If evil powers wanted to impose a dictatorship on the United States, how would they do it?
They would do exactly as what is happening now: They would take advantage of a -so called- foreign menace like Muslim terrorism.
I dont say they staged the 9/11 attacks. They are at least taking advantage of it. There are still a lot of questions. Why has Bush blocked an independent investigation of the WTC attack. Why was Kissinger appointed as head of the investigations and why did he resign after a few weeks. To clean up some nasty evidence? Who knows?
Those evil powers also would rely on the "sheep" to vote for the "Patriot Act," increased military expenditures, and the Department of "Homeland Security." Do we really need this? Do u feel more safe now?
The German people voted Hitler into power. Hitler arranged the burning of the Reichstag as an excuse to suspend civil rights. Hitler made his attack on Poland look like a defensive action. Just like Bush now says the attack on Iraq is self-defence.
Muslim militants do not represent a military threat to the United States, or even to Israel. The US is taking Saddam as a lesson to any country that would resist their global dictatorship.
Syria, Iran and Saudi Arabia want to appease George W. but they are NEXT on the hit list. Chamberlain gave Czechoslovakia to Hitler in Munich but that did not diminish Hitler's appetite.
Hitler demanded that Poland yield Danzig and the Polish "corridor" to Germany. From then until five months later on September 1st, when Hitler attacked Poland launching World War II, you did not have to be a smartass to know that German aggression against Poland was going to happen. Neither Hitler's attack on Poland, nor President Bush's planned attack on Iraq can be justified as "self-defence."