Re: What has happened to common sense?
cjhsa wrote:It seems to be a lost art form, at least here on A2K.
Every day here I see "intellectuals" who try to apply overly complex equations to solve all the worlds problems. I hate to tell you this, but your logical equivalent of a quadriatic equation topped off with a Fourier transform isn't always the best approach.
Then you insult people who provide simple, elegant solutions.
This entire post is disingenuous, CJ, and is feeble attempt to pick a fight on your own terms, on your own ground. The concept of common sense as an art form seems antithetical at best. Artists could easily be classed with those to whom you refer, in a snotty peroration, as "intellectuals." At any event, common sense is held to be the bailiwick of the common man and woman.
You then go on to state a thesis which fits in the "have you stopped beating your wife?" category. If someone asks if you have stopped beating your wife, answering either yes or no constitutes an acceptance of the premise that you have beaten your wife in the past. The same exercise is in evidence here. You try to stake out the "moral high ground" of common sense, and then characterize before the fact all those who disagree with you as " 'intellectuals' who try to apply overly complex equations to solve all the worlds problems." Therefore, you haven't come here to debate, you've dropped off a rant, and challenge anyone dense enough to be willing to categorize themselves in your terms to disprove your tendentious thesis.
That is no debate, CJ, it's an invitation to a fist fight.