Why Dems Supported War In Bosnia But Not Iraq

Reply Sat 28 May, 2005 09:52 am
gungasnake wrote:
parados wrote:

I notice you didn't address any of the items I pointed out to be FALSE.

They didn't strike me as any better than the item I DID reply to. There might not have been any sort of an official DNC organ taking the positions noted but there WERE any number of demokkkrats jumping up and down making those kinds of noises at the time and it does have an effect.

I guess the difference is I provided a link to support my statements and you provided nothing. I will be happy to provide the UN and State dept reports if you really feel you need them. Perhaps you can provide some documentation that only the Albanians were committing attrocities in Bosnia and Kosovo. The 200,000 dead and 2 million displaced in Bosnia were not all the result of KLA. For that matter, I would love your documentation of those numbers from Iraq from 1995-2000 since you claimed that MORE were killed in Iraq than in Bosnia.
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Walter Hinteler
Reply Sat 28 May, 2005 09:52 am
gungasnake wrote:
Walter Hinteler wrote:
re the above link: obviously you either can't or haven't read it.

Was this meant for me and, if so, which link?

As said: your link above.

Here it is again:

gungasnake wrote:
blueveinedthrobber wrote:
I'd like to see the original of this to see if it was written in crayon. surely the author is not allowed sharp objects....

In England, nobody's going to be allowed to own sharp objects much longer...


And now the first couple of lines from that link:

Doctors' kitchen knives ban call

A&E doctors are calling for a ban on long pointed kitchen knives to reduce deaths from stabbing.

A team from West Middlesex University Hospital said violent crime is on the increase - and kitchen knives are used in as many as half of all stabbings.

They argued many assaults are committed impulsively, prompted by alcohol and drugs, and a kitchen knife often makes an all too available weapon.

The research is published in the British Medical Journal.

Accorcding to you, a research by a team from West Middlesex University Hospital and published in a medical professional magazine is law in the UK.
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Reply Sat 28 May, 2005 09:57 am
Walter Hinteler wrote:

Accorcding to you, a research by a team from West Middlesex University Hospital and published in a medical professional magazine is law in the UK.

According to me, given recent history, it will be the law shortly.

After they outlaw knives, figure about another five or six years and forks and spoons will be banned, and then chopsticks in another year or two.

You'll be able to tell the englishman in a french or german restaurant; he'll be the one lapping soup from a bowl since he won't know how to use a spoon.
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Reply Sat 28 May, 2005 09:57 am
As for the Atta meeting, Here is a news source you might believe Gunga

American and Czech officials had believed the meetings between Atta, the alleged ringleader of the 19 hijackers, and Ahmad Khalil Ibrahim Samir Al-Ani, an Iraqi diplomat widely believed to be an intelligence agent, took place in Prague in April 2001.

Some observers said the meetings suggested Iraq's complicity in the Sept. 11 attacks -- providing the United States with a reason to attack Saddam. The Iraqi government denied the meetings ever occurred, and charged the reports were fabricated to justify making Iraq a target in the U.S.-led war on terror.

U.S. officials said the content of the alleged meetings was never definitively laid out. Some Czech officials said Atta had contacted Al-Ani, who was later expelled from the Czech Republic, to discuss an attack on the Prague building that serves as the headquarters for U.S.-funded Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty.

But Czech authorities have since retracted their statements to the U.S. government, saying that no such meetings took place. Atta is now believed to have been in the United States during the time he was supposed to have been meeting with Al-Ani, said a U.S. official, speaking on the condition of anonymity.
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Walter Hinteler
Reply Sat 28 May, 2005 10:11 am
gungasnake wrote:
According to me, given recent history, it will be the law shortly.

What I know personally - from English lawmakers (including a minister), from English medical doctors and researchers, from British legal professionals (including one dean of a Law Faculty) - the British legal system works different.
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Reply Sat 28 May, 2005 10:14 am
parados wrote:

Perhaps you can provide some documentation that only the Albanians were committing attrocities in Bosnia and Kosovo.

A few Balkans links:



If you need more, let me know......
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Walter Hinteler
Reply Sat 28 May, 2005 10:45 am
And always again .... the article by 'Junge Welt, the only communist youth newspaper in Germany (formerly the biggest newspaper in the GDR).
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Reply Sat 28 May, 2005 10:47 am
gungasnake wrote:
Walter Hinteler wrote:

Accorcding to you, a research by a team from West Middlesex University Hospital and published in a medical professional magazine is law in the UK.

According to me, given recent history, it will be the law shortly.

After they outlaw knives, figure about another five or six years and forks and spoons will be banned, and then chopsticks in another year or two.

You'll be able to tell the englishman in a french or german restaurant; he'll be the one lapping soup from a bowl since he won't know how to use a spoon.

Must be me. I am having trouble finding anything of intelligence in this.
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Walter Hinteler
Reply Sat 28 May, 2005 10:50 am
I like this signature on the Junge Welt sites:

"Communists and anti-imperialist fighters across the continent unite" - gunga, a communist and anti-imperial fighter!
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Reply Sat 28 May, 2005 11:16 am
Walter Hinteler wrote:
I like this signature on the Junge Welt sites:

"Communists and anti-imperialist fighters across the continent unite" - gunga, a communist and anti-imperial fighter!

