Karla Homolka to be released July 5th

Reply Tue 5 Jul, 2005 05:42 am
One of the few sources for real information on this story which I find:

0 Replies
Reply Tue 5 Jul, 2005 05:43 am
gungasnake wrote:
And you guys call ME a hate monger??

Please explain.

1- Where has somebody called you that
2- You are inferring that I am
3- Where did you get that from my post? If saying that someone has not apologized is hate mongering, then I must be guilty Rolling Eyes

Shocked Question Shocked Question Shocked Question Shocked
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Reply Tue 5 Jul, 2005 05:53 am
gungasnake wrote:
One of the few sources for real information on this story which I find:


"The neutrality of this article is disputed.
Please see the relevant discussion on the talk page. "

This is on the front page of that article!
What do you call "real information"? Information that you choose to accept and, therefore, makes it the only true information?
Nobody except Karla Homolka knows the total real story. We will probably never know.
She is now released. End of story.
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Reply Tue 5 Jul, 2005 06:48 am
Aside from the human aspect of it, the thing which makes this story as interesting as it is, to me at least, is the fact that an entire society has so obviously blown it in trying to understand the business, and has simply swallowed the entire BS version of it being promulgated by their worthless media, most notably the Toronto Sun.

It's exactly where we (Americans) would be if the internet and alternate media had never happened, and people had simply gone on believing a$$holes like Dan Rather and taking their bullshit at face value. John the Gigolo Kerry would be president of the United States, AlQuaeda would have burned down another half dozen of our cities, the internal combustion engine would be outlawed, and life here would be perfectly horrible.
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Reply Tue 5 Jul, 2005 10:14 am
sometimes a freak is just that
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Reply Tue 5 Jul, 2005 05:09 pm
Seems like the anglophone part of Canada isn't the whole story...


Homolka finds sympathetic audience in Montreal for her plea to be left alone
By LES PERREAUX 2005-07-05 17:30:00


MONTREAL (CP) - Karla Homolka's calculated appeal to French Canada appeared to hit her target audience Tuesday, with many francophone Montrealers ready to give the sex killer a second chance in her adopted province.

Homolka may be one of the most despised figures in Ontario and the rest of English Canada, but many Quebecers say they see a repentant woman who is clearly haunted by her crimes.

The ex-convict went on Radio-Canada on Monday with a French-only plea for the breathing room to start a normal life a few hours after completing her entire 12-year sentence for manslaughter. .....

...The Quebec press council denounced English media coverage of Homolka's release, particularly the desire of some news organizations to follow Homolka. The council said it demonstrated ethical differences between Ontario and Quebec news organizations...

0 Replies
Reply Tue 5 Jul, 2005 05:25 pm
Homolka appeals conditions as unconstitutional restrictions on her freedom
at 18:50 on July 5, 2005, EST.

JOLIETTE, Que. (CP) - Less than a day after their notorious client was released from prison, Karla Homolka's lawyers appeared in court Tuesday to appeal the conditions that are meant to shackle the killer for at least one year.

They contend the strict conditions, which include that she check in regularly with police, provide notice for trips outside Quebec, and have no contact with violent criminals, are excessive, unfair and unconstitutional.

A Quebec court judge ordered the conditions last month under Sec. 810 of the Criminal Code. Homolka's lawyers argue the section violates several provisions of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms.

It is a violation of the fundamental principles of justice for a citizen's freedom to be restricted based on fears about future conduct without sufficient proof to lay criminal charges, says a portion of the five-page notice of appeal.

"Article 810.2 of the Criminal Code allowing a person to be punished even when the state is incapable of proving that she has committed a crime, is a violation of the fundamental principles of justice."

Homolka's lawyers said Judge Jean Beaulieu committed several errors in handing down the conditions without first examining proof of the threat she currently poses, while ignoring any evidence in her favour.

The lone condition the appeal singles out is the one forcing Homolka to follow psychological therapy.

The appeal said it was an "illegal delegation of power" to force Homolka to undergo therapy with one particular psychologist or someone designated by her.

Lawyers for Homolka and the Canadian government declined to comment after the brief hearing in Joliette, northeast of Montreal.

