And what is Evan Thomas' position in the Democratic party?
Is he a a national leader, or even a state chairman? Does he go around giving speeches to mostly Democratic groups, like Al Franken used to?
Is he prominent as a Democrat in any way?
Because from here, it sure looks like he is a journalist who simply registered as a Democrat, but has done nothing to make himself prominent as a Democrat.
Yes, you can say that since Evan Thomas is a Democrat, that "even Democrat(s) say", but so what?
For instance, I'm sure all it would take to do is to go through some party registration lists and some police blotters to say that "Republicans are known for committing embezzlement, mail fraud, driving while intoxicated and assaults", but what would that mean? For the statement to have significance, I would have to list some prominent Republicans who have done those things.
So, let me repeat: do you have any recognizable names of people who were prominent and active as Democrats who maintain the media made a pro-Kerry difference of 15% at the voting booth?