it isn't that he has low sex drive...
you need to realize something about porn... it's a one way pleasure concept. it means, you can get pleasure when you want it, when you feel like it and it has nothing to do with you pleasuring the other partner.
if he's been doing it since way back, he prob gets more turned on by it than a real person; it has nothing to do with you. it's really, honestly, him...
having said that... the only way you'll get to have sex with him is if you become a porn star who can have sex with him when he feels like it, and you don't care about your own pleasure. it's about him. only him.
if you can handle that kind of one way relationship where you become a porn doormat.. then it might work. If not, you might want to end this relationship and find someone who wants a serious relationship and not a blow up doll that he's too lazy to take care of.
i wish you luck. much much.