What do you think of the chicoms drawing old Slick with a Hitler moustache like that after everything Slick did for them, selling them H-bomb secrets and what not for a few pennies into the DNC coffers?
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Reply Sat 28 May, 2005 11:16 am
The very first site you listed states...

One basic simplification is to interpret a conflict in terms of villains and victims, with no qualification allowed for either role. Conflicts in the real world rarely fall into such simple categories: Particularly in ethnic conflicts, both sides usually have legitimate grievances that are often used to justify a new round of abuses against the other side.
That seems to invalidate your claim that it was all being done by the KLA.

Then another site tries to downplay the Serb action....
The violent actions of the Yugoslav military and
police since February 1998 were aimed at separatist
activities and are no proof of a persecution of the whole
Albanian ethnic group in Kosovo or in a part of it.

Why would a site have to justify the action of the Serbs if it was all KLA?

Most of your sites Gunga don't address the question at all. They deal with defending Milosevic, attacking Clinton, or are tributes to people that died in the war from US bombing.

You can blow all the smoke you want Gunga but how about ONE site that supports your contention instead of a bunch of crap that either contradicts you or has nothing to do with the question. You claimed all the action was from the KLA. Back it up with a real source. Stop trying to bury us in a bunch of websites that have nothing to do with your claim.

How about just quoting the relevant part with a link to it?
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Reply Sat 28 May, 2005 11:19 am
gungasnake wrote:
Walter Hinteler wrote:
I like this signature on the Junge Welt sites:

"Communists and anti-imperialist fighters across the continent unite" - gunga, a communist and anti-imperial fighter!

What do you think of the chicoms drawing old Slick with a Hitler moustache like that after everything Slick did for them, selling them H-bomb secrets and what not for a few pennies into the DNC coffers?

One is left wondering sometimes what planet you live on Gunga. You can't find a single instance of Clinton selling the Chinese any H-bonb technology. The report by Congress was pretty clear on it.

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Walter Hinteler
Reply Sat 28 May, 2005 12:26 pm
gungasnake wrote:

What do you think of the chicoms drawing old Slick with a Hitler moustache like that after everything Slick did for them, selling them H-bomb secrets and what not for a few pennies into the DNC coffers?

Well, actually I didn't think, we were going to discuss the art of political carricatures here. But it's your thread and you say what's the topic.

But since I've learnt that you neither give any valuable links nor answer questions, I not going to fall on this next bait of you.

Have a nice day.
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Reply Sat 28 May, 2005 01:15 pm
parados wrote:

One is left wondering sometimes what planet you live on Gunga. You can't find a single instance of Clinton selling the Chinese any H-bonb technology. The report by Congress was pretty clear on it.


That's called "denial" or "being in denial" and is easy enough to comprehend in this particular case since the truth would require that the democrat party be outlawed and banned, its leaders rounded up and put in prison.

A fairly reasonable rundown of the scandal known as Chinagate may be found here:


Or you might want to upgrade your education by doing your own google search on 'chinagate" and checking out some of what turns up.
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Bi-Polar Bear
Reply Sat 28 May, 2005 03:08 pm
rayban1 wrote:
Joe wrote:

Better zip up, rayban, your macho is hanging out.

Laughing Something that is sorely lacking in a "circle jerk" of multiculturalist wimps.

We wimps are always on the lookout for a good pivot man for our circle jerks rayban. Welcome aboard.
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Reply Sat 28 May, 2005 03:25 pm
gungasnake wrote:
parados wrote:

One is left wondering sometimes what planet you live on Gunga. You can't find a single instance of Clinton selling the Chinese any H-bonb technology. The report by Congress was pretty clear on it.


That's called "denial" or "being in denial" and is easy enough to comprehend in this particular case since the truth would require that the democrat party be outlawed and banned, its leaders rounded up and put in prison.

A fairly reasonable rundown of the scandal known as Chinagate may be found here:


Or you might want to upgrade your education by doing your own google search on 'chinagate" and checking out some of what turns up.

Denial is what you are doing Gunga.

The Cox report is the complete investigation of all technology acquired by China in the last 30 years. The committee had access to all the classified information of the US govt. Your "columnist" has access to all the conspiracy theory he is willing to let drift through his tinfoil hat. I will take the report created with classified information of what China really has and how they got it over your columnist any day.

By the way, your "columnist" doesn't list any specific technology. He speaks in vague terms and blames Clinton for all gains in Chinese technology. Rather silly since technology isn't controlled by Clinton. The Chinese are perfectly capable of creating and improving their own technology as well as stealing US tech during the Reagan years. By the way, that is what the Cox report lays out. The information to create "suitcase size" bombs was stolen from the US in the late 1980s.
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Reply Sun 29 May, 2005 06:12 am
parados wrote:

The Cox report is the complete investigation...