Homolka was not in court, while City of Montreal officials confirmed later she is somewhere on the Island of Montreal, which includes Montreal and its 27 boroughs, which are composed of former suburbs.

Mario Lavigne, who is assisting in Homolka's appeal, said the Ontario government's request for 810 conditions was politically motivated and a way around what angry critics called the "deal with the devil" that limited Homolka's sentence to 12 years for her crimes.

Homolka's controversial plea bargain with the Crown came when she agreed to testify against ex-husband Paul Bernardo.

It was made before authorities learned of the horrific images of torture and rape, including an attack on her own sister, caught on videotape and hidden in the couple's southern Ontario home - tapes that also cast a different light on the woman who had portrayed herself as a battered wife acting under duress.

"I think it's important that people are aware that 810 is dangerous," Lavigne told reporters outside the courthouse.

"The question is do we apply 810 when and wherever we want."

Homolka, 35, served her full sentence for her role in the deaths of Ontario schoolgirls Kristen French and Leslie Mahaffy, as well as the drug-rape death in 1990 of her 15-year-old sister Tammy.

Quebec Superior Court Justice James Brunton ordered Homolka's lawyers to submit written arguments on Aug. 15.

A one-day hearing will take place in Montreal on Sept. 22.

During the June hearing, psychiatrists portrayed Homolka as a victim who was under the control of her violent and psychopathic husband during the abductions and sex slayings of French and Mahaffy.

The Crown argued that Homolka remains a serious public danger who should be kept under close surveillance when she is released.

But a psychiatrist who evaluated Homolka said she is neither a psychopath nor a serious threat to reoffend.

Louis Morissette portrayed Homolka as a woman with low self-esteem who participated in violent sexual crimes because she was afraid of losing Bernardo.

"The experts mostly agree, if she hadn't met Bernardo, it would never have happened," Morissette told the hearing.

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Reply Tue 5 Jul, 2005 05:54 pm
Victims' families want to keep Homolka leashed: lawyer

Last Updated Tue, 05 Jul 2005 17:44:15 EDT
CBC News

The families of Karla Homolka's victims will fight any relaxation in the rules governing her release from prison after serving a 12-year sentence, a lawyer representing them said Tuesday.

"They're feeling a real sense of injustice that Karla Homolka's free and their daughters never will be," said Tim Danson, who speaks for the families of Kristen French and Leslie Mahaffy.

The two Ontario teenagers were kidnapped, raped and killed by Homolka and her ex-husband, Paul Bernardo, in the early 1990s.

"They're obviously concerned as well that Homolka's appealing her 810 order and they wanted me to make sure the authorities know that they'll be seeking formal intervenor standing in that appeal," Danson said of the French and Mahaffy families.

Homolka was released from the Ste-Anne-des-Plaines minimum-security institution north of Montreal Monday afternoon.

Less than a day later, lawyers representing her were in court in Montreal to appeal restrictions placed upon her release under Section 810 of the Criminal Code.

Those restrictions include having to notify police if she changes her name or address, reporting to police the first Friday of every month and having no contact with Bernardo.

In an interview conducted in French less than two hours after she left prison, Homolka told the CBC's French language service that she'll never forget what she did to French, Mahaffy and her own teenaged sister Tammy.

Tammy Homolka choked to death after Homolka drugged her so that Bernardo could rape her, two days before Christmas in 1990. Karla Homolka also took a turn sexually assaulting the 15-year-old girl as she lay unconscious in their family's home in St. Catharines, Ont., with Bernardo recording the assault with a video camera.

"There are concrete prisons and there are interior prisons, and I think I'll always be in an interior prison because of what I did," Homolka told her Radio-Canada interviewer, Joyce Napier, in French.

Homolka's decision to talk to the CBC came just hours after her lawyers were in court trying to obtain a ban on media coverage of their client, on the grounds that she was terrified someone would try to hurt her if the media revealed where she was living.

That request for a publication ban was denied.

"Karla Homolka, in my view, is damaged goods. She is a psychopath," Danson said Tuesday.

"The fact that she sought a media ban whilst giving a media interview is somewhat remarkable... She just wants no conditions on her so that she can disappear."

