 06:32 am
JGoldman10 wrote:

Why are you making this about religion? Why are you dragging religion into this?

You're the one who always claims to be such a good christian, but you don't see anything wrong with stealing other people's work.

Pretty sure that's a sin.
Fri 27 Sep, 2019 06:37 am
cherrie wrote:

JGoldman10 wrote:

Why are you making this about religion? Why are you dragging religion into this?

You're the one who always claims to be such a good christian, but you don't see anything wrong with stealing other people's work.

Pretty sure that's a sin.

His arrogance alone? That's a major sin.

"Everyone who is arrogant in heart is an abomination to the Lord; be assured, he will not go unpunished."
0 Replies
Fri 27 Sep, 2019 06:46 am
I was referring to downloading torrent files to Adobe Flash, Photoshop, Illustrator and QuarkXPress in accessing the proper keys to use them in other threads. However trying to use the proper keys turned out to be a hassle.

I have also downloaded free trials of these programs from official sources also, but this turned out to be a pain in the butt too.

I have used video and arcade game emulators and roms and torrent files before. I never got in legal trouble.

You only get in trouble IF you try to sell and distribute this software.

There ARE places online where you can play classic video and arcade games for free.

I recall asking people on Yahoo! Answers if there are any arcade emulators and roms and NES and SNES emulators and roms that are compatible with Windows 8.1.

I still have yet to find any. I have used arcade emulators and roms and NES and SNES emulators and roms that were compatible with Windows '98, ME, 2000 and XP.

Years ago, when VCRS and VHS was still in common and popular use, my dad used to copy videos he rented from local video rental stores to VHS and Betamax tapes.

He NEVER sold the copies.
Fri 27 Sep, 2019 07:19 am
Actually, that's what the Contact Us link is for. I use this account for fun and don't do any moderating via PM, ever.

Also - as for making a thread. Make any thread you want; you don't have to ask for permission. If it attracts spam or illegal activity, that junk will be pulled. If it attracts enough of it, it will be locked or pulled (the thread, I mean).

PS I don't need to be a Christian to know what the Ten Commandments say -- and that you are supposed to follow them, JGoldman10.

I am also an artist and a content creator. If someone steals my stuff, we will see one another in court. So you might want to think long and hard about any torrenting of games or anything else.
Fri 27 Sep, 2019 07:20 am
JGoldman10 wrote:

You only get in trouble IF you try to sell and distribute this software.

BS! Show us your legal degree.

Can You Be Sued For Pirating Games?
Remember, if you are downloading by torrent, you ARE hosting the file; people are downloading pieces from you the entire time you are downloading, even if you don't seed after downloading.

Your point is DEAD WRONG legally, ethically and morally speaking.
Fri 27 Sep, 2019 07:40 am
JGoldman10 wrote:

Are YOU a Christian? If not, it's not your place to try to tell Christians what to do.

The point is YOU claim to be a christian. You are a hypocrite, as many christians are.
It is not your place to disobey a direct commandment (not suggestion) of your God.

Thou shalt not steal.

By your admitting it's not important (who's to know) if you're not going to get caught, you put yourself below every person on this planet, regardless of their religion or lack of it, by showing you have no concept of morality.
Thinking about it, it shouldn't surprise me. In all the posts you've written, that I have read, you have never once talked about anything kind or good or helpful to have done for another human, or animal for that matter.

You're just this little ball of self absorbed petty troll like behaviors and thoughts. You pick up bits of lint of outdated, meaningless random thoughts, but bounce anything that involves reality or basic human interaction off you like teflon.

You're the dust bunny of A2k.

You dare to tell people who act like and are actual adults what their "place" is?

Just your usual way of trying to clumsily wriggle out of a web of your own design.

Fri 27 Sep, 2019 08:15 am
As I told Tsar:

It's not a non-Christian's job to tell CHRISTIANS what to do.

The Bible does not say anything about that.

