Karla Homolka to be released July 5th

Reply Tue 5 Jul, 2005 07:52 pm
oops sorry gunga,I didn't think you'd have responded so fast... now my added question sorta mixes things up... sorry
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Reply Tue 5 Jul, 2005 08:01 pm
gungasnake wrote:
dora17 wrote:
gungasnake wrote:

The one thing a government could do which might have prevented this story from happening would be to ban the teaching of evolution in schools.

Shocked I still can't get over this one... I-- I-- I'm speechless. At last the problem of serial killers is solved! Uh, I guess I just never realized it would be so simple....

I've changed my assessment of the situation since I wrote that. Paul Bernardo is an outright psychopath. Questions of morality are simply not applicable in cases involving psychopaths.

Well, we're agreed on that... if someone has the kind of mental defects that allow you to be a true psychopath like this guy, I don't think moral teachings are going to get through anyway... But since you now feel that Karla was merely led astray, would you still think that being taught Creationism might have saved her?
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Reply Tue 5 Jul, 2005 09:16 pm
Bernardo's lawyer says killer 'agitated' over attention given to Homolka
Last Updated Tue, 05 Jul 2005 21:54:41 EDT
CBC News

A new twist, and a new allegation, in the case of Karla Homolka. Her former husband says she attempted to murder Ontario schoolgirl Leslie Mahaffy.

Speaking through his lawyer Bernardo said on Tuesday that he has been thinking about the release of his ex-wife, co-rapist and co-killer Karla Homolka, who was set free on Monday after serving 12 years for her part in the killings of Mahaffy and Kristen French.

Paul Bernardo
Bernardo was sentenced to life.

But with media attention focussed on his ex-wife, Bernardo couldn't resist speaking out on Homolka, talking first with Ontario police on Friday, then with his lawyer Tony Bryant.

"He became agitated maybe as a result of seeing all the media attention over the last several months," said Bryant.

"There's a couple of things that he wanted to say that he thought were particularly troublesome."

Bernardo is not allowed to speak publicly.

Bryant said his client wants people to know that after the kidnapping of Mahaffy, during the rapes, Bernardo was still planning to set the teen free. But Homolka panicked and attempted to murder Mahaffy.

"He wanted to get the message across that she actually tried to kill Leslie Mahaffy by means of an embolism. By means of injecting an air bubble into her bloodstream. Because she was afraid that because the blindfold had fallen off, that she [Mahaffy] would be able to recognize Paul [Bernardo] and presumably herself," said Bryant.

Those specifics make for a story Bernardo's never before told.

But they differ little from his insistence during his trial that it was Homolka who strangled Mahaffy and later French.

"He's saying 'Look, I told you once and it didn't sort of have much of an impact. I don't want anyone to ever say 'Well why didn't you ever speak to the only person who really knew her while these events were going on?'' He would be the one to be able to tell you what she was really like, and so now he's doing it."

Bernardo also reminded Bryant that Homolka helped out on a less reported kidnap and rape before Mahaffy.

But even if the new specific allegations are proven.. Bryant says they'd change nothing for Bernardo's sentence, nor would they have any effect on Homolka's freedom.

Neither the police nor Ontario's Crown Attorney's office would comment on any of the allegations.

It's Bernardo's understanding that he may get the chance to speak publicly when the fuss over Homolka's release dies down.

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Reply Tue 5 Jul, 2005 09:40 pm
dora17 wrote:

Well, we're agreed on that... if someone has the kind of mental defects that allow you to be a true psychopath like this guy, I don't think moral teachings are going to get through anyway... But since you now feel that Karla was merely led astray, would you still think that being taught Creationism might have saved her?

No. What we're talking about here is considerably worse than "being led astray"; we're talking about induced post traumatic stress disorder or, in popular parlance, brainwashing.

Creationism unfortunately will not cure that.

Nonetheless what I WOULD tell Karla Homolka if I had the chance would be that psychology is a limited resource in dealing with what she has to deal with, that Jesus Christ still has the power to remit sin, and that Siegmund Freud does not. The first thing I would want to do in her position would be to find the nearest church to hand, kneel in front of the alter, and apologize to Christ and to the spirits of the dead victims for whatever part I might have had in those crimes, brainwashed or not.
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Reply Tue 5 Jul, 2005 09:42 pm
Thanks for that item! Puts an interesting twist on things....
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Reply Tue 5 Jul, 2005 09:45 pm
Intrepid wrote:

Bryant said his client wants people to know that after the kidnapping of Mahaffy, during the rapes, Bernardo was still planning to set the teen free. But Homolka panicked and attempted to murder Mahaffy.

Calling Paul Bernardo a psychopathic liar would be an insult to all the normal psychopathic liars (like Slick KKKlinton) in the world.

