Baldimo wrote:They are not paid by the govt so they can indeed bring their personal morals to the job. A private company pays them and the private company can indeed refuse service on a moral basis if they choose. This is a free country and the pharmacy isn't run by the govt except to provide them with a license to distribute drugs.
I work for a cable company and we offer soft porn on a pay-per-view basis. We have the right not to take a call where a person is ordering porn. People can trans the call to a different agent if taking the porn call is against their morals. It doesn't happen often but it does happen. Should that person be fired according to your public service analogy?
No Baldimo, health care providers have a "code of ethics" they have
to follow and are obligated to put their own beliefs aside for the care
of the patient who has first priority.
Selling soft porn to a selected few is not the same as filling a prescription
for a patient whose life might significantly depend on it.
I have a friend with MS and she has gone through a life threatening
pregnancy once, another pregnancy would kill her. Birth control is
essential to her. It is not the pharmacists decision to tell her otherwise.