I thought you said you were a mod.
Fri 27 Sep, 2019 08:21 am

I had a need and God supplied it.
0 Replies
Fri 27 Sep, 2019 08:25 am
I wouldn't use your properties without permission. I know it's illegal to use something without permission if you are doing it for profit.

However, parodies are protected under Fair Use. Making fan art of someone else's work is protected under Fair Use.

Would you care if someone made parodies or fan art of your properties?

Are you a cartoonist and writer? Do you make video games?

I had some of my cartoon properties copyrighted with the Library of Congress a long time ago.

0 Replies
Fri 27 Sep, 2019 08:32 am
I'm grown. You have a problem with what I said?
0 Replies
Fri 27 Sep, 2019 08:41 am
You wonderful people need to get off my back.

If I want to use video and arcade game emulators and roms and torrent files that's MY BUSINESS. I'm an adult- that's MY choice.

Do not concern yourself with what I want to do, and stop dragging religion into this.

I asked a simple question, and you people want to crap all over this thread like bears taking dumps in the woods.

No one is actually addressing the topic question:

"Are we allowed to start threads and/or make posts about video game emulation and torrenting?"

No one has given a straightforward, satisfactory answer to the thread question.

I sent an email to site staff using the "Contact Us" page like Jespah suggested, posing the thread question.

I will wait to hear from site staff about an answer to my question.

Fri 27 Sep, 2019 08:45 am
JGoldman10 wrote:

\No one has given a straightforward, satisfactory answer to the thread question.

BS! I answered your thread long time ago.

tsarstepan wrote:

JGoldman10 wrote:

Chai, Cherrie, Oral and Tsar, I am waiting to hear from JESPAH. Jespah is a A2k staffer here. Apparently she's the only staffer I have seen here on A2k since I came back to this site.

SITE STAFF (MODS AND ADMINS) are the ones qualified to tell patrons what they can and can't do on this site.

Jespah is qualified to address the thread question.

Yes. And you already know the answer to your own question. These threads are allowed here.

Jespah answered it as well.
jespah wrote:

Also - as for making a thread. Make any thread you want; you don't have to ask for permission. If it attracts spam or illegal activity, that junk will be pulled. If it attracts enough of it, it will be locked or pulled (the thread, I mean).
0 Replies
Fri 27 Sep, 2019 08:49 am
If the site staff says "no" then I will stop pressing the issue.
0 Replies
Fri 27 Sep, 2019 08:49 am
Don't yell. It's unseemly and rude.

I am still a mod. That part hasn't changed, just because I would like for moderating issues to be handled via Contact Us, so that more than one person can handle things. See -- and I know this is going to come as an enormous shock to you -- I'm not on A2K 24/7. I have a job and a life. When people attempt to have me moderate via PMs, it boxes me into a corner where I am the only person who can handle things. If moderating issues go to Contact Us, more than one person can handle things and I can go to my job and live my life, knowing issues will be taken care of. I wish I knew why this was such a tough concept to grasp (by many people).

Sales aren't the point when it comes to copyright. Copyright theft is theft. Sales only go to damages; they do not go to guilt.

Your work is copyrighted the moment it hits a tangible medium (it's been litigated; the internet, email, online storage, etc. are all considered to be tangible media for the purposes of copyright). So you don't need to register your copyright or mail it to yourself. A copyright symbol is also unnecessary.

Registering with the US Copyright Office is helpful in litigation as it serves to prove beyond doubt that several requirements of a copyright case have been met.

As for your suggesting (there's a nice word for it) a "place" for me, no. That's not how the universe works. You claim your religion is awesome and perfect. Yet you don't practice what you preach. I'm sorry you feel the need to lash out to others when they point this out to you. Perhaps we're trying to keep you from going to hell. And even if our motives aren't the purest, you do know the saying about the mote in the eye, the log, etc.?