In 1993, Ontario prosecutors cut Homolka a deal. She agreed to plead guilty to two counts of manslaughter and serve 12 years in exchange for testifying against Bernardo. The plea bargain outraged many people and has been criticized for being too lenient.

Bernardo, who has admitted to sexually assaulting at least 14 women in southern Ontario, was convicted of two counts of first-degree murder.

He has been declared a dangerous offender and will likely spend the rest of his life in jail.

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Reply Tue 5 Jul, 2005 06:41 pm
gungasnake wrote:
Aside from the human aspect of it, the thing which makes this story as interesting as it is, to me at least, is the fact that an entire society has so obviously blown it in trying to understand the business, and has simply swallowed the entire BS version of it being promulgated by their worthless media, most notably the Toronto Sun.

It's exactly where we (Americans) would be if the internet and alternate media had never happened, and people had simply gone on believing a$$holes like Dan Rather and taking their bullshit at face value. John the Gigolo Kerry would be president of the United States, AlQuaeda would have burned down another half dozen of our cities, the internal combustion engine would be outlawed, and life here would be perfectly horrible.

I don't know why you continue to go on about the Toronto Sun. Do you even know anything about this paper? I have not gotten any of my information for the Sun....not that they are any different than any other paper.

How can you possibly make such a far reaching statement that an entire society has blown it. Even kindergarten children are expected to explain their actions. Are you excempt from normal social behaviour?

Your statement on Dan Rather, the internet, John Kerry and Al Quaeda are the ramblings of someone that has lost total grasp of the topic at hand and is stretching reality. I will probably never figure out how the internal combustion engine became part of this thread.

Here is something that you cannot deny gunga..... Karla Homolka was trying to get an injunction to prevent the media from reporting anything on her. No...not just the Toronto Sun. All media! She lost her last court battle on this because she was required to testify and refused to do so. Of course, her request for anonymity was denied.

The very first thing she did upon her release was to go to the television station to give an interview. She even went there before seeing her mother who had gone there to meet her. She gave a weak statement about being remorseful, but this was the FIRST and ONLY time in the 12 years she has had to think about it that she did so. She NEVER said she was sorry...only remorseful. Shallow words that mean nothing to most people. The next thing she wanted after the interview was a ice cappachino. Then, she saw her mother.

I am getting so that I can only shake my head in sympathy when I read your posts.
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Reply Tue 5 Jul, 2005 07:16 pm
Reyn wrote:
Victims' families want to keep Homolka leashed: lawyer

Last Updated Tue, 05 Jul 2005 17:44:15 EDT
CBC News

The families of Karla Homolka's victims will fight any relaxation in the rules governing her release from prison after serving a 12-year sentence, a lawyer representing them said Tuesday.

"They're feeling a real sense of injustice that Karla Homolka's free and their daughters never will be," said Tim Danson, who speaks for the families of Kristen French and Leslie Mahaffy. ...

This Tim Danson is probably the second psychopath (besides Bernardo) in the picture. The best advice I could give the victim families would be to find another lawyer.



Gilming: you will not receive hate mail from me because I have the same opinion you do about that subject. I've heard Tim Danson on the news numerous times and I've always find him unfriendly. And I agree with you; he looks like he absolutely wants to keep the Mahaffys and Frenches wounds open and continue to play in them instead of trying to give them closure. He looks like he loves to be in the news, always repeating the same stuff. He looks like he wants to hang on to that case the longer he can. There is something about the way he talks that I don't like, he doesn't look sincere. I totally understand how the lost of Kristen and Leslie must have been devastating to their families and I don't blame them, that's not my point. My point is that Tim Danson seems to be perpetuating their pain and sorrow on purpose, that's what I don't like about him.

And another detail that struck me... I saw in the news that after watching Karla's interview, Danson complained that for 12 years she never tried to apologize to the families. Well, hasn't the same Tim Danson been saying for the last 12 years that Karla better never come near his clients or try to come in contact with them or all hell would break loose ???? And as I recall, he was very satisfied and happy with one of the conditions Karla was given by the Court that stated she could not try to make contact with the families of her victims. So what does he want exactly ???? Does he want Karla to call and apologize or does he want her to never bother his clients ??? That's what I don't like about him; whatever happens, he's never satisfied and he always re-opens the families wounds, he really acts like he doesn't want them to ever get closure and peace.

