You're kidding yourself if you think only the right has a problem with greed.
What do you think is behind alot of these calls for "equality"? They are often "You put money in my pocket, whether or not I worked for anything. "
But it's time to talk about the Sheep and Goats, while we're on the subject.
We currently have an End Times problem, and by that I mean that we are very fast heading toward a scary one-world government and one-world monetary system and one-world medical system.
Business is getting bigger, the monetary system is becoming more corrupt, and what with fear, people are likely to adopt the Mark of the Beast. Now I can see this playing out in two different ways:
1. That the COVID vaccine itself is some sort of genetic engineering, designed to dramatically alter the image of humanity (as you may know, we are made in God's image). This coupled with the fact that many people are quite literally barred from entry to many establishments. That and people are actually getting allergic reactions from it (in line with Revelation 16:2).
2. A scenario like this: the Biden economy shuts down and they lose their power. Trump takes power again, and
we switch economies to something like this.
Or both.
The point is, we need to see the REAL problem. The real problem is admitting that we are not as generous as we think. The real problem is that money is not our friend, any more than Trump or Biden is our friend. They are politicians. Stop worshiping at their feet.
I was a Trump supporter, now I'm kinda thinking I'll stay out of politics again. Because Biden is likely to try traditional socialism, while Trump might try something like this above. I dunno if this will happen or not, but I'm giving my loyalty to God, not leaders. The ironic thing about this is that it represents a pledge to use money for humanitarian purposes (but controlling money usage always always backfires, and usually creates enmity when your idea of humanitarianism doesn't help another group). It also makes them sell out to become rich fatcats. Like the world needs Christians or anyone for that matter to become more of those.
I want you guys to consider something. For everyone who says "masks/vaccines are to show you care..." imagine being someone who has just lost a credit card and needs gas to drive back to where you left it. You can only pay cash at the gas station (meaning you must go inside) but you either left it at home, or you refuse to do that, and normally pay outside. Most people nowadays will not help. The fear of a virus is too great. They will not feed the hungry, clothe the naked, welcome the stranger, look after the sick, or comfort the imprisoned. In fact many of these people fail on all fronts while trying to keep "safe."
And in the latter case, you will be seen as one of those liberal Biden voters by Trump supporters if you back the old corrupt money. This is what the Mark is, being too invested in a mindset to help, having signed on the dotted line to be a Goat forever. You do not need a visible mark to be like this though.