They need to get every shred of information they can out of him about Elizabeth Bain and every other victim of his whose disposition is still in question, and then hang him.
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Reply Tue 5 Jul, 2005 09:59 pm
gungasnake wrote:
Intrepid wrote:

Bryant said his client wants people to know that after the kidnapping of Mahaffy, during the rapes, Bernardo was still planning to set the teen free. But Homolka panicked and attempted to murder Mahaffy.

Calling Paul Bernardo a psychopathic liar would be an insult to all the normal psychopathic liars (like Slick KKKlinton) in the world.

They need to get every shred of information they can out of him about Elizabeth Bain and every other victim of his whose disposition is still in question, and then hang him.

Since you appear to know so little about the law and about Canada.....
Canada, being a civilized country, does not have the death penalty. The last hanging in Canada was in 1962. The death penalty was abolished in 1976. Therefore, your call for hanging is a moot point and will never happen. Paul Bernardo is currently serving life in prison. Where is your proof that Paul Bernardo is a psycopathic liar? For all we know, that could describe you. You can't prove that he is and we can't prove that you are.

It is promising to see that you not only rant about things Canadian, you also do the same about people in the U.S. You are indeed an equal opportunity bigot. Aren't you violating the TOS by referring to Bill Clinton like that?

I decline a battle of wits with you as you are apparently unarmed.
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Reply Tue 5 Jul, 2005 10:02 pm
Intrepid wrote:

...blah, blah, blah, oink, oink, hee-haw, hee-haw hee-haw.........

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Reply Tue 5 Jul, 2005 10:08 pm
I rest my case
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Reply Tue 5 Jul, 2005 10:31 pm
Intrepid wrote:
I rest my case

When you start adding anything to these conversations other than stupid insults and stupid accusations, I'll consider replying to what you might have to say. Until then you're basically killfiled.
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Reply Tue 5 Jul, 2005 10:36 pm
I have never been killfiled before. Basically or otherwise. Be a nice little boy and don't try to make up to me. ;-)
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Reply Thu 7 Jul, 2005 03:55 pm


...online forum discussion...


Karla's first psychiatrist (Hans Arndt) felt that Tammy was "the hook" that pulled Karla in. In short, he felt that it went like this:

Karla was terrified that Paul was going to rape Tammy with or without her, because Paul had already said as much. But she felt that if she facilitated the rape, she would at least "maintain some control over the situation". So she made the decision to help. This was her first critical mistake.

Tammy died -- which prompted two things. It kicked off the PTSD and, since Paul totally blamed Karla for the murder, it gave him something to hold over her head. Nobody disputes that the intent was NOT to murder Tammy.

PTSD, if you read about it, is almost always associated with death or proximity to death.

I think we can safely make an assumption here:

1. If Karla is a psychopath, then the death of Tammy didn't bother her at all.

2. If Karla is NOT a psychopath (my personal belief), then the death of Tammy had to be one of the most traumatic things that a person could experience. Easily triggering post traumatic stress disorder.

I believe that Dr. Arndt was correct. His findings were supported by 7 other psychiatrists who evaluated Karla.


(7/7/05 6:27 am)
Reply New Post Re: re I think when people make the comment "she murdered her sister", they don't know the whole story behind it.

The fact is her sister died as a result of a sick act, I don't think Karla had any intentions of killing her sister when they undertook to satisfy Young Hypes perverse fantasy.

Some would say that what she did, allowing her to be raped, was just as bad. Maybe so but I don't for one second believe that Karla wanted Tammy dead out of jealousy or anything else.

Would we have ever heard of Karla Homolka had she not met Paul Bernardo? No chance in hell.

As far as the psychopath issue, I laugh at all the amateurs using this term to describe her. Many experts have concluded she isn't but I guess that isn't as sensational as wanting to think there's a true life psycho in our midst.

How many true female psychopaths have their been anyway? Eileen Wournos? Karla Faye Tucker? One was a hooker at a very young age and the other was drugged round the clock.

Look into the lives/childhood of any psycho whether it be male/female and theres plenty of disfunction. There was none of that with Karla, unless you consider living in a trailer disfunctional.Very Happy

The evidence points strongly to her being brainwashed/influenced/blackmailed by Paul.

Of course I haven't seen the tapes but have read the transcripts. Everyone says she was a willing participant and this is why the deal should have been reversed because she was lying about her involvement.

It doesn't come across that way by reading what was said. 90 % of the dialogue is from Paul. The jury saw the videos. If they had any doubts, they would not have found Paul guilty on all counts.


That makes more sense than anything I'd heard or read so far. The question is, given that interpretation, why would the government even want as many as 12 years in slam for Karla?


She got 5 years each for Leslie and Kristen, and 2 years for Tammy. The public was ready to lynch over 12 years (probably one of the longest sentences served for manslaughter in Canadian history) -- anything less would've caused people to burst into flames.

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