You clearly don't know anything about the Cox report or you wouldn't be talking about it while trying to defend Slick Klintler and his perverted administration. The report notes that Chinese theft of American military secrets including those pertenant to H-bomb technology continued into the late 90s, i.e. into Slick's administration, while neglecting to mention the obvious difference between Slick's and all previous admins i.e. the fact that previous administrations at least made the effort to prevent such activities while Slicks positively encouraged and abbetted them.

For the benefit of anybody who might have missed it, some of the highlights of that article of Poe's:

When Bill Clinton took office in 1993, China presented little threat to the United States. Chinese missiles "couldn't hit the side of a barn," notes Timothy W. Maier of Insight magazine. Few could reach North America and those that made it would likely miss their targets.


Thanks to Bill Clinton, China can now hit any city in the USA, using state-of-the-art, solid-fueled missiles with dead-accurate, computerized guidance systems and multiple warheads.


China probably has suitcase nukes as well. These enable China to strike by proxy - equipping nuclear-armed terrorists to do their dirty work, while the Chinese play innocent. Some intelligence sources claim that China maintains secret stockpiles of chemical, biological and nuclear weapons on U.S. soil, for just such contingencies.


In 1997, Clinton allowed China to take over the Panama Canal. The Chinese company Hutchison Whampoa leased the ports of Cristobal and Balboa, on the east and west openings of the canal respectively,


thus controlling access both ways. A public outcry


stopped Clinton in 1998 from leasing California's Long Beach Naval Yard to the Chinese firm COSCO.


Even so, China can now strike U.S. targets easily from their bases in Panama, Vancouver and the Bahamas.

How did China catch up so fast? Easy. We sold them all the technology they needed - or handed it over for free. Neither neglect nor carelessness are to blame. Bill Clinton did it on purpose.


As a globalist, Clinton promotes "multipolarity"- the doctrine that no country (such as the USA) should be allowed to gain decisive advantage over others.


To this end, Clinton appointed anti-nuclear activist Hazel O'Leary to head the Department of Energy. O'Leary set to work "leveling the playing field," as she put it, by giving away our nuclear secrets. She declassified 11 million pages of data on U.S. nuclear weapons and loosened up security at weapons labs.


Federal investigators later concluded that China made off with the "crown jewels" of our nuclear weapons research under Clinton's open-door policy - probably including design specifications for suitcase nukes.

Meanwhile, Clinton and his corporate cronies raked in millions.

In his book The China Threat, Washington Times correspondent Bill Gertz describes how the system worked. Defense contractors eager to sell technology to China poured millions of dollars into Clinton's campaign. In return, Clinton called off the dogs. Janet Reno and other counterintelligence officials stood down while Lockheed Martin, Hughes Electronics, Loral Space & Communications and other U.S. companies helped China modernize its nuclear strike force.


"We like your president. We want to see him reelected," former Chinese intelligence chief General Ji Shengde told Chinagate bagman Johnny Chung.


Indeed, Chinese intelligence organized a massive covert operation aimed at tilting the 1996 election Clinton's way.


Clinton's top campaign contributors for 1992 were Chinese agents; his top donors in 1996 were U.S. defense contractors selling missile technology to China.


Clinton recieved funding directly from known or suspected Chinese intelligence agents, among them James and Mochtar Riady who own the Indonesian Lippo Group; John Huang; Charlie Trie; Ted Sioeng; Maria Hsia; Wang Jun and others.


Commerce Secretary Ron Brown served as Clinton's front man in many Chinagate deals. When investigators began probing Brown's Lippo Group and Chinagate connections, Brown died suddenly in a suspicious April 1996 plane crash. [i.e. he became yet another victim of "Arkancide"]


Needless to say, China does not share Clinton's enthusiasm for globalism or multipolarity. The Chinese look out for Number One.


"War [with the United States] is inevitable; we cannot avoid it," said Chinese Defense Minister General Chi Haotian in 2000. "The issue is that the Chinese armed forces must control the initiative in this war."

Bill Clinton has given them a good start.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 29 May, 2005 06:24 am

Federal investigators later concluded that China made off with the "crown jewels" of our nuclear weapons research under Clinton's open-door policy - probably including design specifications for suitcase nukes.

That's something some of the pinkos and demokkrats might want to consider on the day they're parading down the street with their pink sheets over their heads and the whole town, including them, goes up in a mushroom cloud because some a$$hole terrorist cell consisting of three people managed to get their hands on one of these things.

Remember to say:

0 Replies
Joe Nation
Reply Sun 29 May, 2005 06:49 am
What a yuk.

...Lockheed Martin, Hughes Electronics, Loral Space & Communications and other U.S. companies helped China modernize its nuclear strike force.

So the Bush administration moved immediately to sanction those US companies for their improper and illegal actions..... NO?
0 Replies
Walter Hinteler
Reply Sun 29 May, 2005 06:50 am
Since this site is open for 13+, I think, you really should consider for another place to pose, gunga, or get some advice/education in how to use the English language on an open board.
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