vikorr wrote: he doesn't engage in hypocrisy, and yet he is a very devout Christian. He has also given a great deal of thought to his beliefs. We don't always agree, but I rather respect his views. Your interpretation of motivation is purely self-serving.
If you dislike my POV so much, why do you keep engaging in discussion with me? To punish me for the sins you've attributed to me and want to judge me for?
Quote:Sure, people should feel shame for that, particularly if they keep engaging in such. But it is never too late to clean up ones act in relation to that - everyone has been hypocritical at one time or other.
What I have tried to explain to you about Christian belief is that shame is transcended by salvation and redemption. There is no benefit in feeling shame when you have accepted that your sins have already been bought by the blood of Jesus. There is only putting effort into improvement. Why don't you think people can devote themselves toward improvement without shame/judgment/punishment?
Quote:Quote:What makes you suspicious is the fact that you accuse and ridicule others for being suspicious.
Accused? You've virtually stated outright that you have such suspicion.
Since when is it a crime or even a sin not to trust people? What moral code has you convinced that people are all supposed to trust each other?
Quote:And you should be ridiculed for being so suspicious of the genuineness of a persons kindness, compassion etc based on whether someone is christian, or not.
Why? What makes you think people don't lie and fake goodness to save face? Even people who call themselves 'Christian' can be faking it without truly believing inside that they are saved.
People lie. You can't trust them. There is no category or identity that guarantees a person is trustworthy. The only reason why I have a little more faith/hope in Christians is that IF they are true in their hearts, which I can never know for certain, then they are truly committed to serving God and thus doing right. People who don't have any faith in their own salvation are more likely to accept that certain sins are just inevitable parts of life and keep them hidden inside without confessing/repenting them to God, whom they may not even believe exists.
Quote:Which avoids the provided example, and how repeatedly doing something shows no remorse, and little to no genuineness in the asking of forgiveness.
I don't have to show remorse for failing to live up to your personal moral code. You have failed to convince me that my conscience has anything to repent.
Quote:To be anti-Christian, I would have to show a pattern of attacking Christians, and in particular, attacking them with with no basis.
No, all you have to do is be biased against them and their beliefs inside. What you are talking about is keeping your hate and discrimination to a low-enough level that you can 'pass' as "not anti-Christian." You accuse me of dishonesty, but then you qualify your definitions by setting a thresholds below which you ignore that your doing something, only not systematically and aggressively enough to count it.
Quote:The only 'Christian' you will find I have 'attacked' is you. I don't even say you are a bad person (unlike you saying so of me), though I do find your behaviour in relation to hypocrisy, dishonesty etc entirely too consistent. Your view is entirely self-serving.
Well, then maybe you are just anti-me. If so, just leave me alone. You have no right to harass me because you are against me. I don't like you either, but do you see me following you around in threads and pestering you?
Quote:I notice you still avoid that in Christianity the other half of forgiveness is being the best person you can be (living right). It's something you've avoided like the plague in your writings.
I haven't avoided it. You just maybe haven't grasped that that's what I was talking about because you don't understand everything I say.
Quote:You do realise your life on this earth is preparation for the life in Heaven? One can't ask forgiveness for dishonesty, then immediately be dishonest, then ask forgiveness, then immediately be dishonest again, and expect God to forgive you. The behaviour shows such asking forgiveness isn't genuine. There must be some associated effort, and if through weakness we fall down, then we ask forgiveness...but if we just don't care about whether or not we sin...asking for forgiveness isn't genuine - it's just self serving "I don't have to try at all, cause I'll be forgiven" is hardly genuine remorse.
You have created a definition of dishonesty in your mind that convinces you that you can evaluate me as dishonest, but I don't see what you mean. My honesty is within myself. If I get something wrong, it is not because I wasn't sincere in trying to get it right. You don't seem to grasp that people can make mistakes and that even if you have something right that they don't, they might not see the light because you tell them to.
Quote:You can't get to heaven by works alone - it's the second half of the above. You must also repent and ask forgiveness.
"Sola fide"
Quote:Not that I care overly about such - but you keep thinking I don't understand these things.
You understand some things on a weird superficial level that perverts them. You understand them the way a lawyer thinks they understand the person they are prosecuting in order to prosecute them.
Quote:Quote:You might one day end up like the good, kind, non-hypocritical, non-Christians you keep preaching about in such an unkind, accusatory way
Even Jesus, who was a very kind person...didn't always engage in kindness, even going so far as to take a whip to people. It was not hypocritical of him to Engage in such. Kindness isn't always appropriate.
I don't remember any stories about Jesus whipping anyone but maybe you're right. What baffles me is when I finally address you in terms of the qualities you keep insisting I should respect in non-Christians, you shift to talking about Jesus. Then you tell me that you don't always have to be kind, because Jesus wasn't always kind, and that after you were chastising me about not being kind, which you insisted was a measure of Christian and non-Christian goodness. Then you accuse me of hypocrisy without acknowledging your own???
I'm starting to think you just like scrambling things to create intellectual mayhem. Troll much?
Quote:And before you reply to the above paragraph- you have taken an extreme view of my saying you are suspicious of kindness etc by non-christians done because that's who they see themselves to be internally. That is not the same as me saying 'kindness is the be all and end all' (ie. the extreme view). It's important, but there are times where it is not appropriate. It is certainly not appropriate when a poster keeps engaging in hypocrisy, dishonesty, double standards etc
If you don't believe it should be a measure of goodness, then stop measuring me by what you consider to be a lack of kindness.
Better yet, just stop replying to my posts. I keep responding to what I read when it is just a waste of time.