Rae - maybe you should go check
Okay, now I'm ascared.....Think I'll forego the spookiness and just hit the hay.....
Good night ya'll.
Pray for our troups.
getting rid of hiccups, ay? in slovakia that would mean someone (some slovak presumably) was just thinking or talking about you! and sure enough, we discussed you over wine and snacks.
grrr, turning off the radio...
YOUR (not mine, ehehe!) president is speaking.
but where was i. yes, the KITCHEN, is my favourite place.
(sorry for hi-jacking the thread for awhile there).
<is he still my president if I go live in Italy?>
<who cares, you're in italy!>
<paying an arm and a leg for coffee>
okok, sorry for the hi-jack, as dag said....
kshhhhhhhhht!!! get off! and me too, pronto!
<closing door quietly behind me>
Depends on my mood. My computer room, livingroom and kitch are my favorites though. My computer room and livingroom both have huge windows with beautiful views of the ocean and since I love to cook, I spend some nice time in the kitchen. Someday I'd like to have a screened in porch built so I can have another favorite place to hang out. We already have 2 porch's, but the mosquitos get be hell in the summer.
Love my computer room. It has a sofa and a small TV in it. I lie on the sofa and watch an entire evening of "Law & Order", and A2K during the commercials!
My favorite room is the bathroom because people leave you alone when you're in there.
I especially like it right after Mr. B gets out of the shower and it smells like shaving cream and soap and it's really steamy and warm.
I can soak in the tub forever and I never get bothered.
I can lay on the floor and read for 15 minutes and no one suspects a thing.
Every once in a while I'll even sneak in there for a cig - it makes me feel like I'm getting away with something (and I am!).
It's a tiny bathroom and I paint it whenever I'm bored. Right now it's masking tape and grass colored.
Cool beans, boomerang! The bathroom used to be a favorite place, until Lacey, the kitty showed up. She insists on accompanying me.
boomer, have you been away, or have I just missed you on the boards?
Yeah Boomerang, where've you been? We've missed yah!
Hi gals!
It's really good to see all of you. I've been "away" from the computer for a bit as my life has taken some strange turns over the last three months (see my question in the "legal" section for a brief rundown on current events).
I'm trying hard to get things straightened out and calmed down and relish just having a "what's your favorite room" type question to think about.
Now, if the question had been "place" instead of "room" I would have responded that my favorite place was under the 50 foot pine tree in my yard during a pouring rain. The tree is so high and the branches so dense that you stay perfectly dry on it's soft bed of needles. Plus, the smell is unbelievable and the sound is divine!