I am a writer. I am published. Yes, for real, with paperback books and everything. Of course my work is under copyright. And no, I don't write video games.
Fri 27 Sep, 2019 09:58 am
How do you prove your material is yours without copyright? When I create any piece of artwork that I want to showcase online, I put the "©" symbol next to the year I created it in, and my initials next to that on the bottom of the work.

I wasn't yelling. I was typing in caps and using boldface for emphasis.
Fri 27 Sep, 2019 10:17 am
JGoldman10 wrote:

How do you prove your material is yours without copyright? When I create any piece of artwork that I want to showcase online, I put the "©" symbol next to the year I created it in, and my initials next to that on the bottom of the work.

I wasn't yelling. I was typing in caps and using boldface for emphasis.

Since the current year is 2019, I would sign a piece of work "© 2019 J.G." before posting it online.
0 Replies
Fri 27 Sep, 2019 10:23 am
From the FAQ of the US Copyright office:
When is my work protected?
Your work is under copyright protection the moment it is created and fixed in a tangible form that it is perceptible either directly or with the aid of a machine or device.

Do I have to register with your office to be protected?
No. In general, registration is voluntary. Copyright exists from the moment the work is created. You will have to register, however, if you wish to bring a lawsuit for infringement of a U.S. work. See Circular 1, Copyright Basics, section “Copyright Registration.”

Why should I register my work if copyright protection is automatic?
Registration is recommended for a number of reasons. Many choose to register their works because they wish to have the facts of their copyright on the public record and have a certificate of registration. Registered works may be eligible for statutory damages and attorney's fees in successful litigation. Finally, if registration occurs within five years of publication, it is considered prima facie evidence in a court of law. See Circular 1, Copyright Basics, section “Copyright Registration” and Circular 38b, Highlights of Copyright Amendments Contained in the Uruguay Round Agreements Act (URAA), on non-U.S. works.
0 Replies
Fri 27 Sep, 2019 12:04 pm
JGoldman10 wrote:

I don't know of any other mods here on able2know besides Jespah.

So leave the poor girl alone. She's not here at your beck and call, nor is she, or any of the other mods obliged to comment on this thread.

If you want to talk to the mods there's a contact us icon on the bottom right of the page. Use it.
0 Replies
Fri 27 Sep, 2019 12:30 pm
JGoldman10 wrote:

Are YOU a Christian? If not, it's not your place to try to tell Christians what to do.

Have you tried living like Christ? I have. It's not easy.

Start with breakfast. Tea or coffee, what would Jesus do? he wouldn't have either, none of that in 1st Century Palestine. So what. Wine, that's what. Wine for breakfast.

To be honest I had initially felt rather dubious about taking on the role of Christ but after a couple of bottles I really warmed to the idea.

It was just as well, because I was out of wine and needed to get more if I was really going to appreciate all Mel Gibson has done for us. On the way to Waitrose I spotted a bloke in a wheelchair. What would Jesus do?

Cure the bastard. So I did, only he wasn't having any of it the ungrateful git. I cured him, tipped him out of his chair and then commanded he got up. That's when things got really nasty, and I was reminded of how Christ too had suffered a load of insults from the ignominious.

I told him that's what he got for being a ******* Atheist and went on my way.

Outside Waitrose there were a couple of Jehovah's Witnesses. What would Jesus do? Well seeing as Jesus had left his wallet at home his only option would be to command his followers to get the wine for him. I said, 'I'm Jesus, I've been on the wine and I've cured that miserable bastard over there. I command you to go into Waitrose and get me a couple of boxes of JP Chenet pronto."

He then muttered something about living like Jesus not meaning getting pissed and arguing with people. So I said "Who's ******* Jesus here, me or you?"

And that's when I got arrested, because the ungrateful atheist I cured had called the old bill on me.

In view of what you said to Tsar, I have lived like Jesus, I have suffered like Jesus, I have cured the sick like Jesus, suffered insults like Jesus, and been imprisoned like Jesus, just for being Jesus.

You've not done that, so it's not your place to tell Christians what to do, it's mine, and Tsar and Chai are spot bloody on.

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