That's my opinion about that guy who, by the way, is not very different from most lawyers...

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Reply Tue 5 Jul, 2005 07:20 pm
I'm getting the impression the propeller-beanie pretty much tells the story....
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Reply Tue 5 Jul, 2005 07:21 pm
I'm not a big fan of Tim Danson or anyone at his firm. I've had to deal with them IRL.

But ... they are damn smart - and if their tactics keep Karla Homolka out of Ontario, I'll be well-pleased.


Funny that Gunga doesn't like the T. Sun, Intrepid. It's probably the paper in this area that most reflects his political, anti-scientific, and philosophical views. If he doesn't like the T. Sun, there will be no pleasing him.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 5 Jul, 2005 07:27 pm
Rolling Eyes

Who is gilming? Someone on the other forum that you posted the URL for? (sounds like gungasnake)

Ted Danson is talking about a public apology ... NOT a face to face. You really do seem to have lost grasp of reality here.
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Reply Tue 5 Jul, 2005 07:30 pm
ehBeth wrote:
Funny that Gunga doesn't like the T. Sun, Intrepid. It's probably the paper in this area that most reflects his political, anti-scientific, and philosophical views. If he doesn't like the T. Sun, there will be no pleasing him.

Reading The Globe and Mail would likely make him apoplectic. However, The National Post might suit his tastes, although probably rather restrained by his standards.
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Reply Tue 5 Jul, 2005 07:31 pm
gungasnake wrote:
I'm getting the impression the propeller-beanie pretty much tells the story....

Better a beany that a snake.

Once again, your "smart" remarks replace any sensible answer. I would suspect because you do not have one. You have stated and proven your fascination with Karla Homolka and your defence of her sick and perverted acts. It is quite clear where you stand and further "discussion" will only help to fuel your insults, inuendos and less than stellar behaviour on this thread.
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Reply Tue 5 Jul, 2005 07:32 pm
ehBeth wrote:
I'm not a big fan of Tim Danson or anyone at his firm. I've had to deal with them IRL.

But ... they are damn smart - and if their tactics keep Karla Homolka out of Ontario, I'll be well-pleased...

Like I say, I can visit Ontario, but I couldn't live there. I pretty much have to live in a Christian country. I assume Karla Homolka has come to the same conclusion.
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Reply Tue 5 Jul, 2005 07:36 pm
I'd be happy to show you around, gunga


BTW You seem to be under the impression that Quebec is a separate country from Canada.... Shocked Rolling Eyes
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Reply Tue 5 Jul, 2005 07:40 pm
Intrepid wrote:
I'd be happy to show you around, gunga


BTW You seem to be under the impression that Quebec is a separate country from Canada.... Shocked Rolling Eyes

It probably will be in another year.
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Reply Tue 5 Jul, 2005 07:44 pm
gungasnake wrote:

The one thing a government could do which might have prevented this story from happening would be to ban the teaching of evolution in schools.

Shocked I still can't get over this one... I-- I-- I'm speechless. At last the problem of serial killers is solved! Uh, I guess I just never realized it would be so simple....

BTW, gunga, didn't you start out in this thread saying both she and Bernardo were the worst thing since Mengele, worse even than Jeffrey Dahmer? (I've been lurking and reading along for a while and that is what I recall you saying) What changed your mind to having sympathy for her instead? Just that she hadn't killed anyone before she met the guy? Seems to me that there are prolly other loonies who haven't killed people yet at 17...

edit to add question...
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Reply Tue 5 Jul, 2005 07:48 pm
dora17 wrote:
gungasnake wrote:

The one thing a government could do which might have prevented this story from happening would be to ban the teaching of evolution in schools.

Shocked I still can't get over this one... I-- I-- I'm speechless. At last the problem of serial killers is solved! Uh, I guess I just never realized it would be so simple....

I've changed my assessment of the situation since I wrote that. Paul Bernardo is an outright psychopath. Questions of morality are simply not applicable in cases involving psychopaths.
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